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Kayla Chrisley

TWS IV( Whole Class) Students had been working on word problems throughout the year. My class was having a difficult time knowing the necessary methods to use when solving a variety of word problems. Before my lesson as a class we held a math talk on the classroom rug. The discussion was to review the students prior knowledge of what word problems are and ways we know to solve them. I did this to see what students already knew and also to introduce the lesson. During the discussion I showed a music video which reviewed the steps needed to take in order to solve word problems. This was a way to engage students in the lesson and also refresh their minds of word problems. After the video we came back together as a class and discussed some more ways to solve word problems that we learned in the music video. This was a way to see what students knew before any guidance was given then to see if they added any knowledge after the guidance was given. Next time I would have written down what students said at the beginning of the discussion and also after they watched the video. This was I could see if students corrected their selves or gained any new knowledge from the video. During the discussion I also could have had students work in groups or with a partner and discussed word problems. This way I could have a variety of students answer during the discussion rather than the usual student. As a class we worked on a few word problems together. This was done to show students how to implement the steps we learned in order to solve word problems. I had the word problems posted on poster sheets. Next time I think it would be more beneficial to students if the problems were written on the board or shown on the Smart Board. Also for next time I would have students bring their personal white boards to the carpet to work out the problems with their elbow partner and discuss the steps to take when solving the word problem. Then we could review the problems together. During this part of the lesson more communication would always be a positive impact to the lesson. During this lesson the management I used seemed to really benefit the class discussion. Students really seemed to connect to what I wanted out of the discussion and wanted to show me that they were interested. It made for a positive experience. As students went back to their personal desk and worked on a math sheet I walked around and observed the students and gave help when needed. I also gave out cards to the students that had helpful hints to remember when solving the problems. I think this really helped the students when they were solving the problems. Before taking up the math sheet we went over the problems as a class. I had students come up and solve the problem on the board. Not only did they tell the class their answer but I had them explain why they solved it a certain way and what key words let them know which method to use. Students really seemed to benefit from this. If students disagreed on an answer we worked through it together. Students were able to add on to what their peers were saying which encouraged critical thinking and also communication. One task I could have done before students engaged in individual work is walk through each problem but the last one, with the class and have them underling the key words needed to solve the word problems. This way if there was

any confusion students would be able to clear up their understanding before starting the sheet. Partner work would be one major change I would have made in this lesson. This would have benefited students learning I believe and would have encouraged deeper thoughts while discussing. Overall I believe this lesson had a positive impact on my students learning. Seeing them solve word problems now, shows that this lesson was beneficial. Students seem to find it easier to pick out what is needed to know in each problem. Seeing students who have struggled with word problems and now who are exceling in it is an awesome feeling. It is just another way that shows me why I am becoming a teacher. Students were scored using a 1, 2, or 3. This was during the pre, during and post assessments. During the pre-assessment students are discussing with their peers. The students were scored on their discussions and their participation. Most students in the class were very engaged. The post assessment was a math sheet on word problems that is attached at the bottom. Students were asked to read the directions carefully and follow ALL directions. Since this lesson was not a new topic students really needed to follow the directions in order for me to see if they understood what was taught. Students had to underling clue words in a word problem that tells you which method to use and circle the question being asked. If students scored between 90-100 they received a 3, if students scored between 80-90 they received 2 and any scored under 80 scored a 1. Overall I think the students really took a lot out of this lesson. By their pre scores and post scores many students showed increase in their scores. .

Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the Objective(s)

Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7)

Students will solve word problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Pre: During the discussion students will have a chance to share their prior knowledge on word problems. Students will have a chance to add on to what their peers say and questions each other in a respectful manner. I will observe what students know about word problems prior to the lesson. We will mostly talk about

Pre: Discussing with the students their knowledge about word problems and different key words to look for will let me know how much students know. I will adjust my lesson to meet the students needs. If students have a very clear understanding of word problems then we will spend less time on class

clue words to look for when solving word problems. Also what steps students should follow when solving word problems. During: Students will use their white boards to solve word problems that I will present on note card paper. Students will be able to talk to their elbow partner. We will go over these problems as a class, and discuss what clue words told us how to solve the problem. Also students will discuss how they solved the problem. After: Students will head back to their seats and work on a math sheet that I will collect and look over. The sheet will have word problems that students will need to circle the question, underline the clues then set up their work and solve for the answer. Assessment for Objective 2

work and more on independent work. If students understanding in unclear I will adjust my lesson to spend more time on monitored work. During: This is used to refresh the students knowledge on the steps to take when solving a word problem and also the clue words needed to know in order to know which method to use. (addition, subtraction,multiplication) Students will have the chance to work through a couple word problems before we discuss them. I will be observing to see the students process and also offer assistance. After: Students will work independently on a math sheet. The students will need to remember the steps in order to solve a word problem and be able to show that they knew them. Students are able to use the notecard I have provided for assistance. I will take up the math sheets and give students feedback on a later date.

Students 1 2 3 4 5 ( Student A) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (Student C) 14 15 (Student B) 16 17 18 19

Pre 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2

During 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2

Post 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3

Gain 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 -1 1 2 1 -1 2 -1 2 1





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pre 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 During Post

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