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A brief summary of the chapters

Chapter 33 is a recall of what happened a few hours before Curtiss death. On that Saturday morning, Jimmy was over at the Martindales house, playing with Curtis and Cory. They were throwing a baseball to watch the young dog run However, Curtiss behavior was kind of weird and serious. After a while, Curtis handed a ball to Jimmy, and said he had to go and would catch up with Jimmy at night. Jimmy didnt want him go, and suggested he would come down to the store to meet Curtis at the afternoon. Curtis rejected Jimmys idea, and asked him to stay home later. Jimmy was very upset, and cursed at Curtis several times. Despite of that, Curtis still ignored him and walked away. After Curtis left, Jimmy didnt have any mood to play, and he went back home later. When arriving home, he saw his aunt Florence there. They watched the riot news on TV, but Jimmy was not that interested. Instead, he was thinking of his cousin. Eventually, Jimmy fell asleep on the couch. On next morning, Mr. Sakai brought the bad news to them that Curtis was dead. Jimmy was crying and sad. Chapter 34 mainly talks about Jackie and Lanier after the trip. One night, they got together with Rebecca at Jackies apartment. Rebecca who stayed in Tokyo during her childhood made an international call to Akira Matsumoto in Japan. After connecting to Mr. Matsumoto, she gave the phone to Jackie. Jackie told him that she was the granddaughter of Frank, and asked what Matsumoto saw at the store when Curtis was killed. Matsumoto said the killer was not Lawson. In fact, his colleague did it. Also, Matsumoto told them that he was the shooter who shot Lawson. Therefore, he escaped to Japan. Jackie begged him to become a witness to testify, and he accepted. Lanier was tense

after making the call to Tokyo. One day, he wanted to see Thomas, and Jackie tried to prevent him from doing that. However, she failed to do so. Therefore, they followed Thomass car to his house. During the conversation with Thomas, Lanier implied that Thomas was a killer. Then, Lanier fought him and him on the ground. Jackie tried to stop him and they left from Thomass house eventually. Chapter 35 mainly talks about the relationship between Frank and Alma when they were young. At that time, Frank was 22, and Alma was 18. They both lived with their parents, but they dated. When running each other on the street with friends, they pretended hardly knowing each other. One night, Alma asked Frank if he would marry her, but Frank hesitated a little bit. Alma was very upset and mad. Frank tried to explain his hesitation, but Alma eventually left the office. They hadnt seen each other for a couple weeks. Later, when Frank arrived at her house, and tried to tell her that he wanted to marry her, Alma and her mother was gone. Reactions I feel Lanier is a bit reckless to hit the Thomas anyway. It is dropping near to the end of the story. I feel tired of jumping from different time slot. I skipped some of the description of the background that I think is unnecessary to the story. 1. 2 discussion questions. 1) What would have happened if Jimmy went to the store to visit Curtis on that Saturday afternoon? 2) What if Mr. Matsumoto had rejected to come back to America to testify?

1. A brief explanation of your reading process.

Its the final period of the semester, I feel tired to reading so many things at a time. I keep pushing myself to finish it as soon as possible so that I can have

more time on other assignments. Therefore, I finish it early. The reason I choose is that these words are quite 1. 3-5 good words impressive and I like the way they used in the book, so I dropped them down. 1) Demeanor Outward behavior or bearing. 2) Flawless Being entirely without flaw or imperfection. 3) Supplant 1. To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics. 2. To displace and substitute for (another)

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