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Syllabus for Mrs. Parker and Ms.

Gammie (Room 2024)

Social Studies 9 (CP/Honors) US History (1850-1929) Phone !"#-$1$1 %202$ &-'ail (ddress )ane*+ar,er-a++o*,12*de*us

.e/site You can access it through and then follow links to my page.

The expectations for this class are based on the Three Rs: 0es+onsi/le 1or Sel1
Food and Drink Leaving Class

0es+ect1ul o1 2thers

0eady to 3earn*

Only water in plastic bottles is allowed. No other liquid or food is allowed in class. Only for emergencies. No passes given at the beginning or end of class. Students must have their MHS Agenda Book. Students will also sign out and sign back in on the sheet near the door. Note: Please see Mrs. Parker privately with any medical concerns related to this policy.

End of Class Late Arrivals

You are to remain seated until the bell rings. The e pectation is that the room is left neater then when you arrived. Please push chairs under desk and pick!up any trash from the floor as you leave. "e start class at the bell. Once the bell has rung the door will be closed and locked. Please knock lightly and wait patiently if you are late to class. # will answer the door at an appropriate time. $ou must have a pass to enter class if it is to be considered an e cused late. #f you do not have a pass it will be marked as an une cused late. . #t is your responsibility to submit paperwork to attendance to have an absence e cused. ALL ABSE!CES !"# E$C%SED &! e'SCH""L A(E ASS%MED #" BE %!E$C%SED. )ork missed due to an une* used absen e is not eligible for redit +er the distri t grading +oli ,. #ests an not be made u+ for redit -ith an une* used absen e. Per the district grading policy% grades are based on formative &'()* and summative &+()* grades. ,ormative grades are reflective of student progress towards knowledge of the standards. This may include but is not limited to- homework% class work% participation% etc. Summative grades are used to measure the degree to which a standard has been attained. This may include but is not limited to- tests% essays% pro/ects% rubric scored presentations and writings% etc. 0ach student1s total is averaged with the total points available. 2rades and grade summaries are available via home access and upon request. Participation is noted daily. 3redit for participation is noted as being active and engaged in learning during the class period. No credit will be earned for absenteeism% disruptions% and disciplinary actions. 4e aware that several assignments will have specific participation requirements as part of the rubric for grading.

Absen es


Missed )ork

5 summary of the past week1s work is posted in the classroom. 5ll class material is also posted on my website. #t is your responsibility to check both after each absence to see what you missed. 5ny paperwork that was distributed during your absence will be available to you for one week in the hanging files on the student table% as well as on the website for the entire semester. 5gain% it is your responsibility to get the materials. Missed and tests are to be made!up within one week. #nformation concerning dates for make!up qui..es6tests will be noted in the classroom. #t is your responsibility to check the dates and schedule a time to make!up the assessment with me.

Late )ork

"ork is considered late when it is not submitted at the designated day6time &usually at the start of class*. #f an assignment is late is must be handed directly to Mrs. Parker. 7nless otherwise specified% 8ate Process work earn 9() of the highest grade possible. 8ate Product work drops one letter grade for each day late. "ork can be submitted for only a limited time. P85N 533O:;#N28$ and use your agenda book to note due dates% which are pre!announced and posted in the room.

Materials !eeded For Su ess in /th .rade So ial Studies

One three ring binder with plenty of paper &tabs are optional* Plenty of pens and pencils Portable hole puncher ! recommended <ighlighters% colored pencils and6or twistable crayons ! recommended 7S4 flash drive ! recommended

Course "vervieThe goals of this course are to=. gain a clearer understanding of 7S <istory between the mid!=>((1s to the =?@(1sA @. demonstrate your knowledge of the material through effective writing and verbal skills &be prepared to give opinions about any topic that is being covered in class*A and '. understand your role as a citi.en of the 7S and the importance of critically e amining global events. The nine units of study that make!up the ninth grade Social Studies curriculum includeFirst/Third Marking Period 3ivil "ar- Sectionalism and "ar &review* :econstruction "estward 0 pansion #mmigration Second/Fourth Marking Period #ndustriali.ation Progressivism #mperialism "orld "ar # Post "orld "ar # &=?@(s* Final Exam (cumulative to beginning of class

0LEASE !"#E1 ;ue to block scheduling this course moves fastB We will have major unit tests approximately every two to three weeks. ;uring each unit there will also be a variety of assignments and pro/ects assigned. #t is e tremely important to stay organi.ed and aware of upcoming due datesB "e will provide you with information and dates in a timely matter% but it is your responsibility to stay organi.edB "e also regularly connect historical events studied with the current news of today. There is some overlap in our studiesA many events studied will occur concurrently with activities6events studied in other units. One of our tasks will be to understand how they are connected to one another.

:evised >6@'6@(='

5ny ideas what these pictures representC

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