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College of Southern Idaho

Teacher Education Program Student Questionnaire Name: Adriana Sanchez Major:

(if ou are a secondar education major! "lease identif the su#ject area! e$g$! Secondar Ed%Math&

Elementar Education CSI 'raduation (ate: (ecem#er )*+, -a.e ou a""lied for CSI graduation/ Not et$ I 0ill 0hen 1all )*+, #egins$ Transfer Institution: Idaho State 2ni.ersit Transfer (ate: S"ring )*+3 -a.e ou com"leted transfer a""lication materials/ No! not et! #ut 0ill #e in the "rocess$ 4e 0ould li5e to contact ou in the future$ Please "ro.ide the follo0ing: Address: 6,7 Quinc St Cit 8 State: T0in 1alls! I( 9i" code: 7::*+ Phone: )*7$,+*$3):3 Email: sanchezad;tfsd$org

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