13-12-07 Holiday Toy Exchange

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Northampton DPW Reuse Committees

CLeAn, GentLY-Used tOYs wILL be cOLLected frOm the pUbLIc
in the parking lot of the Northampton Senior Center, 67 Conz St.
Dolls * Action gures * Books & games * Puzzles * Building & learning toys * Model & Arts/crafts kits * Musical instruments * Cars & trucks * Outdoor toys & structures * Electronic toys * Stuffed animals * Sports equipment & bicycles * Video games & DVDs * Baby & preschool toys

5-8 PM On FrIdAY, December 6 And 8-9 AM On SAtUrdAY, December 7

Please - no dirty, broken or incomplete toys!

Collected items will be made available to the public free of charge at from 10AM-Noon on Saturday morning. Toy donors will be admitted at 9am. For details visit www.northamptonma.gov/dpw/recycling or call 413-587-1059.

Clean, gently-used infant & youth outerwear will also be collected for local children: coats, snowpants, hats & mittens.
Remaining toys will be donated to the Salvation Army of Springeld.MA Dept. of Early Education & Care & The Northampton Senior Center. 3278840

Tis the Season to Share, Reduce & Reuse!

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11/22/2013 11:33:21 AM

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