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Solving Equations Unit

_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Overview Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-SSE.A.1 Interpret expressions that represent a quantit in ter!s o" its #ontext$ CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-SSE.A.1a Interpret parts o" an expression% su#h as ter!s% "a#tors% an& #oe""i#ients CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-SSE.A.1' Interpret #o!pli#ate& expressions ' viewing one or !ore o" their parts as a single entit . CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-(EI.A.1 Explain ea#h step in solving a si!ple equation as "ollowing "ro! the equalit o" nu!'ers asserte& at the previous step% starting "ro! the assu!ption that the original equation has a solution. Constru#t a via'le argu!ent to )usti" a solution !etho&. CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-(EEI.*.+ Solve linear equations an& inequalities in one varia'le% in#lu&ing equations with #oe""i#ients represente& ' letters. CCSS.Math.Content.HS,-*,.A.1 -rite a "un#tion that &es#ri'es a relationship 'etween two quantities. Objectives: ./- 'e a'le to solve equations that #ontain one varia'le with 1001 a##ura# . ./- 'e a'le to express the relationship 'etween two quantities as a linear equation an& will 'e a'le to graph the relationship with 231 a##ura# . ./- 'e a'le to use su'stitution to &eter!ine whether a given nu!'er is a solution o" an inequalit an& represent their solutions on a nu!'er line with 241 a##ura# . ./- 'e a'le to solve real worl& pro'le!s ' writing equations an& inequalities with 201 a##ura# . Assessments:

.hroughout the Equations an& Inequalities unit% I will present the stu&ents with several &i""erent assess!ents an& liste& 'elow are a "ew 5e assess!ents that I will use. 1. 6re-assess!ents a. I will han& out a s!all qui7 that as5s stu&ents to solve "or a varia'le in alge'rai# equations% represent a stor pro'le! as a alge'rai# equation% an& to graph values given in a ta'le. -hen the stu&ents are "inishe&% I will as5 what stu&ents thought the answer to ea#h pro'le! was an& we will &is#uss the answers as a #lass. .his will help !e in &eter!ining how in &epth I nee& to go into ! instru#tion% an& it will help the stu&ents ' shi"ting their thought pro#esses towar&s the right line o" thin5ing as we 'egin our lessons. 8/esson 19 :. ,or!ative Assess!ents a. All the &i""erent "or!ative assess!ents #an 'e turne& in again "or hal" o" the #re&it the lost i" "or ea#h question the answere& in#orre#tl the answer the "ollowing questions; <-hat !ista5e was !a&e=>% <-hat rule or propert sa s this is a !ista5e=>% <-hat are the #orre#t steps=>% <State the #orre#t answer=>. .hese assess!ents will #ount towar&s an en& o" the se!ester port"olio whi#h will a##uratel show the i!prove!ent in the un&erstan&ing o" !aterial as the se!ester went on. .he ,or!ative Assess!ents "or this unit are; i. A short wor5sheet that has :0 pro'le!s involving "in&ing the solution to single varia'le alge'rai# equations an& having the stu&ent write &own a question "or the next #lass. .he question #an either 'e "ro! the previous lesson% "ro! a ho!ewor5 question% or a #on#ept that the &on?t quite un&erstan&. 8/esson 19 ii. Stu&ents will 'e given a ver si!ilar wor5sheet to the one the were given at the en& o" lesson 1 to #o!plete. .he wor5 sheet will 'e a #o!'ination o" One-Step an& Multi-step alge'rai# pro'le!s "or stu&ents to pra#ti#e solving. 8/esson :9 iii. Stu&ents will 'e given a wor5sheet with :0 pro'le!s involving solving equations when the varia'le is on 'oth si&es o" the equation. -here the pro'le!s will in#rease in &i""i#ult through questions 1 through 1@.

.hen "or questions 12 an& :0% there will 'e two stor pro'le!s where the stu&ents nee& to write out their own equation where there are varia'les on 'oth si&es o" the equation. 8/esson +9 iv. Stu&ents will 'e given a wor5sheet that has :0 pro'le!s relating to solving literal equations an& "or!ulas. .hese questions will as5 stu&ents to !anipulate the equations so that the #an isolate a varia'le. .his will 'e &one without su'stituting an nu!'ers into the varia'les. 8/esson A9 v. Stu&ents will 'e given a wor5sheet that has 10 stor pro'le!s on it. .he stu&ents% !ust re#ogni7e whether the stor pro'le! is as5ing the! to write a nor!al equation% one with varia'les on 'oth si&es o" the equation% or i" the nee& to #reate a literal equation. 8/esson 49 +. Su!!ative Assess!ent a. .he "inal assess!ent will have questions involving solving one-step% !ulti-step% equations with varia'les on 'oth si&es% an& literal equations. .his assess!ent will help !e &o#u!ent how !u#h the stu&ents have learne& over the unit an& see i" an o" the topi#s require !e to retea#h the!. Accommodations .hese lessons will 'e taught within a general e&u#ation #lassroo!. -ithin the lessons% wor& usage will 'e 5e . I !ust 'e #autious to use the right wor&s to &es#ri'e so!ething I a! tal5ing a'out. .o &es#ri'e so!ething with the in#orre#t vo#a'ular woul& #on"use the stu&ents. Stu&ents will also have the opportunit to resu'!it "or!ative assess!ents "ollowing the spe#i"ie& "or!at. .here"ore i" a stu&ent is struggling to get the !aterial one &a an& &oesn?t &o well on a assess!ent% he will have the opportunit to #orre#t his !ista5es an& learn "ro! the!. Unit Sequence .his unit will 'e taught in a'out B s#hool &a s. /esson 1 !a ta5e aroun& : &a s to #o!plete 'e#ause it is the 'ase topi# "ro! whi#h all the other topi#s will exten& "ro! so I wish to !a5e sure that all stu&ents have a !aster o" it. /esson : an& lesson + will ta5e : &a s. /esson A will ta5e : &a s 'ut the &a s will 'e split up 'e#ause o" the wee5en&. So that gives stu&ents an opportunit to loo5 over past wor5

an& #orre#t it an& turn it in on Mon&a "or "ull #re&it 8the resu'!itting woul& 'e ex#ellent stu& ti!e9 an& we will go over an questions stu&ents !a have on Mon&a . .ues&a will 'e the Su!!ative Assess!ent. Technology -ithin the lessons I will use the te#hnolog resour#es that I have within the #lassroo!. ,or instan#e% I have a pro)e#tor that will pro)e#t what is on the #o!puter s#reen on to the "ront 'oar& "or all the stu&ents to see. ,ro! here I #an #reate a variet o" presentations to help !o&el the learning o')e#tives.

/esson 6lans
_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Lesson One $*e"ore I start the unit I will present stu&ents with a pre-assess!ent that the will wor5 through the "irst 4 !inutes o" #lass. A"ter the 4 !inutes is up we will &e&i#ate% at !ost% the next 10 !inutes to going over the answers that stu&ents arrive& at. I. *ehavioral *en#h!ar5 CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-SSE.A.1a Interpret parts o" an expression% su#h as ter!s% "a#tors% an& #oe""i#ients

II. *ehavioralCO')e#tive A. -e are going to tea#h the stu&ents how to solve a one varia'le alge'rai# equation. .his is i!portant 'e#ause it is the !ost 'asi# "or! o" alge'ra that #an 'e solve& an& we will 'e a'le to expan& "ro! this to solve !ore #o!plex alge'rai# equations. *. Stu&ents at the en& o" the lesson will 'e a'le to solve one-step alge'rai# equations. C. .his will 'e !easure& "ro! a pra#ti#e that will 'e turne& in at the en& o" #lass so that we will 'e a'le to assess how well the stu&ents un&erstoo& the topi#s #overe& in #lass. III. Anti#ipator Set A. .o generate interest we will have stu&ents #o!plete the "ollowing a#tivit % in or&er to get the stu&ents thin5ing a'out the topi# on han&. -e will have + stu&ents stan& on one si&e o" the roo! an& then have B other stu&ents stan& on the other si&e o" the roo!. -e will as5 the stu&ents then i" the nu!'er o" stu&ents on 'oth si&es o" the #lassroo! equal an& how !an !ore stu&ents &o we nee& to a&& or ta5e awa "ro! what si&e to !a5e the si&es equal= *. .he 'ell wor5 will relate what we #overe& in Chapter B to what we are a'out to #over in Chapter @. C. .he 'ell wor5 will have a pra#ti#e pro'le! "ro! Chapter B in or&er to have the stu&ents pra#ti#e so!ething alrea& 5nown. ID. O')e#tiveC6urpose ./- 'e a'le to solve equations that #ontain one varia'le with 1001 a##ura# .

D. Input A. .as5 Anal sis 1. .he learner will nee& to re#all in"or!ation "ro! previous !ath #ourses in or&er to "ollow what we hope to a##o!plish in this #lass. :. -e will start the #lass with a pre-assess!ent to &eter!ine how in &etail the "ollowing su')e#ts will nee& to 'e explaine&. A"ter the pre-assess!ent% we will &o the anti#ipator set% highlighting the i&ea o" solving alge'rai# equations. .hen we will present the #on#epts #overe& in Chapter :.1 through a presentation on the s!art-'oar&% perio&i#all #he#5ing un&erstan&ing with gui&e& pra#ti#e pro'le!s that are in#orporate& into the presentation. In or&er to assure no stu&ent gets #alle& on !ore than other stu&ents or vi#e versa% na!e #ar&s will 'e pulle& in or&er to !a5e sure that all stu&ents are "ollowing along with

the !aterial. +. At the en& o" the lesson% stu&ents will 'e #alle& on to assess how well the un&erstan& the !aterial 'e"ore allowing the! to wor5 on their ho!ewor5. *. .hin5ing /evels 1. Enowle&ge - is &e!onstrate& in the anti#ipator set with how !u#h the #an re#all "ro! previous lessons. :. Co!prehension - Stu&ents will nee& to un&erstan& what steps the #an ta5e when the are wor5ing towar&s a solution using alge'ra. +. Appli#ation - will use their newl a#quire& 5nowle&ge at the en& o" #lass as the go through the pra#ti#e at the en& o" the se#tion. 4. S nthesis - Stu&ents will nee& to #reate their own question that the have "ro! the lesson "or ho!ewor5 to 'ring in the next &a . C. /earning St les an& A##o!!o&ations 1.Disual learners will 'ene"it "ro! the use o" the pro)e#tor. A##o!!o&ations will 'e !a&e at the en& pra#ti#e when stu&ents are allowe& to wor5 in groups on the pra#ti#e. F. Metho& an& Materials 1. -e will use a s!art-'oar& presentation to present the !aterial to the stu&ents an& will also nee& a##ess to the internet. :. Materials nee&e& are pro)e#tor an& 'oo5s. DI. Mo&eling A. -e will 'e showing the stu&ents wh alge'rai# steps wor5 the wa the &o an& wh #ertain steps woul& not wor5 when solving "or a solution. *. -e will explain to stu&ents what their goal is when solving an alge'rai# equation an& show the! the steps ne#essar when loo5ing "or a solution. C. Disual input will 'e given "ro! the 6re7i &ispla e& on the pro)e#tor while we are le#turing. F. Stu&ents will 'e #alle& on through the use o" na!e #ar&s throughout the le#ture to !a5e sure all are pa ing attention an& no one is "alling 'ehin&. DII. Che#5ing "or Un&erstan&ing A. Sa!ple o" questions; -hat else &o we &o i" we su'tra#t + "ro! one si&e o" the equation= -hat are we loo5ing "or in this pro'le!= -hat is our "irst step= *. -e will 'e #alling on stu&ents through the use o" na!e #ar&s to "in& out where we are in the un&erstan&ing o" the !aterial. C. -e will also "requentl as5 the #lass i" there are an questions so "ar.

DIII. Gui&e& 6ra#ti#e A. -e will o""er stu&ents the #han#e to tr "or the!selves how well the un&erstan& the !aterial ' pra#ti#ing solving equations in the #lassroo!. *. -e will !o&el the wa to "in& a solution "irst% we will then have stu&ents help us in solving a pro'le!% then we will have stu&ents wor5 on pro'le!s while we help% an& then we will have the stu&ents wor5 on their own on the pro'le!s. IH. In&epen&ent 6ra#ti#e A. Stu&ents will 'e allowe& to wor5 in groups on the pra#ti#e at the en& o" #lass. *. Stu&ents will 'e assigne& a ver 'rie" ho!ewor5 assign!ent that involves solving twent pro'le!s "or the solution o" a varia'le an& a "inal question where the stu&ents nee& to #o!e up with a question to present to the #lass the next &a . 8A question on a pro'le!% on the lesson% or on a #on#ept9 H. Closure A. Stu&ents will !o&el how to solve equations on the s!art-'oar& an& #o!plete the ho!ewor5 assign!ent *. .ea#hers re"le#t on the lesson% what went well what &i&n?t= -hat woul& we #hange i" we were to tea#h the lesson over again= HI. (esear#h Solving Equations; Stu&ents? Alge'rai# .hin5ing ' ; Chris /insell http;!Curl= saItJr#tI)JqIJesr#IsJsour#eIwe'J#&I2Jve&I0CHMK,)AIJurlIhtt p1+A1:,1:,www:.n7!aths.#o.n71:,Lu!era# 1:,(e"eren#es 1:,#o!p0B1:,snpreport0B_linsell.p&"JeiISStAUu- *A.s:w-h1oFw *AJusgIA,K)CLGgFx.MSEiB64l2MF+A:M4a#37.NAJsig:ItUMsUHM.:2 3A!ow@O6Eh@KJ'v!I'v.44@12AAA%&.':I

Lesson 3

I. enchmar!" Standard: CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-(EI.A.1 Explain ea#h step in solving a si!ple equation as "ollowing "ro! the equalit o" nu!'ers asserte& at the previous step% starting "ro! the assu!ption that the original equation has a solution. Constru#t a via'le argu!ent to )usti" a solution !etho&. II. Objective: a. -hen stu&ents are given a equation where there are varia'les on 'oth si&es o" the equation% stu&ents will 'e a'le to solve "or the varia'le. '. .his gives stu&ents a 'etter un&erstan&ing that !oving ter!s "ro! one si&e o" the equation to the other si&e &oesn?t have to )ust 'e #on"ine& to the nu!'ers 'ut to the varia'les as well. #. .his will 'e !easure& using pra#ti#e pro'le!s. III. Antici#atory Set: a. In or&er to generate interest% we will put up a pro'le! that stu&ents will have seen 'e"ore in or&er to test the #on"i&en#e stu&ents have "ro! the previous lessons. '. Stu&ents will nee& to re#all their previous 5nowle&ge regar&ing equivalen# an& solving alge'rai# equations. #. .his a#tivit helps stu&ents pra#ti#e prior s5ills as well as help #onne#t this lesson to so!ething the have alrea& seen. I$. %ur#ose: ./- 'e a'le to solve "or a varia'le i" there are varia'les on 'oth si&es o" the equation 201 o" the ti!e.

$. In#ut: a. .as5 anal sis; 1. .he learner nee&s to 'e a'le to re#all previous 5nowle&ge a'out solving alge'rai# equations. :. .he "irst 10 !inutes will 'e use& to &o an& go over the anti#ipator set. .he !i&&le +4 !inutes o" #lass will 'e spent wor5ing through the le#ture using a s!art-'oar& presentation. .here will 'e in&epen&ent pra#ti#e 'uilt into this lesson. .he last 4 !inutes will 'e given "or stu&ents to #o!plete the re"le#tion. '. .hin5ing levels; 1. Enowle&ge; Enowle&ge o" the &e"initions was require&

when stu&ents ha& to use their own un&erstan&ing o" varia'les an& alge'rai# expression to wor5 through the pro'le!s in #lass. :. Co!prehension; .his will 'e seen in the gui&e& pra#ti#e when stu&ents are as5e& to help us solve the pro'le!s on the 'oar&. +. Appli#ation; Seen when stu&ents were as5e& to solve the pra#ti#e pro'le!s with a partner using their own 5nowle&ge an& un&erstan&ing o" the topi#. 3. Evaluation o##urre& when stu&ents explaine& the i!portan#e o" the lesson in their re"le#tion. #. /earning St les; Disual learners will get to o'serve pra#ti#e pro'le!s on the 'oar& &one as a #lass. Interpersonal learners an& those nee&ing !ore help will get help when the wor5 together in s!all groups. &. Metho&sC Materials; 1. -or5sheets "or stu&ents to #o!plete "or ho!ewor5. :. Co!puter% internet% an& pro)e#tor will 'e nee&e&. $I. &odeling: a. -al5 through exa!ples given. '. -or5 through gui&e& pra#ti#e with stu&ents as5ing "or their input an& assistan#e in solving. $II. 'hec!ing (or Understanding: a. .here will 'e ti!es !ixe& in with the lesson where the stu&ents will 'e given a 'rie" ti!e to tr an& solve a "ew pro'le!s ' the!selves. At this ti!e I will 'e a'le to #ir#ulate the roo! an& help an stu&ents who nee& extra explanation. '. As stu&ents are wor5ing on the in&epen&ent wor5 given to the! in #lass% I will 'e a'le to #ir#ulate an& assist an one who !a nee& help. $III. )uided %ractice: a. Stu&ents will 'e allowe& to wor5 in groups to get starte& on their ho!ewor5. '. .he initial part o" the lesson will let the stu&ents "ollow along as exa!ples are wor5e& through as a #lass.

#. .he tea#her will 'e wal5ing aroun& the #lassroo! rea&il availa'le to answer an questions a stu&ent !a have. I*. Inde#endent %ractice: Allowing the stu&ents to wor5 through the wor5sheet at the en& will help stu&ents see i" the #an wor5 together towar&s un&erstan&ing the !aterial 'etter. .he "inal two questions on the wor5sheet will as5 "or !ore o" higher *loo!?s questions to !a5e sure that stu&ents un&erstan& the !aterial.

*. 'losure Stu&ents will have "ive !inutes to re"le#t on the &a ?s lesson an& the i!portan#e o" the &a ?s lesson. *I. +esearch Alge' http;CCwww.alge'rahelp.#o!ClessonsCequation'! Solving Equations; Stu&ents? Alge'rai# .hin5ing ' ; Chris /insell http;!Curl= saItJr#tI)JqIJesr#IsJsour#eIwe'J#&I2Jve&I0CHMK,)AIJurlIhtt p1+A1:,1:,www:.n7!aths.#o.n71:,Lu!era# 1:,(e"eren#es 1:,#o!p0B1:,snpreport0B_linsell.p&"JeiISStAUu- *A.s:w-h1oFw *AJusgIA,K)CLGgFx.MSEiB64l2MF+A:M4a#37.NAJsig:ItUMsUHM.:2 3A!ow@O6Eh@KJ'v!I'v.44@12AAA%&.':I

Lesson 3 I. enchmar!" Standard: CCSS.Math.Content.HS,-*,.A.1 -rite a "un#tion that &es#ri'es a relationship 'etween two quantities. II. Objective: a. Given an equation #o!pletel !a&e up o" varia'les% stu&ents will 'e a'le to !anipulate the equation in or&er to isolate one varia'le that the are intereste& in solving. '. Un&erstan&ing how to !anipulate equations that are !a&e #o!pletel o" varia'les helps stu&ents prepare "or !ore #o!pli#ate& equations where it is easier to !anipulate the varia'les "irst% 'e"ore su'stituting in the nu!'ers. #. .his will 'e !easure& using pra#ti#e pro'le!s "ro! the 'oo5. III. Antici#atory Set: a. In or&er to have stu&ents gain interest% stu&ents will parti#ipate in a <,igure It Out> wor5sheet supplie& ' the 'oo5. .he wor5sheet wal5s the stu&ents through how to isolate a &ensit #oe""i#ient in a equation so that the #an "in& the !ass o" an o')e#t. .his is intro&u#ing the stu&ents to what the are &oing in #lass without a#tuall telling the! what the are &oing. I$. %ur#ose: ./- 'e a'le to #orre#tl !anipulate an equation @41 o" the ti!e. $. In#ut: a. .as5 anal sis; 1. .he learner nee&s to 'e a'le to re#all previous 5nowle&ge a'out su'stituting an& evaluating expressions. :. .he "irst :0 !inutes will 'e use& to &o the anti#ipator set. .he !i&&le +4 !inutes o" #lass will 'e spent wor5ing through the le#ture using a s!art'oar& to wor5 through explaining the purpose o" the lesson to the stu&ents% an& to provi&e a goo& !e&iu! to #o!plete the gui&e& pra#ti#e. .here will 'e in&epen&ent pra#ti#e 'uilt into the le#ture. .he last 4 !inutes will 'e given "or stu&ents to #o!plete the re"le#tion. '. .hin5ing levels;

1. Enowle&ge; Enowle&ge o" the &e"initions was require& when stu&ents ha& to use their own un&erstan&ing o" varia'les an& alge'rai# equations to wor5 through the pro'le!s pose& in the anti#ipator set. :. Co!prehension; .his will 'e seen in the gui&e& pra#ti#e when stu&ents are as5e& to help us solve the pro'le!s on the 'oar&. +. Appli#ation; Stu&ents will 'e a'le to see how this !etho& woul& 'e applie& "ro! the <,igure It Out> wor5sheet an& "ro! the ho!ewor5 that will 'e assigne& at the en& o" #lass. 3. Evaluation o##urre& when stu&ents explaine& the i!portan#e o" the lesson in their re"le#tion. #. /earning St les; Disual learners will get to o'serve pra#ti#e pro'le!s on the 'oar& &one as a #lass. Interpersonal learners an& those nee&ing !ore help will get help when the wor5 together in s!all groups on the anti#ipator set. &. Metho&sC Materials; 1. -or5sheets "or stu&ents to #o!plete "or ho!ewor5. :. Co!puter%s!art 'oar&% internet% an& pro)e#tor will 'e nee&e&. $I. &odeling: a. ,ollow the I &o--Oou wat#h% I &o--Oou help% Oou &o-- I help% Oou &o--I wat#h !etho&olog . -or5ing on the gra&ual release o" responsi'ilit an& tr ing to get stu&ents to ta5e the little !o&eling that the !a see an& 'e a'le to use that towar&s solving their own pro'le!s. '. -or5 through gui&e& pra#ti#e with stu&ents as5ing "or their input an& assistan#e in solving. #. Disual input will 'e a##ounte& "or ' having line graphs within the presentation. .hese line graphs will 'e a'le to show the learners the in"initel !an solutions that the stu&ents #oul& have. $II. 'hec!ing (or Understanding: a. Allowing the stu&ents to wor5 through the pra#ti#e pro'le!s on their own will help !e #he#5 how !u#h the un&erstan& o" the lesson.

'. Stu&ents wor5 on the pra#ti#e pro'le!s will let !e see who still nee&s !ore help. $III. )uided %ractice: a. .he pra#ti#e pro'le!s will give stu&ents a #han#e to wor5 through their pro'le!s on their own while having a tea#her or peers aroun& to assist with the stu&ents un&erstan&ing when a stu&ents gets lost. '. .he initial part o" the lesson will let the stu&ents "ollow along as exa!ples are wor5e& through as a #lass. I*. Inde#endent %ractice: Stu&ents will 'e given a wor5sheet that has :0 pro'le!s relating to isolating a varia'le in literal equations. .he stu&ents will 'e as5e& to isolate a varia'le in 1@ o" the pro'le!s. .he re!aining : questions will as5 the stu&ents to resear#h an& "in& their own literal equations so!ewhere out in the real-worl&. *. 'losure Stu&ents will have "ive !inutes to re"le#t on the &a ?s lesson an& the i!portan#e o" the &a ?s lesson. *I. +esearch Solving an Equation http;CCho!e.avvanta.#o!CP!athCalge'!l

S#oring Gui&es
_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 6re-assess!ents; -.he pre-assess!ent will not 'e gra&e&. .he purpose o" the preassess!ent was to get an i&ea o" how !u#h o" the su')e#t the stu&ents alrea& 5now an& to get their !in&s thin5ing with a #o!!on goal in !in&.

,or!ative Assess!ents; -.he "or!ative assess!ents will 'e gra&e& on #o!pletion. Stu&ents will han& in the "or!ative assess!ents an& on#e the get the! 'a#5 a 5e will 'e !a&e availa'le to the! online. Stu&ents will then 'e a'le to #he#5 their answers in their own ti!e an& 'e a'le to #orre#t an !ista5es that were !a&e as well as !a5e #on#eptual #orre#tions to their un&erstan&ing. Su!!ative Assess!ent; -.he su!!ative assess!ent will in#orporate all o" the topi#s that was #overe& in the unit. It will 'e worth a !axi!u! o" 40 points. I" stu&ents &i& not &o well on it% it is ! responsi'ilit to re#ogni7e what the &i& poorl in an& to !a5e ne#essar a&)ust!ents to help the! learn the !aterial

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