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2550 E Valley Pkwy #50 Escondido, CA 92027 760.522.6907 rebeccagray22 aol.co! EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Emphasis !eal"h Science Cali%ornia &'a'e (ni)ersi'y &an *arcos, &an *arcos, CA C+!+la'i)e ,rade Poin' A)erage- $.67 Rele#an" Co$rse%or& Ana'o!y . P/ysiology C+l'+ral An'/ro1ology Psyc/ology 3iology o% E!erging "iseases E4ercise 6+'ri'ion 2eal'/ Pro!o'ion . Ed+ca'ion 2eal'/ . 2+!an "e)elo1!en' C+l'+ral . *edical An'/ro1ology 2eal'/ . "r+g Ed+ca'ion

"ece!ber 20#$

0ral Co!!+nica'ion 2+!an 3iology E4ercise 5i'ness . 2eal'/ 0rganic C/e!is'ry E1ide!iology *o'or Con'rol . 7earning E4ercise P/ysiology 3ioe'/ics . *edical E'/ics *eas+re!en' . E)al+a'ion in 8inesiology

!ONORS AND A'ARDS "ean9s 2onor 7is', 6 se!es'ers, Cali%ornia &'a'e (ni)ersi'y &an *arcos ,ood &'anding ,PA 5all 200: &e!es'er 5all 20#$ &e!es'er ;o'ary Cl+b Award- &er)ice Abo)e &el% CO((UNITY SER)ICE "ona'e "on9' "+!1 7ead <n'ern 0)ersaw bi=weekly %ood dis'rib+'ions a' '/e &+!!i' C/+rc/ in &an *arcos w/ic/ enabled /+ndreds o% s'+den's and elderly 1ersons 'o collec' n+'ri'io+s, %res/ 1rod+ce Ed+ca'ed '/e 1+blic o% '/e iss+e o% /+nger in A!erica and '/e da'es o% %ood dis'rib+'ions +sing social !edia >5acebook, <ns'agra!, ?wi''er@ Clinical Career E4'ender Palo!ar Po!erado 2eal'/ Assis'ed 1a'ien's wi'/ ac'i)i'ies o% daily li)ing on '/e *edical=&+rgical %loor Aided wi'/ '/e ra1id ad!ission o% 1a'ien's in'o '/e Pos' Anes'/esia Care (ni' 'o A+ickly begin 1os'= o1era'i)e care 'ORK E*+ERIENCE Ann ?aylor 7o%' &ales Associa'e Vic'oria9s &ecre' C+s'o!er &ales Associa'eC7ead 7i%e Care Cen'er Cer'i%ied 6+rsing Assis'an' 5res/ . Easy Cas/ 0%%ice Assis'an' SKI,,S *icroso%' Dord, E4cel, PowerPoin' &P&& >&'a'is'ical Package %or '/e &ocial &ciences@ ,<& >,eogra1/ic <n%or!a'ion &ys'e!@ Debsi'e "esign B+ne 20#$ 1resen' 0c'ober 20#0 1resen' B+ne 20#0 0c'ober 20#0 B+ly 200: Ban+ary 20#0

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