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Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting Minutes Saturday, January 26, 2013 Doors opened at noon, dues were collected, and refreshments were offered. There were approximately 105 residents in attendance. Guest speaker Our guest speaker from Sarasota County was unable to participate at this meeting. At 1pm, Ed Damgaard led the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Presidents Report Joe Fitzgerald called the meeting to order and established that we had a quorum. He asked for a moment of silence for deceased members of the past year. He welcomed new members: Craig and Joanne Jordan, Stan Bentley, and David and Judy Burkhart. Joe thanked the Board Members for all the work that they have done over the past year and introduced them to the members. He especially thanked Marlene for researching the past records in search of any street information that was available. Street Report One Lane Streets Joe explained that the Sarasota Services Mgr. could not attend and therefore he proceeded to update the residents the outcome of the one lane streets. He confirmed that Caples, Acacia and Carolina were county owned but nonmaintained. Ulrey St. was never platted, No. Boundary was a private road with the road going through residents property and Lord was a private road owned by Bay Vista Boulevard Association. Joe outlined the research that the Board and County has done starting from the builder to the present (researching stored BVBA records, various emails, approximately 30 conversations, title searches by the county and meetings with county leaders. Joe explained the process of setting up a Special Tax District. The county would pave the ! streets, lend the cost of repaving to the affected property owners on the ! streets and establish a tax assessment over the term of 510 years. For example, if the cost of repaving the street in front of a home costs $1,000.00, the county would require that the property to be taxed $100.00 a year if the assessments duration is 10 years. Lord Street could be quit claimed back to the county and its status would then become county owned but non-maintained. Meetings will be set up with property owners on each ! street.

Joe throughout his report stressed we are One Community Secretaries Report Marlene Damgaard read the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on January 28, 2012. She asked for additions and/or corrections, hearing none the minutes were approved as read. Treasurers Report Marilee Heider read the Bay Vista Boulevard Association Cash Flow for 2012. Our beginning balance on 1/01/2012 was $5,092.11 and ending bank balance on 12/31/12 was $3,616.80. She indicated that all invoices through Dec. 31, 2012 were paid. She then presented the 2013 budget of $3,430.00 and each line item was explained. The budget passed unanimously. Vote on Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. Article 1 Name and Purpose of Corporation Joe read the new language as follows, and to enforce any and all restrictions contained in the Amended and Restated Declaration of Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. and these By-Laws of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. as amended from time to time. A Motion was called for. It was properly moved by Jan Barrett and seconded by Ed Damgaard to accept the new language. Motion passed unanimously by the members. Article ll Members The following language was deleted or refuses or fails to pay the annual dues as established hereafter. A motion was called for. It was properly moved by Mel Barlow and seconded by Don Smith to accept the language as deleted. Motion passed unanimously by the members. (In summary, every property owner is a member of BVBA but only those that are current with their dues have voting rights. ) Article lll Dues Article lll of the By-Laws is amended as follows: new language The benefits associated with being a Member may be suspended by the Association, which would include suspending an owners right to vote on matters of the Association, for an owners failure to pay the annual dues. Upon payment in full of all amounts owed, the suspension shall be lifted.

A motion as called for. It was properly moved by Ed Damgaard and seconded by Don Smith to add the language. Motion passed unanimously by the members. A new article shall be added to the By-Laws as follows: Article Xll Enforcement Each member and the Association shall be governed by and shall comply with the provisions of the Amended and Restated Declarations of Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. and the By-Laws of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. as amended from time to time. Actions for failure to comply with the restrictions of the community may be brought by the Association or by an owner. In any legal proceeding, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover attorneys fees and costs incurred at any level of the action, including efforts taken prior to filing a lawsuit, during any pending legal action and/or lawsuit and at the appellate level. A motion was called for. It was properly moved by Frank White and seconded by Jay Goldman to add the Article into the bylaws. Motion passed unanimously by the members. Vote on Proposed Articles of Incorporation of Bay Vista Boulevard, Inc. Article lll Purpose Amended language: and to enforce any and all restrictions contained in the Amended and Restated Declarations of Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. and the By-Laws of Bay Vista Boulevard Association, Inc. as amended from time to time. A motion was called for. It was properly moved by Jay Goldman and seconded by Ed Damgaard to add the language to the Articles of Incorporation. Motion passed unanimously by the members Proposed 2014 Membership Dues The proposed increase in dues opened a lively discussion for ways to decrease our expenses. It was explained that almost half of our expenses are fixed and the variable expenses are at their bare minimum. A motion was moved and seconded to increase the 2014 dues to $40 and it was approved by the membership with 1 negative vote. Web Page Herb Munk explained that the web page will be up and running shortly and the residents can retrieve the minutes and other pertinent information from it. It will save the street reps from going door to door delivering the minutes.

We will start asking residents for their e-mail addresses. Those who dont have a computer will still get their minutes hand delivered. Rummage Sale The date for the community wide rummage was set for March 2, 2013 and an ad will be placed in the Englewood Sun. Annual Picnic The Annual Picnic will be Sunday, March 17th, 2013 from Noon to 4pm. It will be held at the Lemon Bay Park Recreation Center. The date has already been reserved. Herb Munk asked for volunteers to chair and organize the picnic. He indicated he would be willing to hold the first meeting. Election of Proposed Officers Marlene Damgaard read the proposed list of Officers. She asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, she then asked for a motion to accept each of the Officers separately and each Officer positions were approved unanimously by the members. Other Business Ron Paul addressed the members regarding the front entrance. He had a sketch of the front entrance that included Florida friendly plants. The total of the front entrance as proposed came to $1500. He indicated that it wouldnt all have to be completed at one time and that we could raise money to offset the cost. He asked for volunteers from the members to help with this project. Ann Vollmer (nearby resident) offered her water supply to help. Joe mentioned that some of the street lights are flickering and that you can call FPL 800-226-3545 or go on line to report any problems with street lights in your respective area. Meeting adjourned at 2:50pm. Respectively Submitted, Marlene Damgaard BVBA Secretary

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