Annotated Bibliography

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Lam, Nikolas A.

Professor Massey-Jimenez ENC 1101 28 October 2013 Annotated Bibliography: High School Dropouts Dianda, Marcella, ed. "Preventing Future High School Dropouts." National Education Association. National Education Association, n.d. Web. 29 Oct 2013. <>. This article shows the NEA (National Education Association) supporting their viewpoint about high school dropouts and how that is not a smart move on their part. Over the past few years, NEA has released its dropout prevention and intervention plan; published criteria that characterize a great public school; and proposed a new balance in the federal, state, and local education partnership to make every public school great by 2020 (Marcella). Dropping out of high school has significant negative consequences for the individual and society. The cost of doing little or nothing about high school dropouts is enormous, while investments in dropout prevention promise significant benefits (Marcella). This article can be very useful for the next assignment, because this organization, the NEA (National Education Association), actually cares about the students and wants them to have a brighter future. This article is helpful, because there is not only one organization that hasnt already thought about ways to end it and manage to find a very helpful solution to end this educational epidemic.

"Dropout Crisis Facts." America's Promise Alliance. America's Promise Alliance. Web. 29 Oct 2013. <;. This website shows facts that relate to the crisis that is being administered through the problems of dropping out of high school. Graduation rates are uneven for students of different races, ethnicities, family incomes, disabilities, and English proficiencies. These graduation gaps imperil progress. There are no states where the graduation rate for African American, Hispanic, or economically disadvantaged students is above 89 percent, but 11 states for white students (n/a). A high school diploma matters to individuals, communities, and society. High school graduates are more likely to be employed, make higher taxable income, and aid in job generation (n/a). This article demonstrates different facts that can be useful and resourceful for the next assignment, in the sense that this can be some of the facts that can actually assist me in this community problem report. This can help me with facts that can act as new information that hasnt been used at all. Dunn, Caroline, Dalee Chambers, and Karen Rabren. "Variables Affecting Students' Decisions To Drop Out Of School." Remedial & Special Education 25.5 (2004): 314-323. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. This academic journal shows different reasons why high school students may want to drop out of school. For instance, some reasons may be the lack of books or educational resources, low grades in school, sometimes, in the case, teen pregnancy, aggressive behavior, absenteeism, course failure, peer influences, etc (p. 315). In the chart located on page 317, it demonstrates that men are the most likely to drop out of school. This type of information may be resourceful towards the next assignment, in the sense that this gives

different causes and effects of high schoolers dropping out of educational opportunities given to them right in front of them. In this article, the authors point out that this kind of occurrence happens many times within the same year. This is a great reference for the next assignment, which is why this is a good, informational portion of info that may be used throughout this annotated bibliography. Legters, Nettie. "Dropout Prevention." National High School Center. National High School Center at the American Institutes of Research, 31 Mar 2013. Web. 20 Oct 2013. This little section of the website shown explains that dropping out is not a strategic academic move on the game board of life. In the sense that this contains some information regarding dropouts, this isnt concerned with the effects or the problems with dropouts. Better yet, this is a paper on how this woman (Nettie Legters) thinks that the education system should do to prevent this occurrence from happening again. She says that The key indicators that researchers have identified as indicative of who is most likely to drop out are: poor grades in core subjects, low attendance, failure to be promoted to the next grade, and disengagement in the classroom, including behavioral problems. These key indicators can assist decision makers in targeting prevention resources to the students most at risk of imminently leaving school (Letgers, 2013). This may be useful for probably the basis of the essay, as some support, but other than that, this paper is not worth using in the next assignment. Rumberger, Russell, ed. "Poverty and High School Dropouts." American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association, n.d. Web. 29 Oct 2013. <;.

This article, Poverty and High School Dropouts, focuses on different economic issues that high school dropouts are facing today. Some examples that show that this is a current struggle being faced by families and students that chose not to complete high school are as follows: Dropouts face extremely bleak economic and social prospects. Compared to high school graduates, they are less likely find a job and earn a living wage, and more likely to be poor and to suffer from a variety of adverse health outcomes (Rumberger). This shows that this sort of information can easily give me an advantage when writing the next assignment. This article can help me in the future when I need to complete my next assignment. There are very helpful details, relating to my topic, which can easily be accessed and can be resourceful. Sanchez, Claudio, ed. "A High School Dropout's Midlife Hardships." National Public Radio. National Public Radio, 28 Jul 2011. Web. 29 Oct 2013. <>. This article, A High School Dropout's Midlife Hardships, focuses on the lives of people who dropped out of high school around 20 or 30 years ago, and shows the major struggles that they are facing socially and economically. Today, the people who seem to be hurting the most in our sputtering economy are dropouts in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Despite their work experience, some can't even apply for a new job without proof that they completed high school. One man has thought a lot about his education and the decisions he made as a teenager (Sanchez). Buchanan is one of 40 million Americans who never graduated from high school. Most of these people, about 60 percent, are between 40 and 70 years old, according to the American Council on Education. About 9 in 10 have never earned more

than $40,000 (Sanchez). This article is helpful, but only limited information can be used to support the next assignment. "Skilled Dropouts." Connection (0895-6405) 18.5 (2004): 11. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. This periodical shows a little section specifically reserved for the information regarding this annotated bibliography. This article summarizes the points made by explaining that high school dropouts that tend to score extremely high on standardized tests tend to earn more money rather than the high school dropouts who receive lower scores on standardized tests. The reason for this, the logical background behind this selective method for employment, is because the fact that they have book smarts helps them with the business of the employment that they have been recruited in. The article is pointing out that high school dropouts earned less than half of what bachelors degree-holders earned in 2001 and were nearly three times as likely to be unemployed (p. 11). This kind of information would probably be of some use because this is a nationwide problem and this sort of little tidbit showed some information that can be referenced back to at a later time. Yusuf DEMRKAYA, et al. "Reasons For Dropout For Vocational High School Students." Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 13.3 (2013): 1561-1565. Education Research Complete. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. Demirkayas article shows different reasons that high school students choose not to complete high school normally than other students. The author of this article points out that dropping out of high school is a commonly severe problem in countries and continents, like in the United States and in Turkey (p. 1562). These countries are suffering a social

and economic issue due to this act of laziness from high school students. Demikraya predicts that in the next ten years, twelve million students will choose to drop out of high school and cost America around 3 trillion dollars (p. 1562). This information shows that this type of information can be useful in this bibliography, in the sense that this information talks about high school dropouts and their affect within the United States, and the topic relates to the advocacy of high school students dropping out of school and the effects. This information is important because it displays information that may eventually be needed throughout this paper.

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