Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Jacob Palacios Unit: Soccer Lesson Topic: Soccer skills. Overhead throw/ Catch and ball control/ !e"erences: T#$S eadshots #val&ation +is&al eval&ation while walkin* aro&nd and observin* while criti,&in* +is&al eval&ation while walkin* aro&nd and observin* while criti,&in* +is&al eval&ation while walkin* aro&nd and observin* while criti,&in* T#$S -) ./-/0/1 -2./-/ C 3./-/C 4. 3./4. 5./C/#/ 0

Ob%ectives Ps'cho(otor: ). St&dents will de(onstrate and practice correct (ove(ent and (otions o" the drills presented. The' will &se proper "or( as shown b' teacher while *ettin* a cardiovasc&lar worko&t thro&*ho&t the activit' and lesson "oc&s. Co*nitive: ). The st&dents will &nderstand the r&les and techni,&es &sed in the over6 head throw and the bod' catch and control. .""ective: ). The st&dents will work to*ether the help each other practice and per"ect the skill. The' will take t&rns and &se co((&nication to achieve the proper "or( and techni,&e. .7#89. .*enda6 Include detailed instructions for activities and transitions here 0-5 ;ar(6Up/1ntrod&ction Skill introduction. 6 warm up lines, dynamic exercise warm up 36)< Lesson 0oc&s/Content 9evelop(ent 6Overhead throw with proper techni,&e (back "oot dra*) and catch and control o" the ball "ro( partner. 6 eadshot6 Overhead throw ret&rn b' a headshot )>62> C&l(inatin* .ctivit' Catch/ control/ and dribble aro&nd obstacle coarse 23 Clos&re !eview and c&e re(inder Ti(e

Teachin* points/ e:tensions/ challen*es/ sa"et'/ acco((odations Get the ody nice a warm. !ake sure muscles are looser
9ra* back "oot on overhead throw/ Catch pass with 'o&r bod'/ no hand &sa*e/ hit the ball with proper area o" 'o&r head so 'o& don=t *et h&rt. Control the ball thro&*h entire dribble/ and be aware o" 'o&r obstacle and s&rro&ndin*s. !eview

L.?OUT "x# S$%&'($S) ;ar(6 Up/1ntrod&ction Lesson 0oc&s @@@@@ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6@6@@@@ @@@@@6 6 6 6 6 6 6 @@@@@@ @@@@@6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 @@@@@ @@@@@6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 @@@@@ C&l(inatin* .ctivit' Clos&re Se(i6circle aro&nd teacher "or clos&re

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St&dents will dribble aro&nd obstacle co&rse &sin* entire *'(.

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