Rice Krispie Treats (

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Everyday Recipes - The classic, original, no-bake dessert that is quick and easy to make


This classic, delicious snack has been making memories for kids and parents alike for generations.

(Nutrition Information) 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 package (10 oz., about 0) regular marshmallo!s " #$ " cups miniature marshmallo!s % cups Rice Krispies Why use Kellogg's Rice Krispies

Why use Kellogg's Rice Krispies &s the first crisped rice cereal, Kelloggs Rice Krispies has been bringing families together in the kitchen for o'er (0 )ears. To e*perience the timeless fla'or, make )our Rice Krispies Treats+ s,uares !ith the original Rice Krispies+ brand cereal. -here to bu)

1. In large saucepan melt butter o'er lo! heat. &dd marshmallo!s and stir until completel) melted. $emo'e from heat. .. &dd /011#2234 $I50 /$I46I04 cereal. 4tir until !ell coated. 3. 7sing buttered spatula or !a* paper e'enl) press mi*ture into 13 * 8 * ."inch pan coated !ith cooking spra). 5ool. 5ut into ."inch s,uares. 9est if ser'ed the same da). !"#R$W%&E '"RE#T"$()* In micro!a'e"safe bo!l heat butter and marshmallo!s on :I2: for 3 minutes, stirring after . minutes. 4tir until smooth. ;ollo! steps . and 3 abo'e. <icro!a'e cooking times

ma) 'ar). (ote ";or best results, use fresh marshmallo!s. "1 =ar (> oz.) marshmallo! cr?me can be substituted for marshmallo!s. "@iet, reduced calorie or tub margarine is not recommended. "4tore no more than t!o da)s at room temperature in airtight container. "To freeze, place in la)ers separated b) !a* paper in airtight container. ;reeze for up to % !eeks. 1et stand at room temperature for 1A minutes before ser'ing.

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