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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce

Teacher: Mr Pickles Ment!r: "!ach "!!k Subject: Algebra 1

Daily Lesson Plan Form

Grade Level: 9th (Freshman %ate: &'$11$1( "am#us$%istrict: SSHS/SSISD

)verall G!al !* Less!n: TS+ be able t! gra#h ine,ualities in t-! variables .nstructi!nal )bjectives: /el# the students understand h!- t! gra#h in t-! variables0 test an !rdered #air *!r
being a s!luti!n in a *uncti!n0 gra#h a *uncti!n in a calculat!r0 rec!gni1e -hich #!rti!n t! shade2 and d! s!

Te3as 4ssential 5n!-ledge 6 Skills (T45S 6 4LPS: (t7#ed !ut c!m#letel7 8 attached
A1"2 A1%2 A142 A9A shade including2 !r e3cluding2 this #!int<

5e7 :!cabular7:
Linear ine,ualit7 in t-! variables0 Gra#h !* an ine,ualit7 in t-! variables

/igher )rder ;uesti!ns: Sh!uld m7 gra#h line be s!lid !r dashed< +hat is a #!int not !n m7 line< Sh!uld . Student Activities: (5ee# in mind the *!ll!-ing: Sca**!lding2 .nde#endent !r "!!#erative activities2 Gr!u#ings2
=eading2 +riting2 Listening2 /ands8)n$Minds8)n2 "!nnecti!ns t! #revi!us kn!-ledge2 etc

+!rk$attem#t the -armu#0 Listen and take n!tes !n these ne- c!nce#ts0 =ecall gra#hing in the "artesian #lane (calc 6 manual 0 >uild !nt! this the ne- c!nce#t !* ?dashing@ the line *!r an ine,ualit7 *uncti!n0 Test *!r truth statements *!r s!luti!ns0 .nd$#airs -!rk *!r h-kA

M!di*icati!ns$4LL Strategies:
Stead7 c!n*irmati!n *r!m the sl!-er$less c!n*ident learners *!r understandingA

Antici#at!r7 Activit7 *!r Less!n:

+armu# #r!blem *r!m 9+k Test B #re#aring *!r 4)" testA

Time All!tted
1'min C D 11

Teacher .n#ut$Less!n Activit7:

Fapprox. 5min Book Study after 5 min breakG

"heck h-k -hile attem#ting -armu# +!rk (invite s!luti!ns -armu# H!tes !n gra#hing linear ine,ualities

+!rk re#resentative #r!blems as #art !* n!tes =eminder !* calculat!r gra#hing0 e3#lanati!n !* ne- t!!l (shading

Guided Practice:
+!rk #r!blems likenable t! the h-k set


.nde#endent Practice:
IA9 /-k PE'92 ;s E2 1E2 &'8('even2 EE2 EC(<

Less!n "l!sure:
&min JThis is ne- -!rk B -e -ill see t!m!rr!- -hether ine,ualities are beginning t! make m!re sense 8 -e -ill g! !ver the h-k2 then #re#are *!r a ,ui1 !ver abs!lute values and ine,ualities2 and this ine,ualit7 gra#hingK

Assessment Meth!ds$Strategies:
Seek c!n*irmati!ns thr!ugh!ut n!tes0 circulate the r!!m res#!nding t! ;s$checking *!r #r!gress and understandingA

=es!urces (su##lies2 e,ui#ment2 s!*t-are2 etcA :

%r7+i#e b!ards$markers$erasers2 j!urnals2 te3tb!!ks2 T.8D(#lus calculat!rs2 re*erence c!#7 !* 9+kTestA


Te3as 4ssential 5n!-ledge and Skills:

(1 F!undati!ns *!r *uncti!nsA The student understands that a *uncti!n re#resents a de#endence !* !ne ,uantit7 !n an!ther and can be described in a variet7 !* -a7sA The student is e3#ected t!: (" describe *uncti!nal relati!nshi#s *!r given #r!blem situati!ns and -rite e,uati!ns !r ine,ualities t! ans-er ,uesti!ns arising *r!m the situati!ns0 (% re#resent relati!nshi#s am!ng ,uantities using c!ncrete m!dels2 tables2 gra#hs2 diagrams2 verbal descri#ti!ns2 e,uati!ns2 and ine,ualities0 and (4 inter#ret and make decisi!ns2 #redicti!ns2 and critical judgments *r!m *uncti!nal relati!nshi#sA (9 Linear *uncti!nsA The student *!rmulates e,uati!ns and ine,ualities based !n linear *uncti!ns2 uses a variet7 !* meth!ds t! s!lve them2 and anal71es the s!luti!ns in terms !* the situati!nA The student is e3#ected t!: (A anal71e situati!ns inv!lving linear *uncti!ns and *!rmulate linear e,uati!ns !r ine,ualities t! s!lve #r!blemsA

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