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The 7atsons3-embrees "ids) -ome.or #or the .ee o# th nd ten facts and their turnarounds!! No!

ember $8 9 ::

%ath &acts for &riday 'ractice countin( to 1## by tens$

.ee .e .ill be .or ing on the

S ip counting #or.ard3bac .ard by ones4 #i!es4 and tens to $00. Tell time to the hour & can identi#y coins3!alue) penny4 nic el4 dime4 and 5uarter. & can say my address #or my o.n residence4 including street address4 city4 state and 6ip code.

Special Notes


**PTA membership $ 6.00 ** Grumpys Toy Shoppe costume parade is going to be Thursday, November 21st ** Than sgi!ing holiday November 27th 29th (No School!) ** PTA "ids "orner Gi#t Shoppe ecember 1!th"2#th$ Gi#t items start at $$.00 to $%.00. *** 'ath acti!ity *** (ead or ha!e someone read )**************************************+Title, *** -and.riting .or sheet *** (ead or ha!e someone read )**************************************+Title, *** -igh 0luency .ords .or sheet *** (ead or ha!e someone read )**************************************+Title,

Parent &nitials




*** Practice identi#ying coins) *** (ead or ha!e someone read )**************************************+Title, *** /or on a daily li!ing s ill)**************************************+S ill, *** -a!e a #un .ee end .ith your #amily1111111


Students really en2oyed ma ing the Pilgrim hats last .ee 111 -ome.or pac ets are due e!ery 0riday11111 Than s #or all o# your support111

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