Detroit Lions Cover Letter

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Marie Foss

(e)e#*er 7, 2 13 (etroit +ions Hu#an ,esour)es Ms$ -i)o.e /ttnod 2 Brush St (etroit, MI 4022" (ear Ms$ /ttnod1

317 South Hudson Avenue Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 92 !535! 22" #arie$%oss&#ar'uette$edu

My na#e is Marie and I a# a 2ri#ino.ogy #a3or at Mar'uette 4niversity in Mi.5au6ee and 5i.. *e graduating in (e)e#*er o% 2 14$ 7his .etter is to e89ress #y interest in a 3o* 5ith the (etroit +ions, and I a# very interested in .earning a*out any o99ortunities that are avai.a*.e 5ithin your de9art#ent$ I 9ossess #any strengths that are vita. %or su))eeding in a )areer 5ith the +ions ste##ing %ro# #y e8tensive e89erien)e in 5or6ing 5ith 9eo9.e in di%%erent so)ia. situations to .eadershi9 and tea# *ui.ding$ I a# se.%!#otivated, eager to .earn, and )an easi.y ada9t to sudden )hanges$ I strive %or )ontinued e8)e..en)e in *oth 5or6 and #y 9ersona. .i%e, and I 6no5 I 5ou.d *e a great addition to any )o#9any$ Whi.e I a# a 2ri#ino.ogy #a3or at Mar'uette, I a# 5or6ing to5ards a #inor in Writing!Intensive :ng.ish, and have ta6en #u.ti9.e )ourses in 5riting$ My a*i.ity to 5rite e%%e)tive.y )an *e de#onstrated in di%%erent genre;s .i6e a)ade#i) and te)hni)a. 5riting$ I a# a)tive.y 9arti)i9ating in a.. %a)ets o% so)ia. #edia in).uding Fa)e*oo6, 75itter, and 7u#*.r and have ta6en 'uite a %e5 ).asses to *e ade'uate.y 9re9ared %or any tas6s re'uiring <hotosho9 e89erien)e$ :n).osed is #y resu#e and a .ist o% re%eren)es$ I )an *e rea)hed at 92 !535! 22" or through e#ai. at #arie$%oss&#ar'uette$edu$ In t5o 5ee6s, I;.. *e on *rea6 %or the ho.idays, and 5ou.d .ove to #a6e a tri9 to (etroit$ 7entative dates that 5or6 5ith #y s)hedu.e 5ou.d *e anyti#e %ro# (e)e#*er 1"th = (e)e#*er 2 th, and any day a%ter the -e5 >ear$ I 6no5 this is a *usy ti#e, *ut I .oo6 %or5ard to s9ea6ing 5ith you and I than6 you %or your )onsideration$ Best ,egards, Marie Foss Mar'uette 4niversity 2 14

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