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Christopher Dolge Mr.

Padget English 1101 9 September, 2013

Dear Sir or Madam of the UNCC parking service, I am writing this letter to file a complaint about some procedures that the police have been taking pertaining to parking around campus. I have only been at UNC Charlotte for close to four weeks and have been issued two citations for parking in an unmarked spot when the parking spot I was in was painted as a parking spot. Yet, not only did I park in a marked spot and get a ticket for being in an unmarked spot, but after I parked there the campus police put signs that said NO PARKING ANYTIME right in front of my car. I strongly believe that I would have been able to see a huge sign in front of my car that said no parking; therefore, if this sign was, in fact, there then I would not have parked in this spot. Along with myself, my brother in his freshman year was also issued parking tickets for having his sticker on the wrong side of his windshield. My brother received 6 citations in 5 days before he even came out to his car to see that he had received one parking ticket. This has caused me and my family to feel very uneasy about the way that parking services and the campus police treat students who have paid a very large sum of money for a parking pass. Not only do they issue parking tickets for very minor things that could be handled much differently, but after issuing one ticket to someone they continue to issue tickets to the same person before they even have a chance to go to their car and see that they have been given a citation. This fact is the part that really bothers me and many other people; if a campus police officer sees that there is already a ticket on a car that the person has obviously not seen, why issue them another ticket for the same reason? There are many more effective ways to handle such situations that can be easily transitioned to. Reiterating, my main concern here is that after a student receives a citation for parking, campus police will issue another citation for the same reason before the student has a chance to see that he or she has done something wrong and move the car. Each student pays for and is issued a parking pass that hangs on his or her rearview mirror that has a parking code on it. Therefore, the student can be easily identified and notified through email. Issuing one ticket is fine if the student has committed a parking violation; but I strongly suggest that when a campus officer sees that a car already has a citation on its windshield that before they issue another ticket they notify parking services and they can send an email notifying the student that they need to move their car. After a day has passed that the student has been notified, then the police officer can check his or her database and issue tickets as needed to this person. This is only one suggestion that could be pursued by the UNC Charlotte parking services. I am sure if this suggestion is not what you are looking for then you can find another plausible option to pursue and fix this problem. Thank you very much for hearing what I have to say. Sincerely, Christopher Dolge

Comment [AP1]: Im wondering if this will be easy (or even possible) to prove. Could you be more specific when detailing where the spot is? Maybe there are other complaints about that particular spot, and that fact could help your cause. Comment [AP2]: What does this mean? I can see how it would cause an individual distress, but not how it could make a whole family uneasy. Comment [AP3]: Like how? Be specific. Comment [AP4]: Fair point, but did this happen to you? If not, I think it might be best to deal with your own personal grievance and have that problem resolved. How can they respond to a complaint to something that never happened (at least not to you)? It might be best to resolve a specific problem that concerns you, and not trying to solve everyones problems.

Comment [AP5]: I feel like youre sort of caking it on at this point. As if you are berating to make yourself feel better, maybe. If these things have been addressed, why repeat youself.

Christopher Dolge Mr. Padget English 1110 16 September 2013 Analysis In this complaint letter, the uses of pathos, logos, and ethos were thoroughly used to convey a sense of being upset and getting a clear point across. Pathos must be used in a very precise way; within ones writing, he or she must not come across as being too emotional about the matter at hand while still making it clear that he or she cares about what is going on. In a complaint letter, it is believed that the most successful way to use pathos is to make sure that ones emotions dont get in the way of getting the point of the essay across thoroughly. A good example can be made out a complaint letter; if the writer gets too mad or upset while writing the essay then the recipient of the letter could take the complaint less seriously. In the above complaint letter, pathos is used very well so that the reader will be able to tell that the writer is upset about the subject but not infuriated to where they seem like the might just be an angry person in general. Pathos is also used in this complaint letter through when the author says that the matter he is addressing makes him and his family feel uneasy about the way the parking services and campus police treat the students of their school. This may create a greater sense of urgency to fix the problem because it is not only the author that is upset but it is also his parents and brother. Logos is also used pretty well in this essay through the paragraph that gives the recipient a possible solution to the problem that he has brought to attention. Although, logos must be used
Comment [AP6]: No need to give me a lecture on rhetoric and what that is. You should be analyzing your own writing at this point.

very carefully as well in the case of proposing solutions to problems. In this case, one must be very careful not to offend the person by implying that they could not figure out a solution on their own. Therefore, in this complaint letter, it is stated that the solution that was recommended by the writer is not the only solution and that if this solution was not suitable to the parking services then there could easily be another answer to the problem. Lastly, ethos was used in this complaint letter too. As with the other two techniques used with rhetoric, ethos must be very carefully used in a complaint letter. While using ethos, it is imperative that the writer does not imply by any means that the recipient of the complaint letter does not have ethics. This is so important because as a writer of a complaint letter, ones goal should be to get what you are complaining about fixed or at least addressed. If the writer of the letter offends the reader of it then he will be less likely to address the situation and attempt to fix the problem. In this complaint letter, the only ethos that is involved is the ethics of only giving someone a warning for a parking ticket or at least just give them one ticket and a chance to move their car. This could easily offend someone by saying that the way they handle things now is not satisfactory, but it also must be addressed because this is one of the main problems that occurs. The importance of doing this without offended someone though is very stressed in order to get what the writer is wanting.

Chris I really like your complaint letter and the tone you adopted is really inviting and I think your audience would receive your primary complaint well and you would likely get a positive response. I do think you need to focus your complaint on only the things that have happened to you. You shouldnt be trying to save the campus parking woes. Your Analysis seems to be a lesson in rhetoric and you only spend one paragraph on analyzing your letter, which is problematic for the assignment. To me, the most important part of this assignment is your reflection on your own writing and how you came to make the decisions you have made in your process.

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