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District Results 1.

We created columns to show the total percentage of students performing at Below Basic and Basic combined, as well as the total percentage of students performing at Proficient and Advanced (P/A)for each year of each grade level. For the 6th grade class, 51%-59% of all students performed in the P/A range meeting our goal for each year. In the 7th grade, 50%-57% of students scored P/A for years 2007-08, 2009-10, and 2010-11 but not for years 2006-07, or 2008-09. The percentages were steady across the board, however, only fluctuating a couple of percentage points up or down each year. The 8th grade classes showed the most significant changes over the years. P/A was only above 50% in the years 2007-08. The numbers dont vary much, ranging from 46%-49% during the previous and subsequent years with the exception of the 2010-11 school year in which only 37% of students performed in the P/A range. Grade 6 Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 20010-11 % at Proficient or Advanced 59% 54% 52% 57% 51% 45% 55% 48% 50% 57% 46% 51% 49% 49% 37%

2. We organized our data into three cohorts (A,B,C). We then calculated the total percentage of students that scored in Proficient and Advanced by adding the total number in those columns and dividing that number by the total students. For Cohort A the students scored a total of 58% in Proficiency and Advanced (P/A) in the 6th grade and the data shows a steady decrease in percentage as the years progressed. They continued to stay above 50% through 7th grade but dipped down to 49% in 8th. For cohort B, the students scored 54% P/A in the 6th grade with a decrease down below 50% to 48% in 7th grade. They made a one point increase in the 8th grade. Cohort C also scored above 50% in the 6th grade clocking in at 52% and dropping to exactly 50% of students in 7th grade. After that things seemed to take a drastic turn for the worse with the 8th grade numbers coming in at 37%. Overall I notice that the data holds steady throughout the years for each cohort with percentages of students scoring Proficient or Advanced hovering around the 50% mark with the exception of the 2010-11 8th grade class.

Year Cohort A 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Cohort B 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Cohort C 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Grade Level Results

Grade 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8

Percentage Proficient & Advanced 58% 55% 49% 54% 48% 49% 52% 50% 37%

1. After rearranging the data showing the students that scored at each level (Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, Advanced) we determined the percentage of students within each category. We then calculated the percentage of students that performed in the combined areas of Below Basic and Basic as well as those in the combined areas of Proficient and Advanced. Our calculations showed that a total of 70% of students performed at Below Basic and Basic, therefore, only 30% of students scored within the Proficient or Advanced range. It is reasonable to assume from this data that our goal of having 50% of students in the Proficient and Advanced skills level has not been attained. Skill Level Below Basic Basic Total Below Basic and Basic Proficient Advanced Total Proficient and Advanced Percentage 20% 50% 70% 8% 22% 30%

2. We chose to work with the category of gender to determine how males and females scored in each skill area. We calculated what percent of males to total students performed at each level and what percent of females to total students performed at each level. We also did a second calculation comparing the percentages of males to males in each category. We also took the data and combined the percentages for those scoring Below Basic and Basic and also combined the percentages for those scoring Proficient or Advanced and compared those scores both as a total of students and total of specific gender. What the data showed was that males comprised a total of 42% of all students that scored at Basic or Below Basic levels. When compared to just males, 72% scored at this level. For male students scoring in the Proficient and Advanced categories, the data shows that males comprised

only 16% of total students scoring in these areas and only 28% of just the male population. Females comprised 28% of total students scoring Basic or Below Basic. This number reflects that 67% of just the females scored within this range. For females scoring in the Proficient and Advanced females made up 14% of total students scoring in this area. Only 33% of total females scored in this range. Our assessment of the data shows that a majority of students both male and female scored Below Basic and Basic. The data was similar for both males and females. Based on what I can see of the teachers for the students, more students that had Teacher B scored higher and ranked in the Proficient or Advanced range. Assessing whether or not we achieved a 50% or better number of students scoring in Proficient or Advanced, performing a logical calculation determined that this was not the case. Skill Rating Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Male (% of Total) 14% 28% 12% 4% Male (% of Male) 24% 48% 21% 7% Female (% of Total) 6% 22% 10% 4% Female (% of Female) 14% 52% 24% 10%

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