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Eduardo Chavez

1345 XXX Blvd Plano, TX XXXXX 123.456.7890 sportsaddict56@g

!niv"rsit# o$ %ort& T"'as -a.or, -"c&anical (ngin""ring -inor, /panis& 0ollin 0o*nt# 0o +iplo a r"c"iv"d *nit# 0oll"g" ('p"ct"d )rad*ation +at", -a# o$ 2017 +"nton, TX 1*g*st 20102 1pril 2013 Plano, TX Plano, TX

Delcom Communications 3"4isvill", TX -a# 20122 1*g*st 2012

(5*ip "nt Proc"ssor T"sts "l"ctronic co pon"nts and circ*its to locat" d"$"cts. 0atalog and r"cord co p*t"r6s in$or ation. +isass" 7l"d and cat"gori8"d co pon"nts o$ co p*t"rs and "l"ctronic d"vic"s. +"t"r in" prop"r storag" "t&ods, id"nti$ication, and stoc9 location 7as"d on t*rnov"r, "nviron "ntal $actors, and p&#sical capa7iliti"s o$ $aciliti"s.

Cadot :"st Plano, TX

;an*ar# 20112 %ov" 7"r 2011

B*s7o# B"ing a t"a pla#"r, aiding s"rv"rs in ord"r to aintain a or" s oot& $*nctioning dining "'p"ri"nc". 1rriving "arl# to d"sign a plan in 4&ic& all ot&"r s"rv"rs and 7*s7o#s ar" assign"d d*ti"s to conv"# 4&at is "'p"ct"d $ro t&" $or t&" "v"ning. -aintain prop"r p&#sical app"aranc" <cl"an *ni$or = 4&ilst cl"aring ta7l"s 5*ic9l# 4it& con$id"nc". P"r$or s"rving, cl"aning, or stoc9ing d*ti"s in "sta7lis& "nts, s*c& as ca$"t"rias or dining roo s, to aintain t&" organi8ation and "$$ici"nc# o$ t&" r"sta*rant. -aintain ad"5*at" s*ppli"s o$ it" s s*c& as cl"an lin"ns, silv"r4ar", glass4ar", dis&"s, or tra#s.



/trong co *nication, pr"s"ntation, and ti " anag" "nt s9ills. 0on$id"nt and pois"d in int"ractions 4it& individ*als at all l"v"ls. :"ll organi8"d and d"p"nda7l" individ*al. >l*"nt in /panis&.


1 "rican /oci"t# o$

-" 7"r

?cto7"r 20132 Pr"s"nt

-"c&anical (ngin""rs <1/-(= Band 3"ad"rs&ip 0o*ncil %ational Aonors /oci"t# /t*d"nt -"ntor@T*tor at -"ado4s (l" "ntar# /c&ool

(5*ip "nt -anag"r@-" 7"r -" 7"r T*tor@-"ntor

;*n" 20122 -a# 2013 1*g*st 20092 -a# 2013 1*g*st 20092 -a# 2012

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