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Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271

Published online 23 August 2004 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/wcm.212
Automated optimization of key WCDMA parameters
Albert Hoglund
and Kimmo Valkealahti
Nokia Networks, P.O. Box 300, FIN-00045 Nokia Group, Finland
Nokia Research Center, P.O. Box 407, FIN-00045 Nokia Group, Finland
This paper validates the feasibility of automated optimization of key wideband code division multiple access
(WCDMA) radio resource management parameters using control methods. The parameters are regularly adjusted
in order to improve performance. The parameters examined in this study include the total cell transmission power
target, the received total interference target, the downlink radio link power maximums, the handover windows and
the pilot channel powers. The control was based on expert-dened rules, which applied specic trade-off policies
and statistics of poor quality calls, blocking, packet queuing, power and interference levels and terminal
measurements to qualify the parameter values. The approach was validated using a dynamic WCDMA system
simulator with a deployment of macro and micro cells on a city region. Results on automated optimization of
single parameters on cell level and results on simultaneous multi-parameter optimization on cell-cluster level are
presented in this paper. The use of the automated parameter optimization methods was shown to result in a
signicant increase of capacity in comparison to the default parameter settings. Copyright #2004 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) radio network planning; optimization;
call quality; congestion; admission control; power control; handover control; coverage
1. Introduction
The wideband code division multiple access
(WCDMA) radio interface for third generation mobile
networks can carry voice and data services with
various data rates, trafc requirements and Quality-
of-Service (QoS) targets [15]. Moreover, the operat-
ing environments vary greatly from indoor micro cells
to large macro cells. Efcient use of limited frequency
band in the diverse conditions requires careful setting
of numerous vital network and cell radio resource
management parameters such as maximum load levels
and allocated common channel powers. The para-
meter setting is referred to as radio network planning
and optimization. Once a WCDMA network is built
and launched, an important part of its operation and
maintenance is monitoring of performance or quality
characteristics and changing parameter values in order
to improve performance. The operability of the net-
work would greatly benet from automated monitor-
ing and parameter tuning. The automated parameter
control mechanism can be simple but it requires an
objectively dened performance indicator that unam-
biguously tells whether performance is improving or
deteriorating. Conceiving of such indicators is a major
task. WCDMA network auto-tuning and advanced
monitoring are discussed in Reference [26] and in
particular in Reference [25], for instance.
*Correspondence to: Albert Hoglund, Nokia Networks, P.O. Box 300, FIN-00045 Nokia Group, Finland.
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2005 John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted with permission from Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 257-271,
DOI 10.1002/wcm.212.
This paper addresses the problem of controlling
parameters such as the total cell transmission power
target, the total received interference target, the down-
link radio link power maximums, the handover win-
dows and the common pilot channel powers. The
parameters have direct and indirect effects on the
network performance and the QoS. Various perfor-
mance indicators such as real-time call quality, real-
time call blocking and non-real-time trafc queuing
were used for the parameter control. The main control
method studied was rule-based control, but gradient-
descent cost-function minimization was also consid-
ered in one specic case. The automated parameter
control methods were veried with an advanced
WCDMA radio network simulator developed at Nokia
Research Center in Helsinki [11].
The performance of the proposed control methods
was compared with the performance obtained without
automated optimization. Comparisons among differ-
ent optimization methods were not made, expect for
one case. Presumably, similar results can be obtained
with other valid and warranted optimization methods.
However, the approaches differ in their practicabi-
lity and adoption by the network operator. The advan-
tage of our methods lies in the explicated operation
that supports understanding of regularities in the
The conducted simulations support the assumption
that the performance can be managed and improved
by the proposed cell-based and cell-cluster-based
automated optimization. The increase in system
throughput compared with throughput with default
parameter setting was signicant.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2
describes admission control methods of the WCDMA
system and surveys previous work on WCDMA para-
meter optimization. Section 3 introduces the measures
and statistics that were applied to drive the
optimization. Section 4 is devoted to the parameter
optimization methods that were validated in this
study. Section 5 describes the network simulator.
The results are presented in Section 6, which is
followed by discussion and conclusions in Section 7.
2. Background
2.1. Admission Control
The radio resource management controls the utilized
capacity of mobile networks and maintains stable
operation by handling functions such as admission
control, power control and handover control. The
principles of radio resource management in WCDMA
are described in Reference [15] in general and in
detail in 3GPP specications such as References
[3537], for example. Lee and Miller provide a
good introduction to the CDMA in Reference [29].
The key function of radio resource management with
regard to this paper is admission control, and this
function is therefore presented more in depth.
The cell load-level targets used in the admission
control can be based on throughput, interference,
transmit power or a number of connections, for
instance (Reference [15]). The performance of a
WCDMA cellular radio network is highly dependent
on the amount of interference in the system. High
interference reduces cell sizes and increases the power
outage probability of the user connection both in
uplink (UL) and downlink (DL). The interference
increases with the number of admitted users in the
system. This means that there is a trade-off between
capacity and coverage and between capacity and QoS.
The task of admission control is to ensure that the
trade-off is optimum. Many authors have studied
admission control previously. Study in Reference [4]
introduced specic requirements for the admission
control. For instance, the admission control is required
to maintain QoS in terms of blocking, dropping, bit
error ratio and packet delay; to adapt to changes in the
system load and inter-cell interference and to recon-
gure for new services. Moreover, the admission con-
trol should be simple in design and provide minimum
processing time. Study in Reference [42] evaluated
the theoretical uplink capacity for an interference
level that is 10 dB higher than the noise oor. Study
in Reference [23] suggested that safety margins are
necessary when target interference or power levels are
dened for the admission control. Moreover, the study
suggested that the handover control needs targets
different from those used in the admission control of
new calls. Also, study in Reference [17] suggests
guard channels to be used in admission control done
during handovers. Study in Reference [24] supported
the use of power-based admission control and com-
pared methods of single-cell and multi-cell admission
controls. The conclusion was that the gains obtained
with the multi-cell admission control did not compen-
sate for the increased complexity. Gains with multi-
cell admission control were also found in Reference
[4]. Study in Reference [33] suggested that the uplink
interference target is set as a trade-off between block-
ing and dropping. Similar ideas were suggested in
studies in References [4] and [24], which dened call
dropping ten times more costly than blocking.
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Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
The interference-based radio resource management
(total-transmission-power-based in downlink) is more
complex than the throughput-based management.
However, we adopted the interference-based radio
resource management as it allows soft capacity gains
[15] that are not achievable with the throughput-based
management. The increased complexity favors the use
of automated optimization methods to obtain fully
utilized capacity while maintaining the stability of
operation. The applied cell-based admission control
method is described in References [15,16]. The
method admits new allocation of uplink resources if
PrxTotal PrxTotal < PrxTarget 1
in which PrxTotal denotes the current level of the total
received interference, PrxTotal denotes the esti-
mated change in the interference with the new
resource allocation and PrxTarget is the optimum
level of interference as set by network planning, for
instance. The change in PrxTotal is calculated with
1 j L
L 2
in which j is the uplink load factor dened as
j 1
and L the estimated change in load factor,
In Equations (3) and (4), PrxNoise is the system noise
oor, W is the chip rate, R is the bit rate, E
is the
assumed ratio of the received bit energy to noise and
interference density that the receiver equipment of
new connection requires for proper decoding of the
signal and is the assumed voice activity of the new
connection. Interference-based admission control is
illustrated in Figure 1.
In downlink the admission control is similar. New
resources can be allocated if
PtxTotal PtxTotal < PtxTarget 5
in which PtxTotal denotes the current total transmis-
sion power, PtxTotal denotes the estimated change
in the power with the new resource allocation and
PtxTarget is the optimum total power. PtxTotal can
be equal to the estimated initial link power, the
measured average power or the allocated maximum
link power for the particular service and cell. In this
study, we conservatively used the maximum service
2.2. Previous Work on WCDMA
Parameter Optimization
Our previous work on WCDMA parameter optimiza-
tion includes studies on pilot power optimization
[40,41], optimization of admission control and power
parameters [13,14] and multi-parameter optimization
including optimization of handover parameters [39].
These studies form the basis for this paper. Other
studies on pilot power optimization include Refer-
ences [22,31,44,45]. Study in Reference [22] pre-
sented a heuristic method for nding optimal pilot
power with regard to coverage and capacity in
CDMA, but without presenting any validations using,
for instance, simulations and multiple cells. In study
of Reference [31], a rule-based method for reducing
pilot power pollution was presented and the results
obtained with it in a eld trial indicated that the
method could achieve similar results to those obtained
with manual optimization. Reference [44] studied
how power management can be utilized in congestion
relief in loaded cells. Study in Reference [45]
proposed a method to reduce hot spot problems with
the control of pilot power based on cross-correlation
measures. Studies in References [3,5,7] presented
methods and results on soft-handover parameter
optimization. In Reference [3] the soft-handover
Fig. 1. Interference-based admission control in uplink.
PrxTotal denotes the total UL wideband received power,
for which PrxNoise, the noise oor, is the minimum level.
PrxTarget denotes the admission control and packet sche-
duler target interference level. Allocating resources to the
users requires estimation of changes in PrxTotal with chan-
ging load.
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
dynamics were modeled with a simple Markov chain
to identify the adjusted critical parameters. Studies in
References [5,7] optimized the soft-handover para-
meters with a gradient-descent minimization of a cost
function that described blocking and total base station
power. A more general study on soft-handover gains
and their impact on WCDMA network performance
was presented in Reference [34].
Study in Reference [8] presented adaptive power
increase estimation in WCDMA using kernel regres-
sion. Study in Reference [9] presented results on
optimization of UL and DL planned E
, which is
a vital parameter in estimating the power increase in
uplink admission control (3), in scaling powers (15),
and in rapid updating of bit rates in packet scheduling,
for instance. Study in Reference [21] considered a DL
power allocation algorithm for adjusting the total cell
power and its allocation to individual users. Study in
Reference [43] introduced automated optimization of
antenna tilt angles in WCDMA. Advanced analysis
methods for analyzing the performance of Universal
Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) net-
works and doing cell clustering were provided in
References [28] and [25]. Inter and intra operator
co-existence of WCDMA hierarchical cell structure
cell layers was presented in Reference [20]. Some
ideas on how to utilize location in optimization were
provided in Reference [30]. An architecture for auto-
tuning networks including a GSM eld trial was
presented in Reference [32]. The idea in Reference
[32] was that in large networks the auto-tuning should
be distributed to local agents taking care of regional
tuning with centralized control in addition to using
real-time computing and open interfaces. No clear
conclusion could be drawn from the results of the eld
trial in Reference [32], except for an indication of the
architecture being suitable.
3. Measurements and Statistics
3.1. UL and DL Poor Quality
The general call quality in a cell was described as the
ratio of active connections suffering from increased
block error rate (BLER) among all active connections
in the cell. The strongest cell in the active set deter-
mined the cell, to which the measurement was asso-
ciated. The connections have specic BLER targets
that depend on the service used. If the ratio of
connections signicantly exceeding their BLER tar-
gets was signicantly higher than a predened al-
lowed level, the cell showed increased poor call
quality. Only real-time services with planned cover-
age in the entire cell were monitored for call quality.
The signicance of increased poor call quality in a cell
was analyzed with the Equation:


1 T
p 6
which describes the sample-size (N
) corrected de-
viation of ratio R
from allowed ratio T
of con-
nections with increased block error rate. The formula
basically divides the ratio difference estimate by its
expected standard deviation giving, thus, the number
of standard deviations that the measured ratio deviates
from the allowed ratio. The criteria used for determin-
ing whether a cell suffered from signicant poor
quality was that S
should be higher than two and
higher than 5/R
. The former condition was
based on the 98th percentile of the normal distribu-
tion, giving a 2% probability of incorrectly showing
poor quality, and the latter condition indicated that
there was a sufcient sample for estimating the ratio
accurately. The computation of poor quality was
similar in UL and DL. However, no terminal reporting
of the correctness of received blocks in the DL was
assumed. Instead, the transmitted frames during link
power outage were considered erroneous. The allowed
level of poor quality ratio was 2% in UL and DL. The
statistics were separate for UL and DL and were
denoted S
and S
3.2. UL and DL Congestion
The congestion was described with ratios of blocked
real-time calls and queued packet calls. The blocking
ratio was the ratio of blocked real-time calls to the
total number of real-time call admission requests in
the cell. The blocking ratio was measured separately
for UL and DL. The blocking ratio comprised of calls
blocked due to an unsatised condition (1) for UL and
(5) for DL in addition to lack of hardware channels or
scrambling codes. The packet queuing ratio was the
ratio of queued packet calls to the total number of
packet users in the cell measured at specic intervals.
The packet queuing ratios were measured separately
in UL and DL.
In small amounts call blocking and packet queuing
were regarded as normal. Congestion occurred if
blocking or queuing ratios exceeded signicantly
certain allowed levels. The signicance of increased
blocking or queuing ratio was measured with Equa-
tions similar to Equation (6). If Equation (6) exceeded
260 A. HO


Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
2 and the sample size was sufcient then the cell
showed increased congestion with the particular
blocking or queuing ratio. The allowed level of
blocking ratio was 2% and that of queuing ratio 5%.
The blocking statistics derived from Equation (6)
were denoted S
and S
for UL and DL. The
queuing statistics were denoted S
and S
3.3. Common Pilot Coverage
In the universal mobile telecommunications system,
the terminal measures and reports the received level of
the primary common pilot energy-per-chip-to-total-
wideband-interference-density ratio, or E
, for the
selection of call setup or handover cells. The primary
common pilot power determines the cell coverage
area and thus, the average number of terminals con-
nected to the cell. If the pilots of all cells are too weak
for a terminal to decode any of their signals, call setup
is not possible. The minimum pilot strength is specic
to the receiver electronics. Therefore, the specica-
tions of the Third Generation Partnership Project
require that the terminal must be able to decode the
pilot from a signal with E
of 20 dB [35]. Quality
receivers can cope with ratios several decibels lower
than that. Too good coverage is not desirable either as
it indicates unnecessarily high common pilot powers,
consuming the limited power capacity of cells. The
consumption is even compounded if the powers of
other common channels are scaled with respect to the
common pilot power.
We measured the pilot coverage as the ratio of
reported E
that exceeded 18 dB. Only the stron-
gest E
was included in the coverage ratio from a
single report of a terminal. We considered 98% cover-
age ratio as an optimal target. The test statistic of the
difference between the cell coverage ratio and target
coverage ratio was derived from Equation (6). The
common pilot coverage was regarded as signicantly
smaller or larger than the target if the test statistic was
lower than 2 or higher than 2 respectively and the
sample size was sufcient.
3.4. UL Load, DL Load and the Load
Balance Statistics
The cell-specic UL and DL loads were measured
with the geometric averages of cell PrxTotal and
PtxTotal respectively. A load balance statistic was
calculated for each cell, in order to test whether a
load in a certain cell differed from the load in
neighboring cells. The statistic was based on the
PtxTotal measurement divided by the target transmis-
sion power PtxTarget. The target power depends on
the maximum transmission power of the cell and
differs among macro cells and micro cells. The cell
load was thus, commensurate among different cell
layers. As the capacity is in general more limited in
DL than in UL [15], we saw that measuring of the DL
load balance was sufcient for our purpose. The load
was sampled separately for each cell. Three counters
were kept for each cell. The rst collected the number
of samples, the second collected the sum of the sample
values and the third collected the sum of the squared
sample values. Denote the counter values of cell i by
and T
respectively. The sample mean and
variance of the load in cell k was obtained with
The statistics for the load in the neighboring cells of
cell k were obtained with
. i 6 k 9
. i 6 k 10
Neighbor cells are normally dened during network
planning and optimization (see for example Reference
[26]). The test statistic of the difference between the
own-cell and neighbor-cell loads was obtained with

m1 m2


r 11
3.5. Costs
Costs were dened to enable trade-offs between
capacity and quality. The cost of congestion was
based on blocking and queuing statistics:
CostCongestion x f S
0.25 f S

Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
in which x UL, DL depending on the link direction.
The threshold function f (S) was dened as
f S maxS 2. 0 13
in which the maximum operator and subtraction with
two zeroed insignicant values of the statistic. Equa-
tion (12) shows that the cost of packet queuing was
only one-fourth of the cost of blocking a real-time
user. The cost of poor call quality was dened to
be ve times higher than the cost of blocking in
Equation (12):
CostQuality x 5 f S
If CostCongestion is greater than CostQuality then
congestion is more costly than poor quality in the cell.
If the reverse is true then poor quality is more costly
than congestion.
4. Parameter Optimization
4.1. Power Parameters PrxTarget, PtxTarget,
CPICHToRefRABOffset and PtxDLAbsMax
The admission control parameters selected for opti-
mization were PrxTarget, PtxTarget, CPICHToRefRA-
BOffset and PtxDLAbsMax. Our previous studies on
their optimization showing signicant capacity gains
were reported in References [13,14]. PrxTarget and
PtxTarget determine the amount of trafc allowed in
the cell. If the targets are too low, the capacity of the
network is not fully utilized. On the other hand, if the
targets are too high, too many connections are ad-
mitted in the cell with increased interference as a
consequence. The increased interference causes poor
call quality or even dropping of calls. In UL, terminal
power outage causes poor call quality. In DL, poor
quality occurs in connections whose required link
transmission power exceeds the maximum connec-
tion-specic link power. Moreover, outage of total cell
power causes poor call quality. The parameter
CPICHToRefRABOffset denes the maximum link
transmission power for a selected reference radio
access bearer, for example, 12.2-kbps speech service,
as a corresponding fraction of the cell common pilot
power PtxPrimaryCPICH. The maximum link powers
of other services are obtained by scaling the reference
maximum power with the ratio of bit rates, R/R
, and
the ratio of DL E
requirements, ,/,
, between
the reference and a particular service:
Ptx Max
, R
Equation (15) produces similar cell coverage for all
services it is applied to. The coverage of high-bit-rate
services can be limited with the parameter PtxDLAbs-
Max, which denes the absolute maximum link power
for any service.
The UL power target PrxTarget was adjusted sepa-
rately in each cell based on the UL poor quality and
congestion situation in the cell. The simplied rule
was that PrxTarget was increased or decreased by
0.5 dB if CostCongestion (UL) was higher or lower
than CostQuality (UL) respectively. Moreover, in-
creasing PrxTarget required that average PrxTotal
was at most one decibel lower than PrxTarget, which
supported the interpretation that increased congestion
was due to low PrxTarget. The rules actually imple-
mented, described in References [14] and [26], were
more complex but in practice not signicantly differ-
ent from the simple rule above.
Parameter CPICHToRefRABOffset for the DL link
power maximum determination was adjusted if there
was either signicant DL poor quality or congestion.
The simplied rule was that CPICHToRefRABOffset
was increased or decreased by 0.5 dB if CostConges-
tion (DL) was higher or lower than CostQuality (DL)
respectively. The rules actually implemented and
described in Reference [13] were somewhat more
complex but in practice not signicantly different
from the simple rule above.
PtxDLAbsMax was set equal to the maximum
power, PtxMax of Equation (15), of the service with
the highest power requirement planned to have cover-
age in the entire cell, which was the 64-kbps circuit-
switched-data service. PtxDLAbsMax was calculated
online using the current optimized CPICHToRefRA-
BOffset with Equation (15).
The selection of PtxTarget was based on the as-
sumption of PtxTotal being normally distributed and
an allowed 2% probability of total power outage.
PtxTarget was set equal to the maximum base station
power minus two times the measured standard devia-
tion of PtxTotal.
4.2. Common Pilot Power PtxPrimaryCPICH
Our previous studies on the optimization of PtxPri-
maryCPICH were reported in References [40,41].
PtxPrimaryCPICH denes the power of the primary
common pilot channel in the cell. Increasing or
decreasing the pilot power makes the cell larger or
smaller. Thus, the adjusting of pilot powers can be
applied to balance the cell load among neighboring
cells. The common pilot power was controlled to
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balance load among neighboring cells and provide
sufcient signal reception for the terminals.
In the rule-based method of Reference [40], the
pilot power of a cell was increased or decreased by
0.5 dB if the cell load was signicantly lower or
higher than the neighbor-cells load as indicated by
statistic (11). If the load was not signicantly unba-
lanced among the cells, but the pilot signal reception
was signicantly lower or higher than the target, the
pilot power was increased or decreased by 0.5 dB
respectively. The pilot power was limited between
3% and 15% of the maximum base station power.
In Reference [41], a gradient-descent method was
used to minimize a cost function, which was the sum
of a coverage statistic and a load statistic. The two
statistics described similar performance features as
the statistics used in the rule-based method presented
above, that is, the deviation of the coverage from the
target and the deviation of the cell load from the load
in the neighboring cells. In contrast to the rule-based
method, with which xed parameter adjustments were
used, the gradient-descent method recomputed the
adjustment at every iteration step of the optimization.
The better the changes in the cost function followed
the changes in the parameter value, the larger was the
magnitude of adjustment, which theoretically allowed
faster convergence to the optimum in comparison to
the rule-based method with the xed adjustment.
4.3. Handover Parameters AdditionWindow
and DropWindow
AdditionWindow determines cell addition to the active
set of a terminal. If the active set is not full and the
received pilot signal is higher than that of the strongest
cell in the active set subtracted with AdditionWindow,
the addition is performed. DropWindow determines
cell dropping from the active set. An active-set cell is
dropped if its received pilot signal is lower than that of
the strongest cell subtracted with DropWindow. The
parameters have an effect on the average size of the
terminal active sets and on the average level of soft-
handover overhead.
If AdditionWindow is set to a too high value, the
active set sizes of the terminals are too large on the
average, which can cause increased DL-based con-
gestion due to
insufcient physical (channel elements) and logical
(codes) resources, and
increased base station total transmission powers
due to many links.
If AdditionWindow is set to a too low value, the
active set sizes of the terminals are too small on the
average, which can cause increased UL interference,
poor quality and congestion. The calls from terminals
on the cell border can also show increased poor
quality due to power outage.
The soft-handover parameter control was a com-
promise between DL congestion on one hand and
UL blocking and bad quality on the other hand.
AdditionWindow and DropWindow were increased
by 0.5 dB if
CostQuality UL CostCongestion UL
CostCongestion DL
If the cost balance was reverse, the parameters were
decreased by 0.5 dB.
The ReplacementWindow and handover timers
were not tuned in this study, since controlling these
parameters had a low impact on the studied WCDMA
4.4. Rule-based Multi-Parameter Optimization
We introduced the rule-based multi-parameter opti-
mization in Reference [39]. The method applied
simultaneously the control rules described in subsec-
tions 4.1 to 4.3. However, the rules were simplied by
omitting the load statistic (11) from the rule of pilot
control described in 4.2. The rules were independent
so that simultaneous operation was possible without
conicting control actions.
5. Network Simulator
The automated control methods were veried with an
advanced WCDMA radio network simulator devel-
oped at Nokia Research Center [11]. The simulator
was able to model various cell deployments. A set of
mobile terminals moved in the area with constant
speed and, with random intervals, made calls of
different services: voice, circuit-switched data and
packet-switched data. The main differences between
voice and circuit-switched-data calls were in the bit
rates and that the former had talk spurt silence periods.
The data rates of voice and circuit-switched-data calls
were xed but packet data rates could vary. The
simulation step was one frame or 10 ms, at which
the transmission powers, received interferences and
signal-to-interference ratios were recalculated for
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
each connection in UL and DL. The method of
Reference [10] was used to obtain correctness of
received frames from signal-to-interference ratios.
The simulator implemented many advanced features
such as total power based admission control, closed-
loop and outer-loop power controls, soft and hard
handover controls, packet scheduler, load control and
quality manager. Previous studies with the simulator
are described in References [27] and [2], for instance.
Three main simulation scenarios were used in this
study. They were a micro-cell-scenario (Figure 2), a
macro-cell-scenario (Figure 3) and a mixed scenario
with both micro and macro cells (Figure 4). For the
micro cell scenario, an area of 9 km
of downtown
Helsinki was planned with 46 micro cells, while in the
mixed cell scenario the same area was planned with
32 macro cells in addition to the 46 micro cells. In the
pure macro-cell scenario a subset of the area was
planned with 17 macro cells (Figure 3). In Figures 2, 3
and 4 the bars depict cells by pointing to the principal
direction of antenna pattern, except for cells with
omni directional antennas that are vertically depicted.
The main parameters used in the simulations are
presented in Table I. The channel multi-path prole
was that of ITU Outdoor-to-Indoor A [38] with two-
path propagation in the micro cell scenario and that of
ITU Vehicular A [38] with ve-path propagation in
the macro and mixed cell scenarios. The path gains are
shown in Table I. Signals from the same base station
cell propagating along the same path were totally
orthogonal; that is, they did not interfere with each
other. For example, for the ITU Vehicular A model the
DL orthogonality factor [15], computed from the path
gains, was 60%. The propagation loss was calculated
using the OkumuraHata model with average correc-
tion factor of 6.2 dB. The shadow fading process
conformed to the buildings, streets and water areas.
Short-term fading with 7 dB deviation was added to
the process. The fast fading process was that of Jakes
[19]. The mobile stations were uniformly distributed
along the streets of simulated area and they made new
calls according to a Poisson inter-arrival distribution.
The packet size of packet calls was generated accord-
ing to a Pareto distribution. The service of new calls
was generated according to the probabilities shown in
Table I.
The simulation step was one frame or 10 ms, at
which the transmission powers, received interference
Fig. 2. The micro cell scenario with 46 micro cell sites deployed in a Helsinki city center area having the size of approximately
9 km
. Water areas are shown in gray.
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Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
and signal-to-interference ratios were recalculated
for each connection in the DL. The method of
Reference [10] was used to obtain the correctness of
received frames from signal-to-interference ratios.
The call parameters were selected to produce a high
system load and load the system up to the target level
of the DL transmission power and UL total received
power. The simulation time was 300 seconds. In the
simulations, the planned pilot power was 1 W in the
macro cells and 200 mWin the micro cells, which was
5% of the maximum base station power [26]. The
fact that the simulated environment was a real city
environment planned using realistic site locations
lead to quite signicant differences in the load of
different cells, with some of the cells being clear
hot-spot cells.
6. Results
6.1. Automated Cell-Based Optimization of
In Reference [14], we presented results for the opti-
mization of PrxTarget. One simulation was done
using the macro-cell scenario in Figure 3 and two
simulations with different service mixes using the
micro-cell scenario in Figure 2. In general the results
improved signicantly compared with xed parameter
Fig. 3. The pure small macro cell scenario with ve three-sector and two one-sector macro cell sites in Helsinki center area.
Water areas are shown in blue. Average site distance roughly 910 m. Subset of 32-cell scenario in Reference [26].
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
settings and in particular for cautiously made para-
meter settings. The results in Table II show that the
auto-tuning improved the system performance. The
UL throughput increased 4857% compared with
the conservative noise-rise target of 4 dB (60% load-
ing), 1625% compared with the 6-dB PrxTarget
(75% loading) and 210% compared with the 8-dB
PrxTarget (84% loading). The degradation in real-
time call quality was minor, while the real-time call
blocking decreased signicantly [14].
6.2. Automated Optimization of
CPICHToRefRABOffset, PtxDLAbsMax
and PtxTarget
In Reference [13] we presented results for the opti-
mization of CPICHToRefRABOffset and PtxTarget.
Two xed settings of CPICHToRefRABOffset
were validated using the micro scenario in Figure 2.
In comparison with xed CPICHToRefRABOffset
values, the auto-tuning decreased the bad quality
signicantly, which made it possible to increase the
PtxTarget. The adjustment of PtxTarget together with
the autotuning of CPICHToRefRABOffset, made a
signicant increase in throughput possible (up to
39% compared with default parameter settings) in
addition to a quality improvement [13].
6.3. Automated Optimization of the Primary
Common Pilot Power
We presented results for the optimization of the
pilot power using a rule-based method in Reference
[41] and a gradient descent optimization method in
Reference [40]. The mixed-macro-and-micro-cell
scenario depicted in Figure 4 was used in the simula-
tions. Table III shows the improvement of DL packet
performance measures obtained with the two auto-
tuning methods. The performance improved but the
improvement was not great. The rule-based control
method showed better performance than the gradient
descent optimization method. Table IV shows that
the average DL total transmission powers (PtxTotal)
were similar with and without the gradient descent
minimization, but increased when the rule based-
optimization was applied. The increased total base
Fig. 4. Mixed micro and micro case with 32 macro cells and 46 micro cells deployed in Helsinki center area.
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Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
station powers explain the improved performance of
the rule-based optimization. This can be taken as an
indication that the load was more evenly distributed.
As the target pilot coverage was 98%, the results in
Table IV show that the coverage deteriorated with the
auto-tuning. The coverage could be improved by
increasing its weight in the cost function and by
adjusting the rule priorities.
Table I. Selected parameters used in the simulation studies.
Parameter Value
Chip rate 3.84 MHz
Frequency 2.0 GHz
Bandwidth 5.0 MHz
Base station cell maximum transmission power Micro 4 W, Macro 20 W
CPICH transmission power Micro 0.2 W, Macro 1 W
Power control dynamic range in UL and DL 65 dB and 20 dB
Base station antenna cell and gain, macro 65

, 17.5 dBi
Base station antenna cell and gain, micro Omni, 11.0 dBi
Mobile station antenna cell and gain Omni, 0.0 dBi
DL and UL system noise 99.9 dBm and 102.9 dBm
Minimum coupling loss with O-H model 50 dB
Propagation loss model Okumura-Hata
Shadow fading deviation 7 dB
Multi-path propagation gains, micro cases 94 and 6%
Multi-path propagation gains, macro and mixed cases 51, 30, 11, 6, 3%
Mobile station speed 3 km/h
Number of mobile stations 500011 000
Call arrival rate for a mobile station 2 per minute
Probability of voice service 040%
Probability of circuit-switched service 010%
Probability of packet service 090%
Average voice call length 120 s
Average discontinuous transmission period 3.0 s
Average CS RT 64 kb/s data call length 10 s
Mean number of packets in DL packet call 100
Mean number of packets in UL packet call 1
Mean packet size in UL packet call 8150 bytes
Mean packet size in DL packet call 81.5 bytes
Voice data rate 8 kb/s
Circuit-switched data rate 64 kb/s
Packet data rates 8, 12, 64, 144, 512 kb/s
Voice and CS data outer loop BLER target 1%
Packet-switched data outer loop BLER target 20%
Handover control add window 1 or 3 dB
Handover control drop window 3 or 7 dB
Admission control total DL tx power target, PtxTarget Micro 2 and macro 10 W
Admission control total UL rx power target, PrxTarget 6 dB
CPICHToRefRABOffset 5.5 dB
Auto-tuning interval 20 s
Simulation time 600 s or more
Table II. Improvement of system throughput with PrxTarget
optimization in comparison to xed setting of PrxTarget.
Scenario Improvement with respect to xed PrxTarget
4 dB 6 dB 8 dB
Macro cell 57% 25% 10%
Micro cell 1 (NRT PS
and RT speech) 52% 21% 6%
Micro cell 2 (NRT PS
and RT CS data) 48% 16% 2%
Table III. Improvement of packet performance with pilot power
optimization [40,41] compared with initial pilot power setting.
Rule-based Gradient-descent
method cost function
Total throughput 4% 1%
Active session throughput 21% 5%
Allowed bit rate 31% 9%
95th packet delay percentile 5% 2%
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
6.4. Automated Optimization of Soft
Handover Parameters
The optimization of the addition window and drop
window decreased the number of blocked speech-
service calls by 10% and circuit-switched data calls
by 11% while the quality of the calls did not deterio-
rate at all.
The optimization was also repeated in a hardware-
limited scenario, in which the number of simultaneous
channels was limited to 32 in per cell. This was to
verify the supposition that the addition window con-
trol reduces the blocking due to insufcient channels,
which are the anticipated limiting resource in the rst
WCDMA networks. The results were similar to those
with the power-limited scenario. The number of
blocked speech calls decreased by 11% and the
number of blocked circuit-switched data calls de-
creased by 13%. The total increase in utilized capacity
due to optimization was 15%. The quality was not a
problem, as the power resources were sufcient owing
to the limited number of users in the cells.
6.5. Automated Multi-parameter Optimization
We presented results for cell-cluster-based multi-
parameter optimization using rule-based methods in
Reference [39]. The general performance in the net-
work with and without control is given in Table V. The
upper number in each row is the result obtained with
the initial parameters and the lower number is that
with control. The rst and second rows show that the
number of started calls was increased signicantly
with control (subject to sufcient trafc). The next
four rows show that the ratio of poor quality calls was
at most 1.0% with the initial parameters and 2.2%
with control. The call quality was regarded as poor if
over 2% of the frames were incorrectly received when
averaged over the whole phone call. The last two rows
show that the blocking ratio was signicantly reduced
when using the control. Requiring that at most 5% of
the calls are either blocked or suffer from poor quality
then the number of subscribers that the network
tolerated was between 1000 and 2000 with the initial
parameters. With control, the number was increased to
between 2000 and 3000. The quality of calls was too
good by the standard of dened policy with the initial
parameters, which was reected in high blocking. The
capacity was much improved by trading off quality
for reduced blocking. Taking into account a 2.5-dB
difference in signal level requirements between the
8- and 64-kbps services, the combined improvement
of capacity was 9% with 2000, 17% with 3000, and
19% with 4000 subscribers.
7. Discussion and Conclusions
The automated optimization of key WCDMA para-
meters benets the improving of inaccurate or even
incorrect parameter values and increases the network
capacity, especially, in the case when the operator has
chosen to set the parameter values cautiously to
ensure that required quality criteria are met. For
instance, PrxTarget or CPICHToRefRABOffset that
has been set to a too high level can result in poor
quality or link power outage of calls in the cell. In
such cases, observed poor quality makes the control
algorithm reduce the parameter value until the quality
is at the required level. The obtained increases in
Table IV. Performance results of pilot power optimization [40,41].
No Rule- Gradient-descent
optimization based cost function
method minimization
Macro PtxTotal (std) [W] 9.0 (2.0) 9.4 (1.3) 8.8 (2.2)
Micro PtxTotal (std) [W] 1.9 (0.3) 1.9 (0.2) 1.9 (0.3)
Macro pilot power 1 (0) 1.6 (0.9) 1.0 (0.4)
(std) [W]
Micro pilot power 0.2 (0) 0.24 (0.15) 0.2 (0.09)
(std) [W]
1macro coverage [%] 1.6 2.3 2.8
1micro coverage [%] 1.3 3.5 2.4
Table V. General network performance with and without simulta-
neous control of the parameters.
Indicator Number of subscribers
1000 2000 3000 4000
Started speech calls 14 000 26 000 33 000 39 000
14 000 28 000 40 000 52 000
Started CS calls 5800 11 000 14 000 17 000
5800 12 000 16 000 19 000
Poor quality speech calls UL (%) 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2
0.2 0.3 0.6 0.9
Poor quality speech calls DL (%) 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4
0.3 0.2 1.2 1.9
Poor quality CS calls UL (%) 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.9
0.5 1.2 2.1 2.2
Poor quality CS calls DL (%) 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
1.8 0.9 1.0 1.0
Blocked speech calls (%) 0.6 8.2 20 30
0.5 0.8 3.8 6.9
Blocked CS calls (%) 0.6 8.0 21 31
0.4 1.7 10 21
CS, circuit-switch data.
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Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
capacity are specic to the described cases and gen-
eralizing the result to real networks is not straightfor-
ward. The benet of control depends on the choice of
the initial parameters, trafc characteristics, dened
policies and the availability of performance measures.
We showed that the parameters could be optimized
on a per-cell basis or a per-cell-cluster basis. The
optimization on cell-level can bring additional gains
in performance compared with cell-cluster-based op-
timization, since optimal values for the individual
cell-specic situation are obtained. The benet of
using the same parameter values in a cluster of
homogeneous cells is in the increased stability and
larger amount of measurement data. In a network of
diverse cell properties and many layers, the clustering
of cells is thus, an additional task. The clustering can
be based on performance measures and parameters
with conventional methods such as the k-means algo-
rithm or the self-organizing map [28].
The simulated environment was a real city environ-
ment planned using realistic site locations. These
issues lead to quite signicant differences in the
load among different cells. The blocking and queuing
occurred mainly in few overloaded hot-spot cells.
Additionally, different load conditions were tried,
for instance, in the simultaneous multi-parameter
optimization. Both the cell-based individual para-
meter optimization and the cell-cluster-based multi-
parameter optimization worked ne under different
load conditions. This indicates that the methods are
robust. In a real mobile network the parameters might
not be optimized online in the radio network con-
troller, but for example optimization of sets of para-
meters for busy-hour and for low-usage situations
could take place in the network management system.
Thus, the parameters would be optimized for average
load conditions, and the optimization would not tackle
rapid differences in load conditions.
The performance of the proposed control methods
were compared with the performance obtained with-
out automated optimization. Comparisons among dif-
ferent optimization methods were not made, expect
for one case. The rule-based approach is not necessa-
rily superior to conventional optimization methods,
such as the gradient-descent minimization [57] in
terms of convergence speed, stability or robustness.
The gradient-descent algorithm utilizes stochastic
search, that is, random perturbations of parameters
to nd the optimum values. The gradient-descent
algorithm also controls the magnitude of parameter
adjustments allowing improved convergence rate. The
benet of stochastic search is that minimum knowl-
edge is required about the dependence of performance
on the parameters. On the other hand, the choices that
the algorithm makes in the parameter adjustments in
the noisy mobile network system may remain obscure
to the network operator. The rule-based control is
based on expert knowledge, according to which the
rules are constructed. The rules likely require revision
of details in the beginning of operation. However, the
approach offers the network operator a good insight
into the regularities of system, which may prove
valuable in solving problem situations. For instance,
the multi-parameter optimization with the gradient-
descent optimization described in Reference [6] re-
sulted in an improved packet throughput. However,
the optimum parameter values, with which the
improvement was obtained, may seem peculiar and
the reason for the improvement may not be clear for
the expert. This study showed no benet of using the
gradient-descent method instead of the rule-based
approach in the case of pilot power optimization.
The result is thus in favor of the rule-based control.
To conclude, the automatic optimization of several
WCDMA parameters was described. The optimiza-
tion was guided by heuristic rules, commensurate
performance indicators and trade-off policies. The
methods were shown to produce a signicant increase
in capacity in comparison to the default parameter
settings, both in the case of single-parameter and
multi-parameter optimization. As implemented into
the network management system, the proposed
method constitutes a benecial feature that could
reduce the operational and capital expenditures of
the network operator.
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270 A. HO


Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271
Authors Biographies
Albert Hoglund received the M.Sc.
(Tech.) degree in Operations Research
from Helsinki University of Technol-
ogy in 1997 and the M.Sc. (Econ.)
degree in computational nance from
the Swedish School of Economics and
Business Administration, in 2001. He
worked as research engineer and
senior research engineer at Nokia
Research Center, from 1996 to 2002. Currently, he works
as senior business analyst at Nokia Networks. His research
interests include network management, network optimiza-
tion and portfolio management.
Kimmo Valkealahti received the
M.Sc. (Tech.) and D.Sc. (Tech.)
degrees in Computer Science from
Helsinki University of Technology in
1992 and 1998 respectively. From
1991 to 1998, he worked at Helsinki
University of Technology as research
associate. He worked as research engi-
neer at Nokia Research Center from
1998 to 2000. Since 2001, he has worked as a consultant
for Nokia Research Center. His research interests include
network management, network optimization and data
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2005; 5:257271

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