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There are two types of commonly used joins

Implicit Join Explicit Join

Implicit Join: Implicit Join are those which are already define in Siebel and which are internally use by the Siebel to pull the values from the other than base table. Example: join between base table and extension table 1) S_OPTY and S_OPTY_X and join between S_PARTY and S_ORG_EXT Explicit Joints: Explicit Joints are those which are define by the developer to create the relationship between two tables.

Scenario 1): We have one table of the Employee where 1) Name, Employee Id and other information about the employee is stored. 2) Another table stores a list of Cities. Requirement is to know which user stays in which city. There are two ways to do it

Store city in the Employee table which will result in data redundancy. Store Primary key of city table in the employee table and pull the values at the run time, which is more efficient and makes more sense.

Steps To Configure Explicit Join: Follow five steps to have joined field on UI in Siebel 1. Go to Business Component > Field 2. Create a new record 3. Enter the name of the field. 4. Enter extension table name in Join field if the column you identified belongs to extension table otherwise go to step 5 5. Select the Column identified in column Field.

Scenario 2: Opportunity Name on the Quote Applet :

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