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READING REPORT Students Name Teachers Name Course : Jorge Vargas : Javier Saldarriaga : Advance 3 Time : 1:30-3:30

The Revolutionary Effect of the Paperback Book Summary (150 to 300 words) The article "The Revolutionary Effect of the Paperback Book" relates the history about how Robert Fair de Graff invention change the way American people read like multifunctional tablets are changing reading habits nowadays. Many years ago American people didn't have easily access to books because both they were expensive and there were few bookstores. However, de Graff revolutionary paperback not only made books cheaper and more accessible but brought new genres too. Although the paperback was very successful both popularly and financially, the last attracted Media conglomerates that then bought new pocket-book firms and started to increase prices. Becoming paperbacks as much expensive as hardcovers. Alternatively, now, there are devices such as mini-tablets and e-readers capable of storing hundreds of books and smaller than a book that are changing the way where and how we read like de Graffs invention did. But bringing new kinds of entertainments that like Mike Shatzik, who is CEO of Logical Company, worries about can replace reading.

This format January 2012 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min. 100 words for 300-word summaries) Although de Graffs invention revolutionized book market in his time I think that it was not a big revolution for books because it was pretty the same that hardcovers. The thing that I was very curios is that there are sometimes clever and creative ideas and they are not successful, it seems that some inventions were born to be successful no matter how creative and clever are.

For Teachers Use

Content of Summary Content of Opinion Written Expr / Lang. accuracy according to cycle

Total: ______ / 100 Teachers Feedback:

This format January 2012 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

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