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Talon Mulnix The Encyclopedia Britannica contains an entry for the word 'Father' that adopts the literal

connotation of a DNA connection. I feel that this doesn't fully do justice to the role of a father and so !ased on "y chosen co""ercial I propose a sli#htly unorthodox re$ision or addition. FATHER (Dad) The lo$in# lar#er than life and yet see"in#ly tyrannical role a "an plays in the life of the children he raises !iolo#ical or not. The Father is "ar%ed !y his insistence on the tellin# of unfunny jo%es and e"!arrassin# stories and is usually seen in a loose fittin# &awaiian'print shirt and sandals with soc%s. &is presence is seen as socially unaccepta!le in the eyes of his children. (ftenti"es under appreciated the role can !e a than%less one !ut it is necessary. The fairness of his jud#"ent is often called into )uestion !y those who call hi" 'Dad' !ut his steadfast resolution is what "a%es hi" a constant in a world of $aria!les. &is rules can see" unreasona!le and he can !e )uic% to point out faults and as such it see"s a child can do no ri#ht in the eyes of their father. But despite the rou#h exterior undou!tedly the "an cares and pro$ides a constant presence of protection throu#h childhood de$elop"ent. *hen you are youn# he see"s to %now e$erythin# and his a"a+in# dad'stren#th !asically "a%es hi" a super hero. &e was there to teach you how to wal% and how to ride a !i%e and how to throw a !all. &e pro$ided the wisdo" of his experience and then he helped you to pic% yourself up and dust off the "ista%es after you didn't listen. *hen the ,#irl of your drea"s- left you he was there to tell you that there will !e others e$en if you didn't want to hear it. &e understands that you ,hate- hi" when he won't let you !orrow the car and still he cares for you. *hen you "ature he teaches you so"e thin#s fro" the !oo%s of life and adulthood that only co"e fro" a "an who has read those chapters. &e does what he has to do to ensure that you ha$e the !est possi!le opportunities ad$anta#es in the world !ecause he %nows what is out there e$en if you don't. &e "i#ht not "a%e the decisions for you that you would "a%e !ut in his heart lies his lo$e for you and your !est interests and he will fi#ht tooth and nail to protect those. &e is the carin# foundation for your de$elop"ent into a #ood person. &e is always there for you. &e is Dad.

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