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Lesson Plan

Erin Kingsley Title: Paper Architecture Paper City Subject: 9th Grade Art Grade Level: 9th Time Allotted: 5 class days (assuming 45 minute class length) Materials Required: Sticky notes, notebooks, pipe cleaners, construction paper, scissors, glue, pencils, open (discussion-friendly) classroom environment, large tables or counter-top areas on which to build cities. Michigan Content Expectations: ART.VA.I.HS.1 ART.VA.II.HS.7 ART.VA.II.HS.8 ART.VA.III.HS.5 ART.VA.IV.HS.3 Objectives: TLW design and construct an architectural structural model of a two-person dwelling or small business. TLW collaborate with peers to design the layout of a town; including houses, businesses, roads, etc. Vocabulary: Architecture, angle, volume, area, city planning, traffic pattern. Purpose: To plan and create a successful city; including houses, roads, and businesses. Instructional Procedure: Day One I. Anticipatory Set: a. Use the Instructional Strategy of Synetics to begin sparking the students interest in the lesson. b. Show the class an image of a single skyscraper and have them brainstorm related words and images. II. State Purpose and Objectives of Lesson: a. The purpose of this lesson is to understand city planning, how building within a city react with one another, and how it takes specific designing processes to plan a functioning city. b. This is important to learn because we all live in a planned city, and it is important to appreciate the work and design that went into planning our own city, as well as every other city.


Instructional Input: a. Begin by having students take notes on various, prominent architects and building styles using the Charting Method. i. Discuss the road systems developed in Ancient Rome. ii. Discuss the complex Aquifers developed in Ancient Greece. iii. Discuss the building styles of skyscrapers in New York City. iv. Discuss the unique housing architecture employed by Frank Lloyd Wright. b. Once the notes are completed, have the students group off for Concept Mapping. i. Give each group 10 sticky notes. ii. Have each group write five ideas they liked about the architecture discussed on five different stick notes. iii. Then, have each group write five ideas they did not like about the architecture discussed on the other five sticky notes. iv. Have each group share their five likes and five dislikes with the class. v. Stick the sticky notes to a sheet of poster board, with a line down the middle, separating the likes from the dislikes.

Day Two IV. Modeling: a. Have the students re-visit their five likes and five dislikes from the previous day. i. Allow them to switch their sticky notes around if they changed their minds. b. Using what they did and did not like, demonstrate how to create mock-up buildings for the students with pipe cleaners. V. Guided Practice: a. Have the students practice making their own buildings using the Physical Models strategy. b. Give small groups of students a handful of pipe cleaners. i. Urge them to create different types of buildings; houses, businesses, etc. c. Give each group a large sheet of paper. i. Have them plan out their mock city, including roads and water system. Days Three and Four VI. Independent Practice: a. Let students create their cities in groups of three or four. i. Have them build houses, businesses, roads, anything they can think of, out of colorful construction paper. ii. They must be able to lay out their city plan and be able to justify the placements of all of their buildings/roads.

iii. Trial and error for two days as they experiment with placements and with shapes/sizes of they buildings. Day Five VII. Assessment: a. Assess and give feedback on each city according to logical sense, creativity, effort, and use of materials. VIII. Closure: a. Close off the lesson with an Exploratory Discussion. i. Move the desks/tables into a circle. ii. Prompt the students to discuss what worked or did not work within their cities. iii. Have them discuss the importance of proper and well thoughtout city planning.

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