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St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

Name: Bible Questions for Gospel of Luke

Sunday 12/1 Luke Chapter 5 Verse 1 to 11 Which miracle did Jesus do in verse 1 to 11? a- Blessing fish and bread b- Catching a lot of fish c- Healing the blind man

Who said this verse Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. a- Simon b- Peter c- Jesus James

Monday 12/2 Luke Chapter 5 Verse 12 to 26 When Jesus cleansed the Leper: a- Was Jesus cautious on not touching the leper b- Jesus did put out his hand, touched him and healed him Which of the following is true? a- Jesus healed the paralytic man. b- Jesus healed the paralytic man and forgave his sins. c- Jesus forgave his sins but did not heal him.

Tuesday 12/3 Luke Chapter 5 Verse 27 to 39 Who is a tax collector? Which verses talk about fasting?

Wednesday 12/4 Luke Chapter 6 Verse 1 to 26 What are the names of the 12 disciples?

Fill in the blanks Blessed are you poor, ....

Thursday 12/5 Luke Chapter 6 Verse 27 to 49 Which verse talks about judging people? Our hearts should be like: a- A man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. b- A man who built a house on the earth without a foundation.

Friday 12/6 Luke Chapter 7 Verse 1 to 35 Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. Who said this verse? a- John the Baptist b- The widow c- The centurion

Saturday 12/7 Luke Chapter 7 Verse 36 to 50 Who brought fragrant oil and washed Jesus feet with her tears?

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