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CBSE Life Skills Summit

Regional Level Dates: 27th and 28th November enue: National Bal Bha!an" #otla Road" Ne! Delhi

Organized by: CBSE in Collaboration with Expressions India Four students of Delhi Publi S hool !haziabad parti ipated in the second International summit for the schools affiliated to CBSE in collaboration with Expressions India. "hese students are the peer edu ators and edu ate and e#power their peer group to be o#e responsible and aware$ "he Central Board of Se ondary Edu ation has introdu ed %ife S&ills' (alues Edu ation and !ender Sensitization as an integral part of the urri ulu#' in tande# with the edu ational refor#s to e#power the affe ti)e do#ain of the learners so that they are able to de)elop a sense of self* onfiden e' e o*sensiti)ity and right approa hes to life pro esses' health' wellbeing and gender$ During the su##it students en+oyed a #elange of a ti)ities' wor&shops and o#petitions$ (arenya Singh* ,I -' Si#ran Bathla* , .' (rinda Shar#a*I, E and /anasi* I, - re ei)ed The Special Mention Jury Award for their Thematic Ad Jingle on Sanitization$

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