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One Perfect Gift! Imagine .

A Christmas celebration without a monumental advertising campaign devised to entice you and I to go out and buy all manner of modern day trinkets and gadgets for that special someone in our lives. ow! consider that same celebration without material gifts! wrapped in visions of splendor! lying "ust beneath a beautiful tree that is adorned with grand ornaments and brilliant colors of light. A celebration that has no profane and old wives tales! no pagan rituals! no vain traditions! ideologies! theories or philosophies of men. And no #anta Claus! elves! tiny reindeer nor any other "olly happy holiday fable. A celebration that is without commercialism and consumerism. unfortunately! should such a celebration take place in many churches today! I suspect that all$too$many churchgoers would perceive the perpetrator of such an event as being %the grinch who stole Christmas.& A most disturbing fact considering the words that 'esus spoke unto us all in the book of #(. )uke *+,-. /'0! %1or where your treasure is! there will your heart be also.& As each of you celebrate this Christmas +2*-! I humbly implore you to let Christ be at the forefront of your celebration. )et us give glory to the One Perfect Gift! (hough we! as Christians! are uncertain as to the e3act date of the birth of our )ord 'esus Christ! we acknowledge! embrace and hold fast to the 4oly #criptures divine account of 4is miraculous birth. And declare unto this world the immutable truth 55. 'esus is the the greatest gift that this world will ever know. /eeping Christ in Christmas! $(ommy )ewis

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