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December 6, 2013 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter to recommend my colleague Mr. Jorge Guillen.

I am a teacher here at Dolores Huerta Elementary School. Mr. Guillen has been most helpful to me as a mentor. He helped me set up my kinder class and in the development of my curriculum. For three years now he has been in charge of the music and dance lessons as part of his Initial Learning Plan for all the Huertas classes. He was also in charge and the main facilitator for the culmination of all the kindergarten classes for two years. Mr. Guillen was also in charge and extremely helpful when it came to managing the more challenging students in my class and the other Kindergarten classes. Under his guidance the technology in our classrooms ran much smoother and with greater productivity and purpose. He was also instrumental with the implementation of the new writing program known as Learning Headquarters for all the kindergarten classes of the school. I am recommending him for his promotion after the LAPRN program because he is decisive and purposeful in school action. When it come to education and day to day business at school, he is a master teacher and a boon to those who came to know and work with him. I can only write for myself but my other colleagues at school would also agree with me. Sincerely, Karl C. Sanchez

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