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Event Critique Art Museum

Use the following format for your museum critique; answers must be typed below the questions and all questions must appear in full on your final copy. You can use this document as your template. Pay careful attention to the required number of words for those questions that have them. Failure to follow the instructions here and on your syllabus will result in a substantially low grade. Minimal answers poorly written are a D grade or less. Elaboration of points, excellent arguments, and good writing garner higher grades. ********************************** Name_____________________________________________ Class time period (not section number)___________________ 1) Which museum did you visit? (check one) ___ Univ. of Utah ___ BYU 2) In 150 words, describe at least one of the broad collections on a theme, period, geographic region, or topic) within the museum. One time period that I did find to be very interesting was the Egyptian and ancient Roman art section. When I walked into the Egyptian room it was very bright and colorful. They had a sarcophagus on display. I have never seen one personally so this was a new experience that gave me a weird feeling. When I looked at it closely I noticed a lot of detail when it came to the drawings on top of the sarcophagus. rom what I have learned in the past I did know that the egyptians treated the dead almost better than when they were alive and it was was very apparent in where they were laid to rest. or some reason that room gave me a weird feeling! but when I was looking at how beautiful their art was I really did not care. I thought it was pretty interesting looking at a sarcophagus from ancient Egypt because it was from so long ago. 3) Give a brief, one paragraph (100 words) description of a special exhibit (ask the curator what these are; they are usually in one of the first rooms): "t the #niversity of #tah there was a special exhibit on $artha Wilson. %he was a woman from &ova %cotia that thought only men had a special part in contemporary art! and she was not to fond about it. %he had a 'h.( at a large college in &ova %cotia where she gave it up and went out to take pictures and tell stories about women. %he took photos of women in different ages! gender roles! and identities. While looking at her pictures I found them to be )uite fascinating and well put. %he wanted to have contemporary art for women! and she got it. %he inspired many women and now she is in museums everywhere. 4) What kind of information is provided about the works? Tell me three places you might find more detailed information that doesnt include the web {hint: ask a curator for help with this question} It gives information on who created it, where it came from, and what time period it was created in. 1- Description/Information on the wall by the work. 2- Audio headphones giving information 3- Books of information in each room. 5) Choose several works that particularly appealed to you. Explain why you were drawn to these works. Comment on the subject, style, medium, time period, etc. Who were the artists?) This question

must be answered in its entirety. (This should be at least 500 words There were a lot of pieces of work that appealed to me particularly from the contemporary art section. There was a piece of art from the artist %ol *eWitt from the early +,-s that really caught my attention. It was a pyschdelic piece of art with swirling colors! and black lines cutting into different shapes. One particular shape that I did notice was a peace sign. Obviously peace was a huge part of the hippy generation. The most interesting part about this artwork was that there were eight separate paintings that all corresponded into one large painting. This appealed to me because I am really into .,-s/+,-s culture. "lso compared to some of the other artwork I saw! it actually used shapes and colors. I am not sure where these artists think a black line is a work of art. I listen to all of the .,-s/+,-s music! and recently I have gotten into all of the art work. This painting does fit its time era because of all the cra0y colors people may see if they were doing drugs. I feel like a lot of people may find it sickening to look at with all of the shapes and distortions. 'ersonally I liked it because it was one of the more uni)ue pieces. "s I was walking around I was curious if there were any "ndy Warhol pieces. %ure enough I found one! and it was as weird as you would think. I personally like "ndy Warhol screen prints because they were really odd for his time! and they are still )uite odd. The one at the #niversity of #tah was call 1'errier2! it was printed in 3456. I thought it was interesting because who would ever make a piece of art out of the drink 'errier. 7e actually made it look really cool because he printed a couple of glasses of 'errier! and used many different colors. "s far as I could tell he used a piece of large regular paper. I feel like it would be really hard to come up with something like that because you did not have the odd mind of "ndy Warhol. (uring his time of are it was changing into contemporary art rather than the typical painting with oil! and a paint brush. In my opinion he was the 8im $orrison of the art world. The last piece of art that I had seen was a three dimensional lithograph by 9harles Roger. The title of his work was called 1Traffic2! and it was created in 344:. I thought it was pretty awesome because it reminded me of a kids pop/up book! but with so much more detail in it. It was a taxi with a cab driver that looked like he was driving cra0y. The coolest part about it was that it had the look of going extremely fast. I would have never thought I was going to see a piece of art like that at a museum. I am not sure how the time period would have a factor because pop up books have been around forever. "lthough this was probably my second favorite thing I had looked at. 6) How did the artworks you looked at relate to material we have discussed in class? {They do relate in many ways, you just need to look for those relationships} Minimum of 150 words. While we were learning about ;uddhism and the ;uddha I was always curious to see how they had presented him in their artwork. I did happen to see ;uddhism stuff as well as 7induism art. In the ;uddhism section I saw two sculptures of ;uddha one was called 1the walking buddha2. 7e was walking with kind of a peace sign! but I did notice him looking really healthy as far as weight went. If I am correct I can remember reading about how he was so skinny! and unhealthy he was during his road to enlightenment. The other sculpture I saw of him was really )uite different. The second one he was obese with food and gold all around him. I feel like that is how modern people think of him. Or it could mean he is purely happy with food and money all around him. It was still really fascinating to see such old art work. 7) What was your personal reaction to this experience? Would you enjoy attending this type of event again? Why or why not? {Minimum 100 words} I honestly did like this experience! because I have only been to < other museums through out my lifetime and they have been both natural history museums. I do like art a lot! but I do not like how some artists think that a black circle on a white piece of paper is fabulous art. I did take a stroll through the "ncient Roman section and I loved it because all of their art had to take so much time and patients. "rt is always changing! and art is different in everyones mind. I would most likely go back to another

art museum if I had the chance. As always remember that I want to see reflective thinking on your part. Show me you are aware of your limitations, your biases, etc. Show me that you are thinking about your own responses and why you respond the way you do.

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