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Possible Problems Faced in Writing Proposed Solution

1. Report format 1. Researches on internet & based on
situation, asking senior, supervisors,
previous reports.
2. Readers of report 2. Find out who the audiences.
Example: MD, Manager
3. Objectives 3. Based on company/ supervisors/
4. Deadline 4. Planning/ timeline.
5. Content of report 5. Depending on title.
Example: Topic rubber so evaluate
regarding rubber not about car.
6. Planning 6. Timeline.
7. Scope of report 7. Our audience.
Example: Finance (More figure),
Marketing (Less)
8. Review 8. Find the right person.
Example: Senior/ supervisors
9. Summary 9. Main idea/ compress.

Written Messages Oral Messages

- No interaction - Got interaction
- One way - Two ways
- Tangible - Intangible
- Read - Listen
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
1. Revision. 1. May not be 1. Get attention. 1. No revision.
understood easily.
2. Prove. 2. Confusion & 2. Can be 2. Accidentally
ambiguity understood easily. offend people.
3. Boring 3. Saving money. 3. Can be deny.
4. Can lose written
5. Waste money.
Example: Print

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