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Conversation: Take the Green Line to 22nd St.

A= Receiver B=Caller

Caller Activity Sheet You will be given a role card. Call up an old friend and invite them to go shopping. Your friend will give you some directions to get there.
Friends Name Recommended Store/ hy Weinnermans7 0ran% /pening Sale Sale

A: Hello. B: Hi, Sally. Its Harry. A: Harry! What a surprise. Its been a long time! What have you been up to B: !eeping busy. "isten. Im in to#n this a$ternoon. Ive got some shopping to %o an% I #as #on%ering i$ you% li&e to 'oin me an% possibly go $or a movie. A: I% love to. What %o you nee% to buy B: Well, Ive got a 'ob intervie# coming up so I nee% to buy a suit. A: In that case, you shoul% chec& out Weinnermans. (hey are having a gran% opening sale. )ll items in stoc& are *+, o$$. B: Soun%s goo%. (he only problem is I %ont &no# ho# to get there. A: Well, #here are you no# B: Im at -%mun% Station. A: (a&e the .lue "ine to /a& Station an% then trans$er to the 0reen "ine. 0et o$$ at .uchon an% go out e1it number 2. 3ou cant miss it. B: 3ou sai% e1it number 2, right A: (hats right. Shall #e say 4 ocloc& B: /ne ocloc& soun%s goo%. See you there.


*+, o$$ all items

Take .lue line to /a& Station

!irections Trans"er Get #"" 0reen .uchon "ine Station

$%it 8umber 2

56ill in the table #ith the un%erline% in$ormation

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