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Think in numerical terms.

When to Use
Use with secon ar! stu ents urin" lessons or units practice calculations in a real worl conte#t.

What $ou%ll Nee

o Pla! &one!. o Newspapers' (rochures or ma"a)ines containin" in*ormation on stock

What to +o
,. E#plain to stu ents how the stock market works. 2. Pro-i e each stu ent with ,... o* arti*icial cash. /. Pro-i e each stu ent with materials to research stock such as newspapers' (rochures or *inancial ma"a)ines. 0. Ha-e stu ent 1purchase2 an recor their stock collection. 3. One a! a week' ha-e stu ent tra e' purchase or sell stock an calculate their "ains an losses. 4. En the unit a*ter nine weeks with a iscussion a(out what the! learne usin" mathematics *or (u!in" an sellin" stocks.

,. 6. /. 0. 3. Use teams o* three or *i-e stu ents. Use mutual *un s or (on s. 5isit stock e#chan"e. Create all7class line "raphs to track "ains or losses o* in i-i ual stock. Create pie charts that show the stu ent%s 1in-estment port*olio2 or the speci*ic stocks purchase an percenta"e o* o-erall in-estment. Hi"htech 8. Shares 3.9 Photons 6: Shares ,39 Super Pi# ,; Shares ,.9 CC < T 03 Shares 639


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