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Concrete Piers

WHAT IS A CONCRETE PIER? For homes and light commercial buildings, concrete piers are concrete columns that are formed by pouring liquid concrete into holes drilled into the ground. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF CONCRETE PIERS? 1. They can be designed to carry virtually any load. 2. The cost for a soils report is typically from $75 to $1, $#5 to $7 . IS THERE A WARRANTY? $dvanced Foundation %epair offers a transferable 1 year "arranty on its concrete piers. There are no ifs, ands, or buts& the "arranty remains valid for up to 1 years as long as it is transferred from o"ner to o"ner. HOW DO I KNOW THE WARRANTY WILL BE GOOD? $dvanced Foundation %epair belongs to the Te'as Foundation !arranty Trust. $dvanced pays the Te'as foundation !arranty Trust a fee for every (ob that is completed. )n e'change, the Trust bac*s each (ob for "hich a fee is paid. !ith nearly one million dollars in assets, the Trust "ill be here for the long run. HOW LONG DO CONCRETE PIERS LAST? )t is simple, concrete piers "ill last as long as your concrete foundation. HOW ARE THEY INSTALLED? The installation process is simple. 1. )n each location "here a pier is going to be installed, a hole is drilled do"n to the target depth, generally bet"een 12 and 2 feet belo" the surface of your slab. +ach hole is typically 12 inches in diameter. 2. ,e't, a set of reinforcing steel bars are tied together and lo"ered into the hole. #. The concrete is allo"ed to cure or harden for 7 days. -. !hen all of the piers are hardened, hydraulic (ac*s are placed on the piers and are then used to lift your foundation. 5. .nce your foundation is lifted, steel and concrete spacers are placed on the piers to support your foundation, and the hydraulic (ac*s are removed. /. The final step is to cover the piers and clean up. . !hich "ill cost from

WHAT IF I NEED PIERS IN MY HO SE? 0oncrete piers can be installed by cutting holes in your floor, digging do"n beside the interior grade beams,and then drilling to the target depth. .f course, this is terribly messy, and can destroy e'pensive tile and "ood floors. )f the depth of a pier is greater than the height of your ceiling, then each pier hole must be drilled "ith a shaft that can be dismantled and reassembled as needed. This is very costly.

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