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Team 13 is undertaking the design and construction of a twin-engine remote controlled hovercraft also known as an Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV) which will be capable of carrying a 100 lb payload across various terrains. The design was selected after using iterative design methodology in which many different designs for the four separate sections were considered. The main focus was to find the best balance between performance, budget, and construction feasibility. The selected design consists of two engines (one lift & one thrust), a bag skirt design, single plate platform, and rotating thrust fan for steering. This prototype hovercraft design will utilize all of the thrust power from the fan by rotating the fan versus using the conventional flaps which reduce air flow. The hovercraft will be controlled using a 6 channel remote control and receiver which will control both engine throttles as well as steering of the craft. In order for safety the craft will be equipped with two kill switches, one for each engine. This report will outline the build requirements, preliminary budget, and a list of items which have yet to be determined, as well as a Gantt chart for the remainder of fall 2009 and through winter 2010. Team 13 will build and test the designed hovercraft which will be constructed in the winter 2010 term.

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