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You want something. Go get it. Period.

The quote, You want something. Go get it. Period., is from a phenomenal movie I watched at home the other night that I missed when it was in theatres. Pursuit of Happyness has far too many great messages to detail here, ut there was one message that can never e repeated too much! dont let anybody (and I mean ANYBODY) steal your dream. "ctor #ill $mith does a great %o ma&ing that point in this short video e'cerpt from the movie (which y the way, is ased on a true story a out )hris Gardner, who went from eing homeless to great success ecause he refused to let others steal his dream*. This movie is in my permanent +,+ collection and I can-t wait until my grandchildren are old enough to understand it. You can get a copy at Amazon (and used ones are availa le as well. $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere / )omment 0

!"ree #teps to Instant #u$$ess

"ugust 1th, 2334

5y friend, +r. Philip 6um ert, is one of the most insightful writers I &now. 6is current message to his su scri ers is a great e'ample of his insight! This wee& I reviewed some notes I too& at a $eminar with 7im 8ohn several years ago, and one of 7im-s many ama9ing insights %umped out at me. 7im has helped thousands of people reach their goals and I want to share %ust one of the :.Y pieces that impressed me. I was reminded that success is ased on a simple ;<step process! %%% &irst ' ("at (e #ee I-m told that the average "merican sees over ;333 mar&eting messages every day. They are everywhere= >ortunately, we have learned to ignore the vast ma%ority of them. In the same way, at this very moment you are reathing, you are sitting on a chair, and a there are a thousand things going on around you that your rain automatically filters out to let you concentrate. ?ur a ility to filter allows us to survive= If we couldn-t do that, we would e over<whelmed and una le to function.

?ut of all that data around us, we select a few things to notice and care a out. #e respond to a a y-s cry. #e answer a ringing telephone. #e focus on our an& statement, our ills, a lover-s touch and so forth, and this is important < high achievers focus on (see* things differently than failures= 6igh achievers literally do not see the television programs others find captivating= 6igh achievers see opportunities others miss. They see solutions others ignore. #hat you see or focus on determines your destiny. %%% #e$ond ' Ho) (e Interpret ("at (e #ee $ha&espeare o served that nothing is good or ad, ut thin&ing ma&es it so. 5ost people &now the story a out the glass that is either half<full or half<empty. .verything we see is interpreted and the only difference is that winners constantly interpret life in ways that wor& to their advantage. #here one person interprets a slumping economy as threatening their usiness, another finds an opportunity for growth. #here one person sees a pro lem, another sei9es opportunity. #inners view things differently. They grasp solutions, sei9e opportunities and find reasons for optimism. %%% !"ird ' ("at (e DO About ("at (e #ee .verything comes down to action. Pea& performers actually +? get up a it earlier, stay a it later, and wor& harder (and smarter* than other people. In the end, our lives are not created y our intentions ut y the results of our daily activities. @ow, it is true that our actions are shaped y many things= ?f course painful e'periences and mis<fortune and ad luc& play a part. Aet-s not &id ourselves. But the most important influences on our daily actions are (/* what we see, (2* how we interpret what we see, and (;* how we respond. The steps to success egin y surrounding ourselves with things that move us forward. 8ead great oo&s= Aisten to great audio programs= Get around smart, talented, creative people= If you see stress and trou le every day, you will e influenced y it. If you see opportunity and optimism, if you see determination and courage and hope, you will inevita ly e shaped y these things. 6ere are two practical applications of these truths! /. I no longer su scri e to a daily newspaper. >or many years I was addicted to it, ut then I noticed that starting my day with 23 minutes of trou le and controversy was not

creating the life I wanted. $o I too& action, canceled our su scription and now I read something more useful. 2. .very wee&, I wor& with a personal coach who reminds me of my values and goals. .very year, I attend at least two personal development seminars. I hang out where the G??+ stuff and the G8."T people are= Invest in your future. Get where the G??+ stuff is= CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC You $an subs$ribe to P"ils ne)sletter at "ttp*++))).p"ilip"umbert.$om . $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere D )omments 0

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream7une 2Dth, 2334

.Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so s"all you be$ome./ 0 As A 1an !"in2et" A3i3a, one of our )hampions )lu alumni, sent me an incredi le video that really rings to life this powerful quote of 7ames "llen-s. Paul Potts was a cell<phone salesman who dreamed of spending his life doing what I feel I was orn to do. #atch him as he ta&es a huge step toward that dream. #"8@I@G! This video may cause goose umps and even tears. #atch at your own ris&Eand then get your dream outEpolish it offE.and put it ac& on the mantle so you see it every day. $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere D; )omments 0

Beats Dan$in4 (it" t"e #tars

5ay 2/st, 2334

Dancing With The Stars is an enormously popular televison show currently airing in the F.$. It-s modeled after the international smash hit series, Strictly Come Dancing. Because Aisa, my partner and fiancee, loves the show, I-ve caught several episodes and een impressed with some pretty nifty dancing.

But not"in4 I3e seen on Dancing With the Stars $ompares to t"e 3ideo belo). #hile you watch it you-ll feel %ust a out every emotion you can feel ecause of the performance of one of the dancers G who happens to e an amputee. 5arnee, one of our 5"ampions 5lub mem ers from $pain, sent me the video and it immediately struc& me that the dancer is a great e'ample of why we created 5laim Your Po)er No). #hile the dancer didn-t attend our $eminar (in fact, we-ve never met*, he has o viously learned the principles we teach during the #ee&end. #hen you stop and thin& a out it, we-ve all lost something along the %ourney we-re on. In his case, he lost a leg. ?thers have lost a spouse or relationship, a %o or usiness, self< esteem, self<confidence or self<awareness. The truth is, as the dancer so eautifully demonstrates, it doesnt matter )"at you3e lost ' its )"at you do )it" )"at you3e 4ot left t"at matters. That-s the message of )laim Your Power @ow. #o )at$" t"e 3ideo-and t"en 4et re4istered for 5laim Your Po)er No) ' less t"an 67 early0bird dis$ount seats remain. $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere /3 )omments 0

Its Ne3er !oo 8ate Part 9

"pril /st, 2334

$he-s appeared on a recent episode of 5"+tv playing ,anna #hite (of #heel of >ortune fame* forty years in the future. You may have seen her in commercials for Ae'us or )hase Ban& or as a cheerleader on .$P@. $he-s H4<year<old 5ae Aa orde and she-s one of the hottest properties in 6ollywood today.

@o, it-s not unusual to e nearing /33<years<old and e popular in 6ollywood. Bo 6ope, George Burns and Gloria $tuart are %ust a few who can lay claim to that. But what ma&es 5ae more than %ust a little special is she-s only een acting for four years G she didn-t get her $creen "ctor-s Guild card until she was H;= Than& you 5ae for proving once again it-s never too late to live your dream= 8ead more a out 5ae hereE $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere 4 )omments 0

Your 5ir$umstan$e is a #piritual 8esson

5arch /Ith, 2334

.As a pro4ressi3e and e3ol3in4 bein4, man is )"ere "e is t"at "e may learn t"at "e may 4ro): and as "e learns t"e spiritual lesson )"i$" any $ir$umstan$e $ontains for "im, it passes a)ay and 4i3es pla$e to ot"er $ir$umstan$es./ 0 As A Man Thinketh It has ta&en me a long time to e a le to loo& at a pro lem I-m having as a necessary spiritual lesson. To e fran&, I-m still not always real e'cited to e enduring the pain and frustration that negative circumstances usually cause. $ome days I-d li&e to play hoo&ey and s&ip the lesson But as I loo& ac& at my life, it is easy to see that the times when my wisdom and understanding grew to new levelsJ those times when I approached ecoming the person I long to eJ it was always the times that followed negative circumstances. The greatest growth you-re going to have is going to come from the negative circumstance you have today that sometimes seems too overwhelming, too ig to scale. #riting in Byways of Blessedness, 7ames "llen is strong in his call for us to em race our circumstances. Aet a person re%oice when he is confronted with o stacles, for it means that he has reached the end of some particular line of indifference or folly, and is now called upon to summon up all his energy and intelligence in order to e'tricate himself, and to find a etter wayJ that the powers within him are crying out for greater freedom, for enlarged e'ercise and scope. @o situation can e difficult of itselfJ it is the lac& of insight into its intricacies, and the want of wisdom in dealing with it, which give rise to the difficulty. Immeasura le, therefore, is the gain of a difficulty transcended. 5ay e that e'plains why it sometimes seems that I can-t sha&e a particular pro lem, or I have one that &eeps rearing its ugly head. Instead of fighting it, I need to %ump in and gain

the insight and wisdom to handle it. Then it would e gone, and I would e ready for the ne't lesson G only stronger, oth in spirit and in wisdom= 5y long<time hero, .mmet >o', wrote, It is the Aaw that any difficulties that can come to you at any time, no matter what they are, must e e'actly what you need most at the moment, to ena le you to ta&e the ne't step forward y overcoming them. The only real misfortune, the only real tragedy, comes when we suffer without learning the lesson. "nd that-s worth thin&ing a out. $hare This Posted in 7ames "llen e5editations / )omment 0

!"e Persisten$e !est

5arch /st, 2334

5ichael "ngier-s email today reminded me of an incredi le video I saw recently a out persistence. It-s a short clip from the movie >acing the Giants and the message will e with you a long time. No), ta2e anot"er t)o minutes and ta2e t"e persisten$e test. !"is eye0openin4 e;er$ise is one of t"e many life0alterin4 a$ti3ities in our !<= #eminar t"at starts !uesday. $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere /; )omments 0

!"e (ay of #u$$ess is t"e (ay of #tru44le

>e ruary 24th, 2334

I saw this piece on Darren Hardys 4reat blo4. It-s e'cerpted from an article in @apoleon 6ill-s maga9ine of /H2/! Aincoln wrote the greatest speech ever delivered in the .nglish language, on the ac& of an envelope, a few moments efore it was delivered, yet the thought ac& of that speech was orne of hardship and struggle. "ll down the road of life you will meet with o stacles, many of them. >ailure will overta&e you time after time, ut remem er that it is a part of @ature-s method to place o stacles and failure in your way.

.very time you master failure you ecome stronger and etter prepared to meet the ne't one. The moments of trial will come to you as they come to all at one time or another. +ou t and lac& of faith in yourself will cast their dar& shadows over you, ut remem er that the manner in which you react under these trying negatives will indicate whether you are developing power or slipping ac&ward. .And t"is, too, )ill soon pass a)ay./ @othing is permanent, therefore why permit disappointment, resentment or a &een sense of in%ustice to undermine your composure, ecause they will soon eliminate themselves. Aoo& ac& over your past and you will see that those e'periences of yesterday which ore heavily on your heart at the time, and seemed to end all hope of success, passed away and left you wiser that you were efore. The whole universe is in a constant state of flu'. You are in a constant state of change. .volution is removing the wounds left in your heart y disappointment. You need not go down under any difficulty if you ut ear in mind that this, too, will soon pass away. I looked back at my heavy load of grief and worry which crowded the happiness out of my heart only yesterday and lo! they had been transformed into stepping stones of e"perience over which I had climbed higher and higher# $ource! @apoleon 6ill-s 5aga9ine. $eptem er, /H2/. ,olume /, num er 1, page H. &or t"e first e3er tele0seminar based on Napoleons Think and $row %ich, t"e number one su$$ess boo2 of all time, 4o "ere$hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere ; )omments 0

8essons from !"e Human 5amera

>e ruary //th, 2334

.ach of us has one or more special gifts. But we spend most of our time focused on the talents or s&ills we don-t have that we thin& are critical to our success. In reality, we need to focus on our special gifts and how we can leverage those to help us achieve more. $tephen #iltshire is an e'ample of someone who has focused on his special gifts while ignoring what many might thin& would e his wea&nesses.

"s a child, $tephen was mute and did not relate to other human eings. "t three he was diagnosed as autistic. 6e had no language, uncontrolled tantrums and lived entirely in his own world. "t the age of five, $tephen was sent to Kueensmill $chool in Aondon, a school for children with special needs, where it was noticed that the only pastime he en%oyed was drawing. #atch this video and see what $tephen, literally The 6uman )amera, has since learned to do with his special gift. $hare This Posted in $een .lsewhere L )omments 0

No #uper Bo)l but "e I# a #uper Hero

7anuary 2Ith, 2334

The annual hype surrounding the $uper Bowl is a out to egin. "nd no dou t this $uper Bowl will produce some more legends and heroes. But there are some heroes who won-t e in the $uper Bowl, ut who prove to us everyday that anyone can e a $uper 6ero. They are a constant reminder that when the dream is ig enough, the facts don-t count. "t ;<foot</<inch tall, Bo y 5artin may e the iggest player whose ever played the game. #atch the video and see if you agree.

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