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*** Customer Name *** *** Project Name *** *** Phase Name *** Phase Training Plan

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Training Plan

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Copyright yyyy *** Company Name ***. This document is unpublished and the foregoing notice is affixed to protect *** Company Name *** in the event of inadvertent publication. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying or transmission electronically to any computer, without prior written consent of *** Company Name ***. The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to *** Company Name *** and may not be used or disclosed except as expressly authorized in writing by *** Company Name ***.

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Training Plan

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Training Plan

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Ta%le o$ Contents
Copyright......................................................................................................................................i Trademar!s...................................................................................................................................i 'evision (istory...........................................................................................................................ii )uperseded *eliverables...............................................................................................................ii Table of Contents........................................................................................................................iii Table............................................................................................................................................iii +. ,NT'%*-CT,%N........................................................................................................................ +.+ /oals of the Training 0lan....................................................................................................... +.1 %verview of the Training 0lan................................................................................................ 1. T'A,N,N/ )C%02.....................................................................................................................3 1.+ Training /oals and %b4ectives...............................................................................................3 1.1 Assumptions...........................................................................................................................3 5. T'A,N,N/ %662',N/)...........................................................................................................7 5.+ Training /roups.....................................................................................................................7 5.1 Types of Training...................................................................................................................7 5.5 Training Approach.................................................................................................................8 5.9 Training Curricula..................................................................................................................8 5.. Training )chedule...................................................................................................................: 5.3 Training ;ogistics.................................................................................................................+< 9. '%;2) AN* '2)0%N),=,;,T,2).........................................................................................++ 9.+ 'esources.............................................................................................................................++ 9.1 #or! 0lan............................................................................................................................++ .. C%NT,N/2NC> 0;AN...........................................................................................................+1 ..+ Contingencies.......................................................................................................................+1 ..1 Contingency 0lan 0rocedures...............................................................................................+1 A002N*,? A @ T'A,N,N/ $AT2',A; *2),/N, )TAN*A'*), AN* /-,*2;,N2)........+

Table 5@+ @ )taff to be Trained.........................................................................................................7 Table 5@1 @ Types of Training..........................................................................................................8 Table 5@5 @ Training Approach.........................................................................................................8

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Table 5@9 @ Training Curriculum......................................................................................................: Table 5@. @ Training 0arameters.......................................................................................................: Table .@+ @ Contingencies..............................................................................................................+1 Table .@1 @ Contingency 0rocedures..............................................................................................+1 Table A@+ @ Training $aterials *esign 0arameters..........................................................................+

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Training Plan

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&.& )oals o$ the Training Plan
The ob4ective of the Training 0lan is to define the strategies, tas!s, and methods that will be used to meet the training re"uirements. The goals of the training plan areA *** Delineate specific goals that clearly communicate the scope of the Training Plan. ***

&.* '"er"ie+ o$ the Training Plan

This document defines the Training 0lan for *** System Name . The Training 0lan is a wor!ing document. ,t is revised on a continuous basis as decisions are made and issues are resolved. The document is organized as followsA Training )cope. Clearly states a list of the ob4ectives and goals of the training, as well as a list of assumptions. raining %fferings. *escribes the offerings that define the training, including the training groups, types of training, training approach, training curricula, training schedule, and logistical information. 'oles and 'esponsibilities. 0resents the roles and responsibilities of the staff responsible for preparing, conducting, and evaluating the training, and includes a clear definition of the resources and a wor! plan. Contingency 0lan. ,dentifies anticipated contingencies and details a plan for each contingency. Training $aterial *esign, )tandards, and /uidelines. A copy of the Training $aterial *esign, )tandards, and /uidelines that will be used to prepare the training materials.

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*.& Training )oals and '%jecti"es
The ob4ectives of the training areA *** List the objectives of the training in point form. In stating the objectives clearly in!icate the scope of the training. *** To achieve these ob4ectives, the following goals are establishedA *** List the goals that are set in or!er to achieve the outline! objectives. ***

*.* -ssumptions
The training strategies, activities, and methods are predicated upon the following assumptionsA Provi!e a list of assumptions in point form. ***

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Training Plan

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0. TR-ININ) '11.RIN)S
The parameters for training staff on the use of *** System Name *** are specified. The following offerings are describedA Training /roups Types of Training Training Approach Training Curricula Training )chedule ;ogistical ,nformation

0.& Training )roups

This section describes the groups to be trained, including the title of the training group, types of staff, the typeBsC of training, and the number of staff. *** Provi!e a summary of this information in point form. Some information may be general in the early stages of the plan "e.g. the types of training may start out as a !escription an! become a title as the types of training are !etermine! an! the number of staff may be an estimate until actual numbers are obtaine!. ***
Ta%le 02& 2 Sta$$ to %e Trained Training )roup Name: T pe3s4 o$ Training: T pes o$ Sta$$ 5ocation Location # Location # Total Name of Type # of staff # of staff Name of Type Name of Type Name of Type Total

0.* T pes o$ Training

This section describes the types of training to be delivered for each training group, including the title of the training, brief description of the training, any prere"uisites, and the length of the training.
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*** Provi!e a table that lists the types of training for each training group. ***
Ta%le 02* 2 T pes o$ Training Training )roup: Training Title Prere7uisites 5ength Description

0.0 Training -pproach

6or each type of training, this section describes how the training will be delivered, including the methods to be used, the communication medium, techni"ues, tools, and aids. *** Provi!e a table or list in point form that !elineates the approach for each type of training for each training group. ***
Ta%le 020 2 Training -pproach Training )roup: Training Title: 8ethod 8edium Techni7ues Tools -ids

0.9 Training Curricula

This section describes the curriculum for each type of training, including a list of topics, a description of each topic, training ob4ectives for each topic, the length of time allotted for the presentation of the topic, the delivery method and medium if there are various ones used within the course, and a preliminary agenda for each day of training. *** Provi!e a table or list in point form. Some information may be general in the early stages of the plan "e.g. the !efinition of the curriculum for each type of training begins #ith a list of the topics #hich can then be revie#e! an! refine! before the rest of the information is a!!e!$. ***

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Ta%le 029 2 Training Curriculum T pe o$ Training: ; Topic Description '%jecti"es 5ength 8ethod/8edium

0., Training Schedule

6or each type of training, this section itemizes the parameters that affect the training schedule, describes how the schedule was derived, and details what the schedule is. *** Provi!e the training parameters in table or point form as #ell as a narrative !escription of ho# the sche!ule #as !erive! an! a sprea!sheet of the actual sche!ule for each type of training. The sche!ule information becomes more specific as information is gathere!. In the early stages atten!ees are often i!entifie! as a total number. %ventually a roster is a!!e! to i!entify the names of the stu!ents #ho are re&uire! to atten! instructor'le! training or are re&uire! to complete a computer'base! training course. ***
Ta%le 02, 2 Training Parameters Item T pe o$ Sta$$ to %e Trained T pe o$ Training -mount o$ Time -llotted Num%er o$ Training Sites Num%er o$ Classrooms Num%er o$ Trainees Num%er o$ Trainers 5ength o$ .ach Session Recommended Classroom Si<e -mount o$ .7uipment Tra"el Time and #olida s Special Circumstances Parameter

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0./ Training 5ogistics

This section identifies logistical information based on the re"uirements for the defined training offerings. The logistical information includes a list of the e"uipment and supplies re"uired. *** Provi!e a list of the e&uipment an! a list of the supplies re&uire! to accommo!ate the types of training !efine! in the previous processes. In early iterations of the !ocument this section may not appear because applicable re&uirements such as the number of trainees per course have not been establishe!. In some situations there may be appropriate e&uipment an! supplies available though not necessarily enough. (or these circumstances an inventory of the items can be provi!e! #ith an in!ication that a!!itional e&uipment an! supply nee!s #ill be !etermine! after the training offerings are further !efine!. ***

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This section details the roles and responsibilities of the personnel responsible for preparing, conducting, and evaluating the training for *** System Name ***.

9.& Resources
This section describes the roles of those involved, the individuals who will fulfill the roles, and their area of responsibility. *** Provi!e an organi)ational chart of the training team structure an! any other pertinent organi)ations such as the steering committee. I!entify each type of training resource inclu!ing a !escription of their role an! responsibilities an! list the staff members assigne! to that role. ***

9.* @or! Plan

This section provides a chronological list of the activities and tas!s that must be accomplished to prepare, conduct, and evaluate the training. The wor! plan is an excerpt from the 0ro4ect $anagement 0lan and is included here for the purpose of identifying the tas!s to be completed within the scope of the Training 0lan. ,f there is any discrepancy between the list contained here and the 0ro4ect $anagement 0lan, the 0ro4ect $anagement 0lan ta!es precedence. The wor! plan section shows the !ey person responsible for completing each activity and tas!, and the expected start and completion dates for each activity and tas!. *** *p!ate the +,S Dictionary in the Project -anagement Plan to a!! more !etaile! tas.s. *p!ate the /esponsibility 0ssignment -atri1 "/0-$ in the Project -anagement Plan to reflect the persons responsible. 0!! the tas. start an! en! !ates for each of the +,S elements to the Project Sche!ule in the Project -anagement Plan. Inclu!e a copy of the applicable portions of the Project -anagement Plan in this section. ***

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This section outlines the procedure to be followed when handling emergencies. 6or each contingency the following information is providedA Purpose. ,dentifies the contingency, the conditions under which the contingency plan will be implemented, and the intended results of the implementation of the contingency plan. Procedures. 0rovides step by step instructions on how to implement the contingency plan.

,.& Contingencies
*** In a table or point form i!entify each contingency "e.g. system failure e&uipment failure sic. instructor$ the con!itions un!er #hich the contingency plan #ill be implemente! an! the inten!e! result of the contingency action. ***
Ta%le ,2& 2 Contingencies Contingenc Condition $or -ction Contingenc -ction Intended Result

,.* Contingenc Plan Procedures

*** (or each contingency prepare in point form !etaile! instructions for implementation of the contingency plan. ***
Ta%le ,2* 2 Contingenc Procedures Contingenc : Step Num%er Person Responsi%le: Procedure

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The following is a copy of the design, standards, and guidelines that will be used during the preparation of the training materials. *** Provi!e a copy of the !esign stan!ar!s an! gui!elines that #ill be use! to gui!e the training preparation process. *** *** Document the !esign parameters in one page using a table format or list in point form. ***
Ta%le -2& 2 Training 8aterials Design Parameters -pproach 8edium

*** Si)e of the annotate! table of contents structure or storyboar! !epen!s on the number of topics in the training materials. 2n average each section can be !escribe! in one to t#o paragraphs. *** *** Prepare a prototype that is small enough to be complete! in a short perio! of time but inclu!e a variety of e1amples of the stan!ar!s an! proce!ures that #ill be use! to pro!uce the training materials. The format of the prototype !epen!s on the me!ium selecte! "e.g. a #ritten !ocument or graphic shoul! be pro!uce! for paper training materials an! soft#are for on'line training materials$. *** *** Inclu!e copies of the presentation rules layout template"s$ an! grammar punctuation an! terminology stan!ar!s as appen!ices. The si)e of the appen!ices !epen!s on the number of rules templates an! stan!ar!s that #ill be use!. Presentation rules are normally t#o to three pages. Layout templates are normally one page each. The grammar punctuation an! terminology stan!ar!s average t#o to 34 pages. ***

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