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Crop Meeting Minutes Date- 04/8/2009

Villages-Jamgaon and Shelgaon of Tal. - Mudkhed Dist- Nanded.

Resource person- Mr. Nagesh Yemmewar. B.Sc Agri MBA.
Members present- Shreyas Thakare FX
Sandesh Pawale LSR.

We have conducted the crop meeting at Jamgaon and Shelgaon villages on

8 of August 2009 with 35 farmers at Jamgaon and 25 farmers at Shelgaon The main
Topics of the meeting was fertilizer application to cotton and soyabean and formation of
Producer Groups .Also the present situation of these crops in the field. Preventive
measures for control of maggots and leaf curl diseases in these crops. Firstly Sandesh
Pawale introduced all the above members to the villagers and told the detail agenda of the
meeting to the farmers and requested to the resource person Mr. Nagesh for detailed

Yemmewar Sir started the Discussion with cotton cultivation practices i.e.
sowing distance 5 By1. Emphasized on the importance of maintaining higher plant
population in the field for more yields per acre. The recommended fertilizer i.e. sowing
distance 5 By1. The importance of maintaining higher plant population in the field for
more yields per acre. Told the recommended fertililizer dose as 100:50:50 for the cotton
and told the content percent of NPK in the different fertilizers.

Then they told the different micronutrient like Mg, Mb, Zn, and its importance in
the crop life for getting the highest yields from the crops. They also told the different
control measures for controlling crop pests.i.e. Chloropyriphos 3 ml per 10 litre of water.
Along with this they also stressed on importance of Organic Farming for the future of
agriculture and its sustainability.

Then they made a short discussion on the formation of Producer Groups and its
importance towards the united efforts can with stand the vagres of the middle man. They
can make the co-operative saving habit and use the fund for placing orders of seed,
fertilizers and market linkage for disposing of the produce. This will definitely reduce the
cost of production and also yield good returns to the farmers.

Report prepared by,

Shreyas Thakare
FX (Mudkhed),
Nanded (East).

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