Application of Differentiator and Integrator

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Components of the Function Generator Design

R2 and R3establish the amplitude of the ramp voltage for the oscillator R1and C1determine the frequency of oscillation R4 establishes the basic range of operation for the integrator circuit C2is used in integration of the triangle wave R5 acts as an active filter R6 is the parallel combination of R4and R5 R7and C4act as an active filter R8 establishes the basic range of operation for the differentiator circuit R9 maintains equal DC resistances in both of the op amp input terminals C4 reduces the gain at high-noise frequencies and yet minimize the effect on normal circuit frequencies C5ensures that R9 will be effectively bypassed for all usable circuit frequencies C3is used in differentiation of the triangle wave

1.) Ramp Amplitude VTH= VSAT *R2 / R3 2.)f= 1 / T T = 2R1C1ln[(VSAT + VTH) / (VSAT -VTH)] 3.) R1C1= T / 2 * ln[(VSAT+VTH) / (VSAT-VTH)]

4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)

R4= Vo(+max) / 800A C2= iI/ (2VSATfL) R5= 10 / (2fC2) R6= 1 / [(1/R4) + (1/R5)]

8.) R8= 25Vo(+max) / ISC 9.) C3= Vo(+max)t / (R8VI) 10.) R7= 11.) C5= 10C3 12.) C4=

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