Sherman Resume CLEFed

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Brown University !aster o" #$%lic #olicy #ro&idence 'hode (sland Expected Graduation, May 2014 #olicy )ol$tions *hallenge +eam ,0-. *hildhood /%esity !id-0tlantic 'egion *hampion .rd-#lace 1ational *hallenge *o-organi2ed +a$%man *enter !#0/!## (nter&iew 3orkshop )eries 'ele&ant 'esearch 0reas (ncl$de: 'enewa%le 4nergy 5'6#7s and +ypes o" 4nergy89 :igher 4d$cation )t$dent ;oans9 (mmigration and 6oreign 3orkers9 *hildhood /%esity9 <.). ;a%or !arket9 4conomic =e&elopment Oberlin Colle e >achelor o" 0rts in #olitics and 6rench /%erlin /hio May 2011


G!EE" # $E%&'$( $OME) *"*'*%'*+E, ,rovidence, !-ode *sland October 201. /May 2014 Taubman Center MPA/MPP Capstone Project Team Member 3ork closely with ?reen @ :ealthy :omes (nitiati&e /$tcome >roker to de&elop the 'hode (sland 0lliance "or :ealthy :omes start-$p. =e&elop 'hode (sland 0lliance "or :ealthy :omes %$siness model %$siness plan and strategic planning components. <tili2e A$antitati&e/A$alitati&e data to create a *omm$nity 0sset !ap 'eport "or 'hode (sland ho$sing. '$E C%,%C*'( G!OU,, ,rovidence, !-ode *sland 0une 201. 1 ,resent Project Consultant *ond$ct strategic/%$siness planning research co&ering s$ccess"$l capital campaigns and income streams "or comm$nity de&elopment corporations comm$nity theatres and other organi2ations. 0$thor -B grant applications "or organi2ation clients totaling C-.9 000 recei&ed -. 500 o" -5 500 noti"ied. *ontri%$te to . iss$e %rie"s on: #reparing 6o$ndations "or 1ew 4Dpectations in the *oming =ecade9 >$siness #laning "or the 1ew 4ra9 +he *ritical Eal$e o" !arket 'esearch and 6ield )cans. (nter&iew comm$nity leaders %$sinesses residents and non-pro"it organi2ations in "oc$s gro$p and one-on-one settings. !$O2E *)&%"2 C%M,U) COM,%C', ,rovidence, !-ode *sland )epte3ber 2012 1 )epte3ber 201. Graduate Intern *olla%orate with -5 comm$nity partners )er&e 'hode (sland and mem%er instit$tion sta"" and st$dents. *o-manage the -00 )t$dent/)t$dent Eeteran )cholarships "or )er&ice 0meri*orps #rogram. 6acilitate )trategic #lanning con&ersations and sta"" meetings. 0$thor , sel"-directed iss$es %rie"s: 4&al$ation o" the )cholarships "or )er&ice 0meri*orps #rogram94ngaged *iti2enship as )t$dents )OU'$ C%!O&*"% C%M,U) COM,%C', )partanbur , )out- Carolina 0uly 2011 1 %u ust 2012 AmeriCorps VISTA Member #lanned and 6acilitated ,5 meetings "or st$dent leaders. 6orged key partnerships with local non-pro"it organi2ations and gi&ing "o$ndations. *ontri%$ted to the s$ccess"$l creation o" the >onner ;eader )$mmer #rogram at *on&erse *ollege.

CE"'E! 4O! E"E!G( E44*C*E"' %"2 !E"E5%B&E 'EC$"O&OG*E), )acra3ento, C% May 2010 1 %u 6 2010 Legislative Intern *ond$cted weekly research and %rie"s co&ering topics related to: ;os 0ngeles #ower and 3ater9 *lean *oal9 1$clear #ower9 *ar%on *apt$re9 )olar 4nergy in the <nited )tates9 and +he *ali"ornia <ntilities *omission. *olla%orated with the #olicy =irector on topics presented to *ali"ornia )tate ;egislators and national alternati&e energy corporations. 0ttended *ali"ornia )tate ;egislat$re "loor sessions and hearings and pro&ided syntheses o" topics co&ered. +racked *ali"ornia legislati&e %ills and prepared memos "or the #olicy =irector. C%&*4O!"*% 70t- %))EMB&( 2*)'!*C' !epresentative ,E!E8, *ndio, Cali9ornia May 200: 1 %u ust 200: Legislative Intern (nteracted with o&er 500 constit$ents and go&ernmental entities at meetings &ia telephone and email and at comm$nity e&ents. !anaged o&er 500 constit$ent records in ;*!). #repared %i-weekly memos and %rie"s related to legislati&e hearings meetings and local iss$es. 0ssisted the =istrict =irector and sta"" mem%ers at local legislati&e e&ents and meetings.



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&%"GU%GE)@ (ntermediate )poken and 3ritten 6rench #ro"icency >asic )panish #ro"iciency 'EC$"O&OG(: !0*/#* #lat"orms )+0+0 3ee%ly *onstant *ontact 4&ent%rite ;*!) =ata6errett )#)) 4Dcel 0ccess *"'E!E)'): 4&ent #lanning +ra&el )wimming *i&ic 4ngagement *ooking and >aking

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