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College English 131 Class To teach students how to determine what is a reliable website. To get students to research many different websites. For students to learn how to properly cite sources from the internet. For students to put together a presentation with the information they have found and present it in a convincing way. Computer/Internet Technology Computer program for presentation Uses Projector Based upon the presentation given by the student the teacher will determine if Evaluation the student understood the concept. There is also a contest for the most reliable website and the least reliable website. Based on the evidence that the student presents they could potentially win a prize. Students are encouraged to pick an argumentative topic and do research on Lesson that topic to prove that they are either for or against it. As they are doing their Plan they are to visit many different websites. They are to choose one Description research website as the most reliable website and one website as the least reliable website. They are to then put together a presentation to do in front of the class. They are to prove why the websites that they have chosen are either the most or the least credible and include this in their presentation. They are to also use citations from the website to prove why they are either for or against the chosen topic. The students will vote on which student gave the best demonstration that Analysis their website was either the best or the worst credible.

Grade Subject Learning Objectives

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