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D7 Handout 4

1. Listen to five midi files: a phone ringing, an ambulance siren, a doorbell, a school bell, an old door creaking. Starting from the sound, you have to create the lines of a situational conversation and present it in front of the group.

SOUNDS !c ea"ing#$=%&#'=&( ) *&+ !bell#$=&%#'=4 ),%+!phone! inging#$=&-#'=&. )*%+!si en#$=&.#'=&4 )*&+!bell#$=&(#'=&% ),%+

/um: 0ane1 the phone is inging. 2lease1 ans3e it1 45m the bath oom and 45m 3aiting 6o an impo tant call 6 om m' boss7 0ane: 8es1 mum1 but 3hat should 4 sa' to him? /um: ,s" him 3hen does he need that p o9ect. 0ane: O"1 mum. Hello7 / . Smith: :ood a6te noon7 4 3ould li"e to tal" to / s. :o don. 0ane: She can5t come to the phone ight no3. ;ho should 4 sa' is calling? / . Smith: <ell he that an old school 6 iend called. 45m Sam Smith1 please as" he to etu n m' call. 0ane: O". :ood=b'e / . Smith.

%. <a"e a loo" at the pictu es belo3. : oup acco ding to 'ou p e6e ences and moti>ate 'ou choice.

?. @oo" at the pictu e o6 ? pe sons in a ba . 2ic" up one cha acte and ma"e up the sto ' o6 the last %4 hou s in thei li6e.

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