Qasim Mehmood

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Qasim Mehmood Iqama Date of Birth Nationality Religion Marital Status E-mail Transferable 22nd Dec, 1987 Pakistani

Islam Single

CELL# (+966) 0547941792 OBJECTIVE: To work in my fast progressive organization which provides challenging job and career growth where I can contribute my skill for best solution. WORK EXPERIENCE: Data (UTP) Technician: !ril "#$% till &ate Dunes 'uil& Riya&h( Sau&i ra)ia* +om!uter ,!erator: Dec "#$$ to -an "#$%* +a&et +ollege 'ulre/-00(!in&i* cti1ities 2 Res!onsi)ilities Monitoring the issues that arise due to security issues. Oversee and check the efficiency of the systems. Control a group of systems and ensure the settings and controls on the computers. Maintain log books and records for the jobs or events that occur in the systems. Check for the presence of viruses and upgrade and update the system to improve the working. Help programmers and other technical staffs with debugging. Will be in charge of new equipment orders. Will have to organi e and maintain disks and files and as a result should have good organi ation skill. Will have good communication skill which is necessary to convey technical issues to a non technical person. !hey operate several computer systems" fi# problems which may arise and contact those responsible for solving the computer issues.

Data Entry ,!erator 2 ,ffice ssistant: Dec "#$# to Dec "#$$* l-Mustafa Trust 3os!ital!in&i* cti1ities 2 Res!onsi)ilities $rovide limited support for software install%configuration and maintenance and respond where necessary to field office inquires and data entry requests. $rovide support for routine data and system uploads" downloads" and data backup routines. &nstallation and support to software and hardware at central and field office. 'outine data transfer" backup and other &! requirements of field and central offices.

0nternet +afe Manager -anuary "##4 to Se! "#$# 5rien&s 0nternet +af6!in&i* cti1ities 2 Res!onsi)ilities &dentifies" troubleshoots and resolves hardware(" software( and network( related problems. &nstalls" certifies and troubleshoots campus and remote(campus network cabling infrastructure. &ncluding a wide variety of local area network equipment and software. !o manage and lead a range of projects in line with the business plan. )evelop" plan and deliver training for staff" volunteers and users. *nsure that users are welcomed" helped and provided with a safe and suitably equipped environment. Maintaining high standards of security within an open welcoming service. $rovide training and advice on &! and other related matters ( for staff and users" in a manner appropriate to their age" skill and ability. *nsure all policies and procedures are adhered to" in line with legislation and the organi ations ethos. Monitor the appearance of the premises" ensure it is kept clean" tidy" well organi ed" fully stocked and fully staffed. Contribute to the refinement of overall objectives of the project. Collect and interpret relevant statistics and management information. 'efine and update the business plan" policies and procedures as necessary i.e. in line with legislation" or new project developments. 'eview and update internet usage guidelines. $lan and organi e methods of evaluating the project" which will involve staff" users etc. to be fully participatory.

Net.or7 Technician 2 ,ffice ssistant May "##8 to Dec "##9* sian 0nternet Ser1ices!in&i

cti1ities 2 Res!onsi)ilities &dentifies" troubleshoots and resolves hardware(" software( and network(related problems. *ncountered by end(users of the )istrict network" the &nternet" the mainframe" $Cs and Macintoshes and new computer technology. !rains end(users on the use and features of the various operating systems and applications on the various platforms. &nstalls" certifies and troubleshoots campus and remote(campus network cabling infrastructure" &ncluding a wide variety of local area network equipment and software. +ses established tracking system to log requests, monitors progress" tracks problem resolution. Works with vendors to resolve hardware operating system issues, researches and tests possible

COMPUTER SKILLS: -asic .undamentals of Computer Microsoft Windows /01" 2333" 4$" 5ista" Windows 6 and 17 8oftware &nstallation Hardware /$c assembling" 'epairing 9 !rouble 8hooting7 Microsoft Office /Word" *#cel" $ower point7 &nternet /-rowsing" *mail 9 8earching7 :dobe $hoto 8hop :dobe $remier Corel )raw +!$ ;etworking

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: & have a Certificate in -asic Computer from 8uper !ech &nstitute of &nformation !echnology for 3< Months. & have a Certificate in :dobe $hotoshop" :dobe $remier 9 Corel )raw from 8uper !ech &nstitute of &nformation !echnology for 3< Months.

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: Higher 8econdary 8chool Certificate 8econdary 8chool Certificate $:?&8!:; 233= ':W:>$&;)&" $:?&8!:; 233@ ':W:>$&;)&"

REFERENCES: :vailable upon request.

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