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9th Grade Algebra

Welcome to
If you have any questions outside of our class time related to the class, feel free to email me. Here are some etiquette guidelines Id like you to follow: 1. Identify Yourself! a. Start your messages with a simple hello, and end them with your name. 2. Include a subject line a. Put your name, class time, and subject of the email in the subject line of every email 3. Avoid sarcasm a. Even if I know your sarcasm is harmless, its still best to maintain a professional standard. 4. Acknowledge and return messages promptly a. I can only help if you consistently keep contact! 5. No spam- period! a. Do not forward chain mail or anything of that kind; unless it is directly applicable for a class discussion, it only wastes time. 6. Use appropriate language a. Say nothing different than what you are allowed to say in class, so nothing vulgar that your mother wouldnt want to hear. b. Observe good grammar and spelling. 7. Use emoticons if you wish- a smiley face never hurt anyone! [: 8. Use appropriate intensifiers to help convey meaning a. If you are mad, please do not type EVERYTHING IN ALL CAPS. b. Feel free to use common acronyms, like btw or lol to keep things short and sweet. Sincerely,

Mr. Paul Horstmeyer

Etiquette Rules for Email Use

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