Student Attendance by Image Analysis

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A project Report on Biometric Approach Towards Student Attendance System By Anurag Srivastava Nikhil Sharma Niharika Gupta BE/5568/10

BE/5668/10 BE/5769/10

Under the guidance of Prof. Smita Pallavi

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in computer science


We would like to sincerely thank our mentor, Mrs. Smita Pallavi, Asst. Prof. , Computer Science and Engineering Department, BIT Mesra, Patna Campus for her sagacious guidance and invaluable suggestions. We are grateful to her for giving us an opportunity to work on Biometric Approach Towards Student Attendance System with her. We would be ever indebted to her for planning of the work, critical appraisal of the script and compilation of the project. With sincere gratitude, we would also like to extend thanks to Dr. Kanhaiya Lal (Incharge, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BIT-Patna) for his timely guidance. We owe special thanks to Prof. Ashish Ranjan for his support in better understanding of the concepts of Image Processing. This list is obviously incomplete but allow us to submit that the omissions are inadvertent and we once again record our deep-felt gratitude to all those associated with us in this endeavor.

Anurag Srivastava Nikhil Sharma Niharika Gupta

BE/5568/10 BE/5668/10 BE/5769/10

1. Introduction 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Motivation and Challenges 1.3 Using Biometrics 1.4 Fingerprints 1.5 Why use Fingerprints? 1.6 Using Fingerprints for Student Attendance System. 2. Attendance Management Framework 2.1 Hardware-Software level design 2.2 Implementation Design 2.3 E-R Diagram 2.4 Network Design 2.5 Portable Device using wireless LAN 2.6 Data Flow Diagram 2.7 Database Management 2.8 Online Report Generation 3. Fingerprint Identification System 3.1 How Fingerprint Recognition Works? 3.2 Fingerprint Identification system flowchart 4. Fingerprint Enhancement 4.1 Segmentation 4.2 Normalization 4.3 Orientation Estimation 4.4 Ridge Frequency Estimation 4.5 Binarisation 4.6 Thinning 5. Fingerprint Recognition and Matching 5.1 Fingerprint Recognition 5.2 Matching 6. Software Design and Working Model 7. Future Work 8. Conclusion 9. References 10. Appendix 10.1 Matlab Functions used

Biometric involves the identification and verification of individuals by analyzing the human fingerprint characteristics. It has been widely used in various aspect of life for different purposes. This project aims at effectively using this technology to manage attendance of students at institutes like BIT Mesra automatically. Manually taking the attendance and maintaining it for a long time makes it a difficult task. Also it wastes a lot of time. This system takes attendance with the help of a finger-print sensor module and all the records are saved on a computer. In this project edge detection algorithm has been implemented for fingerprint matching. This system is implemented in Matlab7 software. The hardware and software can be integrated to make a portable attendance monitoring system. Our matching technique runs in O (n) time.

Chapter 1
1.1 Problem Statement
Designing a Student Attendance Management system based on fingerprint recognition and faster one to many identification that manages records for attendance in institutes.

1.2 Motivation and Challenges

Designing a better attendance management system for students so that records are maintained with ease and accuracy was an important key behind motivating this project. This would improve accuracy of attendance records because it will remove all the hassles of roll calling and will save valuable time of the students as well as teachers. Image processing and fingerprint recognition are very advanced today in terms of technology.

1.3 Using Biometrics

Biometric Identification Systems are widely used for unique identification of humans mainly for verification and identification. Biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. So use of biometrics in student attendance management system is a secure approach. There are many types of biometric systems like fingerprint recognition, face recognition , voice recognition, iris recognition, palm recognition, , DNA recognition etc. In this project, we used fingerprint recognition system.

1.4 Fingerprint
A fingerprint is an impression of the friction ridges on all parts of the finger. A friction ridge is a raised portion of the epidermis on the palm or digits (fingers and

toes) or plantar (sole) skin, consisting of one or more connected ridge units of friction ridge skin. These are sometimes known as "epidermal ridges" which caused by the underlying interface between the dermal papillae of the dermis. [1]. It is believed that no two people have identical fingerprint in world, so the fingerprint verification and identification is most popular way to verify the authenticity or identity of a person wherever the security is a problematic question. The reason for popularity of fingerprint technique is uniqueness of person arises from his behavior; personal characteristics are like, for instance uniqueness, which indicates that each and every fingerprint is unique, different from one other.

When human fingerprint experts determine if two fingerprints are from the same finger, the matching degree between two minutiae pattern is one of the most important factors. Thanks to the similarity to the way of human fingerprint experts and compactness of templates, the minutiae-based matching method is the most widely studied matching method.

1.5 Why use fingerprints?

Fingerprints are considered to be the best and fastest method for biometric identification. They are secure to use, unique for every person and does not change in one's lifetime. Besides these, implementation of fingerprint recognition system is cheap, easy and accurate up to satisfiability. Fingerprint recognition has been widely used in both forensic and civilian applications. Compared with other biometrics features , fingerprint-based biometrics is the most proven technique and has the largest market shares . Not only it is faster than other techniques but also the energy consumption by such systems is too less.

1.6 Using fingerprint recognition system for attendance management

Managing attendance records of students of an institute is a tedious task. It consumes time and paper both. To make all the attendance related work automatic and on-line, we have designed an attendance management system which could be implemented in various institutes. It uses a fingerprint identification system developed in this project. This fingerprint identification system uses existing as well as new techniques in fingerprint recognition and matching.

Chapter 2 Attendance Management Framework

Manual attendance taking and report generation has its limitations. It is well enough for 30-60 students but when it comes to taking attendance of students large in number, it is difficult. For taking attendance for a lecture, a conference, etc. roll calling and manual attendance system is a failure. Time waste over responses of students, waste of paper etc. are the disadvantages of manual attendance system. Moreover, the attendance report is also not generated on time. To overcome these non-optimal situations, it is necessary that we should use an automatic on-line attendance management system. So we present an implementable attendance management framework. Student attendance system framework is divided into three parts : Hardware/Software Design, Attendance Management Approach, and On-line Report Generation. Each of these is explained below.

2.1 Hardware - Software Level Design

. Proposed hardware consists following parts: (1)Fingerprint Scanner, (2)LCD/Display Module (optional), (3)Computer (4)LAN Connection Fingerprint scanner will be used to input fingerprint of students into the computer software. LCD can be used to view the details of any individual student. However, the display part can be implemented on the computer.

Fingerprint module A computer can act as a server where the information of students can be stored and their easy retrieval is possible. Computer Software present on this computer will be interfacing fingerprint scanner and LCD and will be connected to the network. It will input fingerprint, will process it and extract features for matching. After matching, it will update database attendance records of the students. Proposed software architecture consists of the database and the application program. Database: Record file stores all the information of the registered students as well as their attendances in every subject. Application Program: The application program is developed with Matlab7. It provides a graphical user interface for the Attendance Management System. The advantage of using of Matlab7 is its easy integration with the hardware.

Hardware present in classrooms

2.2 Implementation Process

Following points will make sure that attendance is marked correctly, without any problem: (1) All the hardware will be inside classroom. In this way outside interference will be least. C-CTV cameras can be installed to prevent unauthorized access and unprivileged activities. (2) When teacher enters the classroom, the attendance marking will start. Computer Software will start the process after taking login password from the teacher. (3) After some time, say 20 minutes of this process, no attendance will be given because of late entrance. This time period can be increased or decreased as per requirements. (4) If attendance has already been marked, student is not able to mark another attendance in the same lecture. This will show error on LCD screen.

Classroom Scenario

2.3 E-R Diagram

E-R Diagram

2.4 Network Diagram

This attendance system will be spread over a wide network from classrooms via intranet to internet. Network diagram is shown in fig. Using this network, attendance reports will be made available over internet and e-mail. A monthly report will be sent to each student via email and website will show the updated attendance.

Network Diagram
We are using LAN for communication among servers and hardwares in the classrooms. We can instead use wireless LAN with portable devices. Portable device will have an embedded fingerprint scanner, wireless connection, a microprocessor loaded with a software, memory and a display terminal. Size of device could be small like a mobile phone depending upon how well the device is manufactured.

2.5 Portable Device using Wireless LAN to implement attendance system

Portable Device This device should have a wireless connection. Using this wireless connection, attendance taken would be updated automatically when device is in network of the nodes which are storing the attendance records. Database of enrolled fingerprints will be in this portable device. Size of enrolled database was 12.1 MB when 150 fingerprints were enrolled in this project. So for 10000 students, atleast 807 MB or more space would be required for storing enrolled database. For this purpose, a removable memory chip could be used. We cannot use wireless LAN here because fetching data using wireless LAN will not be possible because of less range of wireless devices.So enrolled data would be on chip itself. Attendance results will be updated when portable device will be in the range of nodes which are storing attendance reports. We may update all the records online via the mobile network provided by different companies. Today 3G network provides sufficient throughput which can be used for updating attendance records automatically without going near nodes. In such case, the need of database inside memory chip will not be mandatory. It will be fetched by using 3G mobile network from central database repository. The design of such a portable device is the task of embedded system engineers.

Using Portable Device In this section, we suggest the working of portable device and the method of using it for marking attendance. The device may either be having touchscreen input/display or buttons with lcd display. A software specially designed for the device will be running on it. Teachers will verify his/her fingerprint on the device before giving it to students for marking attendance. After verifying the teacher's identity, software will ask for course and and other required information about the class which he or she is going to teach. Software will ask teacher the time after which device will not mark any attendance. This time can vary depending on the teacher's mood but our suggested value is 25 minutes. This is done to prevent late entrance of students. This step will hardly take few seconds. Then students will be given device for their fingerprint identification and attendance marking. In the continuation, teacher will start his/her lecture. Students will hand over the device to other students whose attendance is not marked. After 25 minutes or the time decided by teacher, device will not input any attendance. After the class is over, teacher will take device and will end the lecture. The main function of software running on the device will be fingerprint identification of students followed by report generation and sending reports to servers using 3G network. Other functions will be downloading and updating the database available on the device from central database repository.

2.6 Data Flow Diagram

Level 0 DFD

Level 1 DFD

2.7 Database Management

Database storage contains the fingerprint templates of students along with their information (names, registration numbers, roll number and Subjects/lectures). When student enrolls his/her finger on the fingerprint sensor module his/her fingerprint is matched with database to mark the attendance.

2.8 On-Line Attendance Report Generation

Database for attendance can be stored in tabular form but here we are avoiding any external storage means due to unavailability of MYSQL toolbox in matlab for students .

Here database is stored in the form of structures .Primarily two structures are maintained: 1. Student with attributes as Name Roll Course Day 2. Attendance with attributes as Subject Roll Name Attendance Using this information, all the attendance can be managed for a student. To implement multiple subjects teachers can have a separate structures with attributes as subjects ,name, teacher_id. For on-line report generation, a simple website can be hosted on college servers. 2.4 COMPARISON WITH OTHER STUDENT ATTENDANCE SYSTEMS There are various other kinds of student attendance management systems available like RFID based student attendance system and GSM-GPRS based student attendance system. Our system is better because first it saves time that could be used for teaching. Second is its portability [1]. Portability has its own advantage because the device could be taken to any class wherever it is scheduled because it is dynamic. In GSM-GPRS based systems, it use position of class for attendance marking which is not dynamic and if schedule or location of the class changes, wrong attendance might be marked. Problem with RFID based systems is that students have to carry RFID cards and also the RFID detectors are needed to be installed. But, students may give proxies easily using friend's RFID card. These problems are not in our system [2]. We used fingerprints as recognition criteria so proxies cannot be given. If portable devices are used, attendance marking will be done at any place and any time. So our student attendance system is far better to be implemented.

Chapter 3

Fingerprint Identification System

An identification system is one which helps in identifying an individual among many people when detailed information is not available. It may involve matching available features of candidate like fingerprints with those already enrolled in database.

3.1 How Fingerprint Recognition works?

Fingerprint images that are found or scanned are not of optimum quality. So we remove noises and enhance their quality. We extract features like minutiae and others for matching. If the sets of minutiae are matched with those in the database, we call it an identified fingerprint. After matching, we perform post-matching steps which may include showing details of identified candidate, marking attendance etc. A brief flowchart is shown in next section.

3.2 Fingerprint Identification System Flowchart

A brief methodology of our Fingerprint Identification System is shown here in following flowchart. Each of these are explained in the later chapters.

System Flowchart during fingerprint recognition

Chapter 4

Fingerprint Enhancement
The image acquired from scanner is sometimes not of perfect quality .It gets corrupted due to irregularities and non-uniformity in the impression taken and due to variations in the skin and the presence of the scars, humidity, dirt etc. To overcome these problems , to reduce noise and enhance the definition of ridges against valleys, various techniques are applied as following.

4.1 Segmentation
Image segmentation separates the foreground regions and the background regions in the image. The foreground regions refer to the clear fingerprint area which contains the ridges and valleys. This is the area of interest. The background regions refer to the regions which are outside the borders of the main fingerprint area, which does not contain any important or valid fingerprint information. The extraction of noisy and false minutiae can be done by applying minutiae extraction algorithm to the background regions of the image. Thus, segmentation is a process by which we can discard these background regions, which results in more reliable extraction of minutiae points. The background regions exhibit a very low grey scale variance value, whereas the foreground regions have a very high variance. Firstly, the image is divided into blocks and the grey-scale variance is calculated for each block in the image. If the variance is less than the global threshold, then the block is assigned to be part of background region or else it is part of foreground . The grey - level variance for a block of size S x S can be calculated as:

where Var(k) is the grey - level variance for the block k , G(i,j) is the grey level value at pixel (i,j) , and M(k) denotes the mean grey - level value for the corresponding block k .

4.2 Normalization
Image normalization is the next step in fingerprint enhancement process. Normalization is a process of standardizing the intensity values in an image so that these intensity values lie within a certain desired range. It can be done by adjusting the range of grey-level values in the image. Let G (i, j) denotes the grey-level value at pixel (i, j), and N(i, j) represent the normalized grey-level value at pixel (i, j). Then the normalized image can defined as:

Where Mo and Vo are the estimated mean and variance of I(i, j), respectively .

4.3 Orientation estimation

The orientation field of a fingerprint image defines the local orientation of the ridges contained in the fingerprint . The orientation estimation is a fundamental step in the enhancement process as the subsequent Gabor filtering stage relies on the local orientation in order to effectively enhance the fingerprint image. The least mean square estimation method used by Raymond is used to compute the orientation image. However, instead of estimating the orientation block-wise, we have chosen to extend their method into a pixel-wise scheme, which produces a finer and more accurate estimation of the orientation field. The steps for calculating the orientation at pixel (i, j) are as follows: 1. Firstly , a block of size W x W is centered at pixel (i, j) in the normalized fingerprint print image. 2. For each pixel in the block, compute the gradients dx (i, j) and dy (i, j),

which are the gradient magnitudes in the x and y directions, respectively. The horizontal Sobel operator is used to compute dx(i, j) :[1 0 -1; 2 0 -2;1 0 1] 3. The local orientation at pixel (i, j) can then be estimated using the following equations:

where (i, j) is the least square estimate of the local orientation at the block centered at pixel (i, j).

Orientation Estimation
4. Smooth the orientation field in a local neighbourhood using a Gaussian filter. The orientation image is firstly converted into a continuous vector field, which is defined as:

where x and y are the x and y components of the vector field, respectively.

4.4 Ridge Frequency Estimation

Another important parameter,in addition to the orientation image, that can be used in the construction of the Gabor filter is the local ridge frequency. The local frequency of the ridges in a fingerprint is represented by the frequency image. The first step is to divide the image into blocks of size W x W. In the next step we project the grey-level values of each pixels located inside each block along a direction perpendicular to the local ridge orientation. This projection results in an almost sinusoidal-shape wave with the local minimum points denoting the ridges in the fingerprint.It involves smoothing the projected waveform using a Gaussian lowpass filter of size W x W which helps in reducing the effect of noise in the projection. The ridge spacing S(i, j) is then calculated by counting the mediannumber of pixels between the consecutive minima points in the projected waveform.The ridge frequency F(i, j) for a block centered at pixel (i, j) is given as

4.6 Binarisation
Most minutiae extraction algorithms operate on basically binary images where there are only two levels of interest: the black pixels represent ridges, and the white pixels represent valleys. Binarisation converts a greylevel image into a binary image. This helps in improving the contrast between the ridges and valleys in a fingerprint image,and consequently facilitates the extraction of minutiae. One very useful property of the Gabor filter is that it contains a DC component of zero, which indicates that the resulting filtered image has a zero mean pixel value.

Hence, binarisation of the image can be done by using a global threshold of zero. Binarisation involves examining the grey-level value of every pixel in the enhanced image, and, if the grey-level value is greater than the predefined global threshold, then the pixel value is set to value one;else, it is set to zero. The outcome of binarisation is a binary image which contains two levels of information, the background valleys and the foreground ridges.

4.7 Thinning
Thinning is a morphological operation which is used to remove selected foreground pixels from the binary images. A standard thinning algorithm from [1] is used, which performs this operation using two sub iterations. The algorithm can be accessed by a software MATLAB via the `thin' operation of the bimorph function. Each sub iteration starts by examining the neighbourhood of every pixel in the binary image, and on the basis of a particular set of pixel-deletion criteria, it decides whether the pixel can be removed or not. These subiterations goes on until no more pixels can be removed.

(a)Original Image, (b)Enhanced Image, (c)Binarised Image, (d)Thinned Image

Chapter 5 Fingerprint Recognition and Matching

Fingerprint Recognition
The fingerprint recognition problem can be grouped into three sub-domains: fingerprint enrollment, verification and fingerprint identification. In addition, different from the manual approach for fingerprint recognition by experts, the fingerprint recognition here is referred as AFRS (Automatic Fingerprint Recognition System), which is program-based. Verification is typically used for positive recognition, where the aim is to prevent multiple people from using the same identity. Fingerprint verification is to verify the authenticity of one person by his fingerprint. There is one-to one comparison in this case. In the identification mode, the system recognizes an individual by searching the templates of all the users in the database for a match. Therefore, the system conducts a one to-many comparison to establish an individuals identity. The following are Fingerprint Recognition Techniques:

A. Minutiae Extraction Technique

Most of the finger-scan technologies are based on Minutiae. Minutia-based techniques represent the fingerprint by its local features, like terminations and bifurcations. This approach has been intensively studied, also is the backbone of the current available fingerprint recognition products . This is the most popular and widely used technique, being the basis of the fingerprint comparison made by fingerprint examiners. Minutiae are extracted from the two fingerprints and stored as sets of points in the twodimensional plane. Minutiae-based matching essentially consists of finding the alignment between the template and the input minutiae sets those results in the maximum number of minutiae pairings.

B. Pattern Matching or Ridge Feature Based Techniques

Feature extraction and template generation are based on series of ridges as opposed to discrete points which forms the basis of Pattern Matching Techniques. The advantage of Pattern Matching techniques over Minutiae Extraction is that minutiae points may be affected by wear and tear and the disadvantages are that these are sensitive to proper placement of finger and need large storage for templates. Pattern based algorithms compare the basic fingerprint patterns (arch, whorl, and loop) between a previously stored template and a candidate fingerprint. This requires that the images be aligned in the same orientation. To do this, the algorithm finds a central point in the fingerprint image and centers on that. In a pattern-based algorithm, the template contains the type, size, and orientation of patterns within the aligned fingerprint image. The candidate fingerprint image is graphically compared with the template to determine the degree to which they match.

C. Correlation Based Technique

Two fingerprint images are superimposed and the correlation between corresponding pixels is computed for different alignments (e.g. various displacements and rotations). The cross-correlation is a well-known measure of image similarity and the maximization in (1); it allows us to find the optimal registration. The direct application of (1) rarely leads to acceptable results, mainly due to the following problems: i) Non-linear distortion makes impressions of the same finger significantly different in terms of global structure; the use of local or block-wise correlation techniques can help to deal with this problem. ii) Skin condition and finger pressure cause image brightness, contrast, and ridge thickness to vary significantly across different impressions. The use of more sophisticated correlation measures may compensate for these problems iii) A direct application of (1) is computationally very expensive. Local correlation and correlation in the Fourier domain can improve efficiency

Matching means finding most appropriate similar fingerprint to query fingerprint. Fingerprints are matched by matching set of minutiae extracted. Minutiae sets never match completely, so we compute match score of matching. If match score satisfies accuracy needs, we call it successful matching. We used a new key based one to many matching intended for large databases.

Existing Matching Techniques

1. One to many matching
Few algorithms are proposed by many researchers around the world which are better than normal matching. But all of them are one to one verification or one to one identification matching types. We developed a one to many matching technique which uses key as the hashing tool. Initially, we do not match minutiae sets instead we perform key matching with many keys of database. Those database fingerprints, whose keys match with key of query fingerprint, are allowed for full minutiae matching. Algorithm : Key Based One to Many Matching Algorithm M Input M from user; j=1; N Size of Database; while j <= N do if N - j >= 9 then limit=M; else limit=N-j; end for i = j to j + limit - 1 do Perform Matching(Gender, Class, i); end for i = 1 to M do Gender Opposite of Estimated Gender; Perform Matching(Gender, Class, i); end

end However we will be using edge detection technique which although involves one to one matching but produces results with maximum efficiency.

2. Edge Detection
The purpose of edge detection in Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems is to significantly reduce the amount of data found in a fingerprint image and leave only the most important information. Edge detection works by finding points on an image where the gray scale value changes greatly between pixels. The darker pixels have low gray values while the lighter have high gray values. One method of performing edge detection is based on convolution. Convolution is a mathematical way of blending one function with another to produce a result expressing the amount of overlap the functions have on one another. Two of the most common edge detection filters are the Laplacian and the Canny operators. The Laplacian operator is a method of edge detection based on taking the second derivatives of the gray intensity (in the Cartesian coordinate system) while the Canny operator uses the first derivative of the intensity. The Canny operator is the most commonly used method for edge detection in AFIS since there are no significant advantages in other systems[3]. The Laplacian function can be used to expresses the second derivative of a function. There are some problems with using the Laplacian, since it is especially prone to picking up features which are not actually edges in the image. The Laplacian operator results in incorrect readings where the gray value changes in small amounts consistently over part of the image. To reduce this noise in an image, a Gaussian blur is often applied before the Laplacian operator. After the second derivative is found, a threshold must be applied to determine actual edges. More noise is produced with a lower threshold while a high threshold may miss some edges. This is one of the most basic algorithms. Its implementation is as follows: ALGORITHM Pic1 = Read image 1 Pic 2 = Read image 2 Edge_pic 1=edge(pic 1) Edge_pic 2=edge(pic 2) for a = 1 to 256 for b = 1 to 256

if(edge pic1(a,b)==1) white_points = white_points+1; else black_points = black_points+1; end end end for i = 1 to 256 for j = 1 to 256 if(edge_pic1 (i,j)==1)&&(edge pic2(i,j)==1) matched_data = matched_data+1; end end end total_data = white_points; total_matched_percentage = (matched_data/total_data)*100; if(total_matched_percentage >= 90) Matched else Not Matched End

In the above algorithm a function edge is used for edge detection.This function creates a binary image with black and white points. It looks for the sharp change in intensity values to detect the edges. The algorithm used in project makes the use of prewitt method or edge detection. After detection of edges,dots inside the edges are made white in colour and the background gets black in colour. This image is further enhanced and a binary image is produced as seen in figure. After this we count the number of white points initial image to locate fingerprint dots in sample image. Then both the image matrices are matched pixel

by pixel. If the number of dots matched exceeds 90% then the image is matched else it is considered unmatched.

Original Scanned images

Binary Images after edge detection

Chapter 6
Software Design and Working model

This login Form is made For Security purpose. So only authenticated users can access in to the Project. There are two Type of persons who can enter in the project 1. Administrator 2. User

Login form allowing two user group

User can opt for either new registration or for attendance

New Registration Form

This form is filled by the students at the time of registration. It asks for details like name, roll no, branch, semester, current attendance.

Student details being entered during new registration

Take Attendance

Attendance granted once finger print matches with student record

This Form is used to choose subjects and the month for which attendance is to be filled up. When the student gives his/her attendance using the fingerprint scanner module, the entry is matched with the fingerprints already present in the existing database. If the fingerprint matches, their attendance is added.

View Attendance
Teachers can view the attendance of students in various subjects just by entering their roll no thus various updation and attendance sheets can be framed

Software Testing
The proposed system has been tested for a class of 70 students. Four students were 20 minutes late than the lecture time. The attendance of these four students was not updated (see rules for detail). Out of other 66 students 63 students were properly identified and thus their attendance record was updated. 1 unsuccessful identification occurred because student did not properly place his finger on the sensor (see rules for detail). 1 student got identified as a different student due to presence of only 90% matching criteria. 1 student failed identification due to unregistered or error-full details in the database. The accuracy of the system is shown No. of students No. of student Successful attendances Identification not counted 04 63 Unsuccessful Identification Accuracy




Attendance Accuracy

Hence the software tested against various students was found to be functioning properly.The only issue addressed while testing of software was: Proper mechanism should be used to ensure that the thumb impression taken everytime is exactly same.

This project mainly comprised of development of attendance management system and fingerprint identification system. Attendance management is very helpful in saving valuable time of students and teachers, paper and generating report at required time. This project presented a framework using which attendance management can be made automated and on-line. Fingerprint Identification System used for student identification is faster in implementation than any other fingerprint identification systems. For fingerprint recognition, prevalent enhancement techniques clubbed with new techniques helped in implementing this project in a better and efficient way. As we have seen that further implementation of biometric technology like face recognition grouped with various other image processing technologies like motion sensing can make this software even better.

Future Work
Fingerprint identification system will be improved further using more indexing techniques like ridge density tolerance etc. Instead of using our database, we would be using database of students. More functionalities like view attendance, subject-wise analysis can be added. Student attendance system is designed using LAN in this project. A more thought process can involve the implementation of this software over a wireless network. The problem of using wireless LAN is that wireless devices are costly and implementation is hard because the wireless devices work in small area. For large campuses one can use mobile network which would be sufficiently suitable because now-a-days 3G network provides much speed. It would meet necessary throughput and data fetching speed requirements. Biometric methodology can be implemented at higher levels where face recognition and other biometric analysis can be done to provide more authentication towards the presence of students. An integration of RFID system with the Xbox Kinect technology and color camera sensors can come handy when implemented with face recognition and motion sensing techniques. RFID systems here can come handy in detecting the persons present in the class . Students can be given a wrist band embedded with RFID tags which they should wear essentially when they attend lectures. Here, RFID system can be an Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT) system whose reader will keep on interrogating whether the RFID tags remain in the class during the lecturehours. RFID tags in this system can also use a Battery Assisted Passive (BAP) tag which acts like a passive tag but has a small battery to power the tag's return reporting signal. Thus with RFID system multiple people entries present in the class can be recorded at the same time.What if someone else is wearing two wrist bands at the same time?In that case, a student will get the attendance although he will be absent during the class hours. To avoid this scenario, Image analysis of thestudent can be implemented along with RFID systems to ensure more Color camera sensors can capture the students image

whenever he/she enters the classroom and then image processing of the recorded RGB content of image by color sensors can be done to produce a pattern to cross check with patterns already present in the database(using pattern Recognition techniques). Along with that, RFID systems will also sense the unique key present in RFID tags, carried by the student and match that with students identity in the database. If the pattern matched with the RFID key is the same matched during image analysis, then that person will get the attendance, else the person will be marked absent. RFID systems can also used be to track the students present in class at regular intervals so as to ensure that they were present in the class all the time. In case, Xbox Kinect detects any student motion , (like when they are going out for some reason),it can again perform image analysis to match that students record and with the help of RFID sensors it can check if the tag is present in the class. If the tag gets detected in the class and kinect detected students motion going out of the class, then student is marked absent until the kinect sensors record his movement coming inside the class. Also in case the tag remains undetected, the student is marked absent until his motion of entering inside the class gets detected .Thus student motion detected with Xbox kinect can also be helpful in maintaining a record if the student attended the whole lecture or not. Machine learning techniques can be used to train the system to detect the motion of people coming out and inside the classroom. If in case, kinect sensors did not record any movement and RFID tags do not respond to readers, then it that case students attendance in class is marked absent. Thus RFID tags,color camera sensors and Xbox kinect make interdependent system to provide factual data. Thus future advancements in the field of biometrics and its implementation with newer image processing technology in this project can produce highly efficient,authentic and reliable results

[1]. K.G.M.S.K. Jayawardana, T.N. Kadurugamuwa, R.G. Rage and S. Radhakrishnan, Timesheet: An Attendance Tracking System, Pro-ceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol.13, Part II, 18th December 2008. [2]. Yohei KAWAGUCHI, Tetsuo SHOJI , Weijane LIN ,Koh KAKU-SHO, Michihiko MINOH ,Face Recognition-based Lecture Atten-dance System, Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University [3]. American University of Beirut (2005, November 1). Fingerprint identification project 2. Retrieved January 17, 2006, from [4]. Anil K. Jain, Arun Ross and Salil Prabhakar, An introduction to biometric recognition, Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,IEEE Transactions on Volume 14, Issue 1, Jan. 2004

Matlab Functions Used: 1. Start.m
function varargout = start(varargin) % START M-file for start.fig % START, by itself, creates a new START or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = START returns the handle to a new START or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % START('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in START.M with the given input arguments. % % START('Property','Value',...) creates a new START or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before start_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to start_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES % Edit the above text to modify the response to help start % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 31-Oct-2013 15:28:57 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @start_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @start_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before start is made visible. function start_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to start (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for start handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles);

% UIWAIT makes start wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = start_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in teacher. function teacher_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to teacher (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) login; start('visible','off'); % --- Executes on button press in student. function student_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to student (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; studlogin; start('visible','off'); % --- Executes on button press in exit. function exit_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to exit (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all;

2. login.m
function varargout = login(varargin) % LOGIN M-file for login.fig % LOGIN, by itself, creates a new LOGIN or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = LOGIN returns the handle to a new LOGIN or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % LOGIN('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in LOGIN.M with the given input arguments. % % LOGIN('Property','Value',...) creates a new LOGIN or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before login_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to login_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES

% Edit the above text to modify the response to help login % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 31-Oct-2013 15:21:23 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @login_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @login_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before login is made visible. function login_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to login (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for login handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes login wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = login_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) if(str2num(get(handles.edit1,'string'))==1234) studreg; login('visible','off'); else msgbox('invalid password'); end

function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO)

% eventdata % handles

reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit1 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit1 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) close all; % --- Executes on button press in back. function back_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to back (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; start; login('visible','off');

3. studlogin.m
function varargout = studlogin(varargin) % STUDLOGIN M-file for studlogin.fig % STUDLOGIN, by itself, creates a new STUDLOGIN or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = STUDLOGIN returns the handle to a new STUDLOGIN or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % STUDLOGIN('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in STUDLOGIN.M with the given input arguments. % % STUDLOGIN('Property','Value',...) creates a new STUDLOGIN or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before studlogin_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to studlogin_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES % Edit the above text to modify the response to help studlogin % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 31-Oct-2013 15:19:38 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT

gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @studlogin_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @studlogin_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before studlogin is made visible. function studlogin_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to studlogin (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for studlogin handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes studlogin wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = studlogin_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output;

function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit1 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit1 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end

% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) set(handles.details,'string',''); set(handles.namemeta,'string',''); set(,'string',''); set(handles.rollmeta,'string',''); set(handles.roll,'string',''); set(handles.branchmeta,'string',''); set(handles.branch,'string',''); set(handles.currentmeta,'string',''); set(handles.current,'string',''); set(handles.record,'string',''); [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.tif';'*.jpg';'*.gif';'*.*'}, 'Pick an Image File'); set(handles.edit1,'String',[pathname,filename]); img=imread(get(handles.edit1,'string')); axes(handles.axes1); imshow(img,'Parent',handles.axes1); guidata(hObject, handles); load database.mat; for i=1:length(array) flag=matchfingerprint(array(i).image,get(handles.edit1,'string')); if flag==1 set(handles.details,'string','Details'); set(handles.namemeta,'string','Name'); set(handles.rollmeta,'string','Roll No'); set(handles.branchmeta,'string','Branch'); set(handles.currentmeta,'string','Current Attendance'); set(,'string',array(i).name); set(handles.roll,'string',num2str(array(i).roll)); set(handles.branch,'string',array(i).branch); set(handles.current,'string',num2str(array(i).current_attendance)); break; end end if flag~=1 set(handles.record,'string','Record Not Found'); end clear; function flag=matchfingerprint(path1,path2) pic1 = imread(path1); pic2 = imread(path2); edge_det_pic1 = edge(pic1,'prewitt');%applying edge detection on first picture %so that we obtain white and black points and edges of the objects present %in the picture. edge_det_pic2 = edge(pic2,'prewitt');%%applying edge detection on second picture %initialization of different variables used matched_data = 0; white_points = 0; black_points = 0; x=0; y=0; l=0; m=0; %for loop used for detecting black and white points in the picture. for a = 1:1:256 for b = 1:1:256 if(edge_det_pic1(a,b)==1) white_points = white_points+1; else black_points = black_points+1; end end

end %for loop comparing the white (edge points) in the two pictures for i = 1:1:256 for j = 1:1:256 if(edge_det_pic1(i,j)==1)&&(edge_det_pic2(i,j)==1) matched_data = matched_data+1; else ; end end end

%calculating percentage matching. total_data = white_points; total_matched_percentage = (matched_data/total_data)*100; %outputting the result of the system. if(total_matched_percentage >= 90) amount of matching. flag=1; else flag=0; end % --- Executes on button press in back. function back_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to back (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; start; studlogin('visible','off'); %can add flexability at this point by reducing the

% --- Executes on button press in exit. function exit_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to exit (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all;

4. studreg.m
function varargout = studreg(varargin) % STUDREG M-file for studreg.fig % STUDREG, by itself, creates a new STUDREG or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = STUDREG returns the handle to a new STUDREG or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % STUDREG('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in STUDREG.M with the given input arguments. % % STUDREG('Property','Value',...) creates a new STUDREG or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before studreg_OpeningFcn gets called. An

% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to studreg_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES % Edit the above text to modify the response to help studreg % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 31-Oct-2013 15:24:42 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @studreg_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @studreg_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before studreg is made visible. function studreg_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to studreg (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for studreg handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes studreg wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = studreg_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; studdetails; studreg('visible','off');

% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; studattendance; studreg('visible','off'); % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton3. function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton3 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) close all; % --- Executes on button press in viewdetails. function viewdetails_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to viewdetails (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; viewdetails; studreg('visible','off'); % --- Executes on button press in back. function back_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to back (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; start; studreg('visible','off');

5. studdetails.m
function varargout = studdetails(varargin) % STUDDETAILS M-file for studdetails.fig % STUDDETAILS, by itself, creates a new STUDDETAILS or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = STUDDETAILS returns the handle to a new STUDDETAILS or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % STUDDETAILS('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in STUDDETAILS.M with the given input arguments. % % STUDDETAILS('Property','Value',...) creates a new STUDDETAILS or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before studdetails_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to studdetails_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES

% Edit the above text to modify the response to help studdetails % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 30-Oct-2013 13:44:11 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @studdetails_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @studdetails_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before studdetails is made visible. function studdetails_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to studdetails (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for studdetails handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes studdetails wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = studdetails_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.tif';'*.jpg';'*.gif';'*.*'}, 'Pick an Image File'); set(handles.edit1,'String',[pathname,filename]); img=imread(get(handles.edit1,'string')); axes(handles.axes1); imshow(img,'Parent',handles.axes1); guidata(hObject, handles); function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit1 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit1 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end

function edit2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit2 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit2 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit2_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end

function edit3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit3 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit3 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit3 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit3_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit3 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end

function edit4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit4 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit4 as text

str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit4 as a double

% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit4_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit4 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end

function edit5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit5 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit5 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit5 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit5_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit5 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) load database.mat% details=struct ('serial',0,'name','','roll',0,'image','','branch','','current_attendance',0);,'string'); details.roll=str2num(get(handles.edit3,'string')); details.image=get(handles.edit1,'string'); details.branch=get(handles.edit7,'string'); details.serial=length(array)+1;% %array=details;% array=[array details];% save database.mat array clear all; close all; studreg; studdetails('visible','off'); clear

function edit6_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit6 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit6 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit6 as a double

% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit6_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit6 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end

function edit7_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit7 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit7 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit7 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit7_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit7 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton4. function pushbutton4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton4 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) close all;

6. studattendance.m
function varargout = studattendance(varargin) % STUDATTENDANCE M-file for studattendance.fig % STUDATTENDANCE, by itself, creates a new STUDATTENDANCE or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = STUDATTENDANCE returns the handle to a new STUDATTENDANCE or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % STUDATTENDANCE('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in STUDATTENDANCE.M with the given input arguments. % % STUDATTENDANCE('Property','Value',...) creates a new STUDATTENDANCE or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before studattendance_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to studattendance_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES

% Edit the above text to modify the response to help studattendance % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 30-Oct-2013 13:45:01 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @studattendance_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @studattendance_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before studattendance is made visible. function studattendance_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to studattendance (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for studattendance handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes studattendance wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = studattendance_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) set(handles.serialmeta,'string',''); set(handles.serial,'string',''); set(handles.text3,'string',''); set(handles.text4,'string',''); set(handles.text5,'string',''); set(handles.text6,'string',''); set(handles.text7,'string',''); set(handles.text8,'string',''); set(handles.text9,'string',''); [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.tif';'*.jpg';'*.gif';'*.*'}, 'Pick an Image File'); set(handles.edit1,'String',[pathname,filename]); img=imread(get(handles.edit1,'string')); axes(handles.axes1);

imshow(img,'Parent',handles.axes1); guidata(hObject, handles); load database.mat; for i=1:length(array) flag=matchfingerprint(array(i).image,get(handles.edit1,'string')); if flag==1 set(handles.serialmeta,'string','Serial No.'); set(handles.text3,'string','Name'); set(handles.text4,'string','Roll No'); set(handles.text5,'string','Branch'); set(handles.text10,'string','Current Attendance'); set(handles.serial,'string',array(i).serial); set(handles.text6,'string',array(i).name); set(handles.text7,'string',num2str(array(i).roll)); set(handles.text8,'string',array(i).branch); set(handles.text11,'string',num2str(array(i).current_attendance)); break; end end if flag~=1 set(handles.text9,'string','Record Not Found'); end clear; function flag=matchfingerprint(path1,path2) pic1 = imread(path1); pic2 = imread(path2); edge_det_pic1 = edge(pic1,'prewitt');%applying edge detection on first picture %so that we obtain white and black points and edges of the objects present %in the picture. edge_det_pic2 = edge(pic2,'prewitt');%%applying edge detection on second picture %initialization of different variables used matched_data = 0; white_points = 0; black_points = 0; x=0; y=0; l=0; m=0; %for loop used for detecting black and white points in the picture. for a = 1:1:256 for b = 1:1:256 if(edge_det_pic1(a,b)==1) white_points = white_points+1; else black_points = black_points+1; end end end %for loop comparing the white (edge points) in the two pictures for i = 1:1:256 for j = 1:1:256 if(edge_det_pic1(i,j)==1)&&(edge_det_pic2(i,j)==1) matched_data = matched_data+1; else ; end end end

%calculating percentage matching. total_data = white_points;

total_matched_percentage = (matched_data/total_data)*100; %outputting the result of the system. if(total_matched_percentage >= 90) amount of matching. flag=1; else flag=0; end %can add flexability at this point by reducing the

function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit1 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit1 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) studreg; studattendance('visible','off'); % --- Executes on button press in grant. function grant_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to grant (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) load database.mat serial=str2num(get(handles.serial,'string')); array(serial).current_attendance=array(serial).current_attendance+1; set(handles.text11,'string',num2str(array(serial).current_attendance)); save database.mat array % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton4. function pushbutton4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton4 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) close all;

7. viewdetails.m
function varargout = viewdetails(varargin)

% VIEWDETAILS M-file for viewdetails.fig % VIEWDETAILS, by itself, creates a new VIEWDETAILS or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = VIEWDETAILS returns the handle to a new VIEWDETAILS or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % VIEWDETAILS('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in VIEWDETAILS.M with the given input arguments. % % VIEWDETAILS('Property','Value',...) creates a new VIEWDETAILS or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before viewdetails_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to viewdetails_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES % Edit the above text to modify the response to help viewdetails % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 31-Oct-2013 14:18:02 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @viewdetails_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @viewdetails_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before viewdetails is made visible. function viewdetails_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to viewdetails (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for viewdetails handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes viewdetails wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = viewdetails_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure

varargout{1} = handles.output;

function editroll_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to editroll (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of editroll as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of editroll as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function editroll_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to editroll (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in enter. function enter_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to enter (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) load database.mat set(handles.namemeta,'string',''); set(handles.rollmeta,'string',''); set(handles.branchmeta,'string',''); set(handles.currentmeta,'string',''); set(,'string',''); set(handles.roll,'string',''); set(handles.branch,'string',''); set(handles.current,'string',''); set(handles.record,'string',''); flag=0; for i=1:length(array) if array(i).roll==str2num(get(handles.editroll,'string')) flag=1; set(handles.namemeta,'string','Name'); set(handles.rollmeta,'string','Roll No'); set(handles.branchmeta,'string','Branch'); set(handles.currentmeta,'string','Attendance'); set(,'string',array(i).name); set(handles.roll,'string',num2str(array(i).roll)); set(handles.branch,'string',array(i).branch); set(handles.current,'string',array(i).current_attendance); end end if flag==0 set(handles.record,'string','Record Not Found'); end % --- Executes on button press in back. function back_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to back (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) clear all; close all; studreg; viewdetails('visible','off');

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