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How do you get Involved?

Getting involved is very easy! It is as simple as; Shutting off the lights when you are not home. Recycling papers instead of throwing them throwing them in the trash. Unplug your cell phone charger when your not using it. Walking, riding a bike, or taking the bus instead of driving your car.

Even you can change the world!


Contact Information You can also get involved by joining a student group, or organization that supports the Live Green! Initiative Visit the Live Gree! Initiative website for more easy tips that you can use to change the world!
Merry Rankin, Director of Sustainability Iowa State University 1 08 General Services Building Ames, IA 5001 1 -4001 51 5/294-5052 Office 51 5/294-4593 Fax



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The purpose of the Live Green! Iniciative is to work to impliment core enviromental stratagies throughout the curriculum, campus operations, and construction projects.

Goals of the Live Green! Initiative

The goals of the Live Green! Initiative are; to be a leader in sustainability amoung land grant institutions, and to recognize that the involvement and dedication of every member of the ISU community is critical in achieving this goal. President Geoffry knew that without everyones help this project wouldn't be a success. The purpose of the Live Green! Initiative is to make ISU one of the cleanest, and most efficient campuses in the nation.

Mission Statement
Encouraging all faculty, staff, and students to be fully committed to and engaged in making our campus, its, operations, and initiatives as "green" as possible.

Four Pilars and their Purpose

Establishment of the President's Advisory Committee on Energy Conservation and Global Climate Change. Establishment of a Living Green! Revolving Loan Fund. Hired a Sustainability Director. Completion of a Sustainability Symposium for all university staff, facult, and students. The purpose for the four pillars was to give faculty, staff, and students the tools needed to make this Live Green! Initiative a success. Without everyones participation campus can't be its very best.

The Live Green! Initiative was created in 2008 by ISU President Geoffry. President Geoffry saw a problem with the ISU campus. He saw it as a beutiful campus, but knew it could be better. His goal was to make ISU on of the best campuses in the nation!

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