Like Water For Chocolate

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1 Like Water for Chocolate April Turkey Mole with Almonds and Sesame Seeds Tita interestingly kills

s another bird and force feeds it walnuts again! "#$% Alike to Mom forcing tradition on her& Tita cooks almonds nuts chilies 'omance lust passion foreshadow "##% Whole Tita(s breasts and )edro *oyeurism thing + fire Lust and desire ,, -o flame means lifeless "#.% Spices and wines added to turkey ,, Setting/ Me0ican1American War of 1234112$4(s ,, Chencha e0aggerates tales "#2% )edro stop complimenting food lose lo*e to 'osaura& 5 longing suffering desire "#6% Mama arrange to stop lo*e between )edro and Tita by cutting ties 5 coldness ,, changing emotions hate to lo*e "#6% Suitcase full of tradition no 7kitchen8 related things that make things li*ely for 9ertrudis ".4% Tita only one at birth of new nephew 'osarua(s child 5 irony + dramatic drama ".:% ;aby + warm 5 new lo*e for all ,, )edro see Tita as woman is ironic b,c 'osa ga*e birth to the child not Tita ".<1.3% Magical realism 5 Tita breast feed child ,, )edro see breasts 5 lust lo*e shame ,, 'osa cannot breast feed like mom ".#1..% =rony/ ;aby bring them together not apart ".2% Mole bring happiness etc to people ,, Mama >lena pushes on to send )edro + 'osa to San Antonio 5 drama+ foreshadow "24% Mama is cold because had no men in life no lo*e at all "24% May -orthern Style Chori?o )edro + rest are gone 5 Tita lose life + feed worms to birds lose soul,broken "2.% @ear nothing from )edro in San Antonio Te0as 5 foreshadow "22% Auan AleBandro stop by and take chickens + smell flowers and misses 9ertrudis ,,Tita lonely + lose baby lost milk"2112<% Mama >lena cold and cannot handle hot , too traditional and cannot handle change "6316$% Mama >lena cruel and hurt people destroyed Tita "6.% Mama >lena send )edro away when catch them kissing "62% ,, Child dies because not eating Tita(s food,lo*e "66% Ceath of child leads to Tita snapping stay on roof top and fed pigeon worms until dead , Tita fed tradition til dead "144% Mama >lena scared of foreign or change "144% ,, Magic faltering and to show her broken spirit "141% Aune Matches "trying to light a 7fire8 in her% 7chronic chill8 keep from warm , Mama >lena cause her to lose life "14.% Tita can(t taste food ,, Dree hands but don(t know what to do , want soul to escape from cold body "142 1146% 9randmother(s soul 7ghost8 bring warmth to her magic "114% Aohn(s grandpa marry white family great granny isolated from family "111% 9reat grandpa dying of lung cancer not e*en Mary greatgrandma can sa*e him with science leeches made it worse

: Ethe Fikapu8 family doctor magically stopped bleeding with hand and herbs 5 tradition,science,superstition "11<% )eople need 7fire8 to li*e + stay away from cold people or else lose 7life8 ,, match dampens etc 5 Tia(s life "11$% Can relight matches when big 7flame8 comes back but can make people lose 7'eality8 sometimes "11#111.% 9randma ghost 5 magic "11.% ,, Aohn make Tita open up by her writing on wall she show independence 5 good "112% Auly G01tail Soup "onion etc% Cooking soup foreshadow Tita(s reco*ery from depression + superstition from Chencha "1:<% Cannot cook 5 cannot 7li*e8 for herself =rony/ free but still held back by dead mother "1:3% Miss -acha for tortillas rolls garlic onions etc memories, miss real 7mother8, want emotion back "1:3% Chencha comes o*er and cooks with onion 5 spice bring emotions back to Tita who cries "1:$% Mother completely disregards Tita for blaming her for 'oberto(s "baby% death 9uilt& "1:$% Mother forget 9etrudis for working in brothel shame + ruins mama(s reputation "1:$% 9ertrudis mention 7= feel an intense fire inside8 feel life,lust, passion, emotion "1:#% Chencha en*y Tita for escaping Mom use 7Dear8 to keep children close "1:.% Tita roasting marshmallow slowly gaining 7life8 or passion Aohn propose to her 'e*i*e lo*e "1:2% =rony / Chencha plan to tell Mama a lie that Tita doing bad to keep Mama(s pride but instead gets raped and Mama Deels shamed "1:6% Tita and mother now not bound together by obedience or fear Mom(s pride get in way of relationship "1:6% Mother feel pride but need Tita to take care of her "1<4% Mama(s spit land on fire Mama kills Tita(s fire "1<1% Aohn rekindles fire and lo*e not true lo*e "1<1% Mama taste bitter food 5 her bitter relationship with Tita "1<:% Tita embroider in freedom odd because what mother would force her to do "1<<% Chencha lose purity because of rape odd that most obedient but lose 7pride8 in that "1<3% 7fresh as a head of lettuce8 wears mask to hide shame, emotions underneath "1<#% Tita find Mom(s history Mom lo*e Aose but forced to marry Auan Ce la 9ar?a Mom plan to run with Aose but he gets Filled by bandits! Mom depressed and when Tita born Auan figure out affair he dies of heart attack "1<2% Tita cry for mom unreHuited lo*e also how Mom forced situation on her out of lonliness "1<2% )edro show weakness by not going after Tita care too much about appearance in society and duty etc "1<6% Tita(s lo*e turn into anger and Bealousy "1<6% )edro feel Bealous of Tita(s relationship with Aohn especially with Mama gone "1<6% drama

< August Champandongo "Almonds walnuts onion candied citron etc% Tita cry because of onion sad because cannot ha*e )edro "13$% She cut finger with knife and blood goes into food anger go into food ,, conflicted because Aohn proposing to her "13$% Without Mama >lena Tita(s anger out of control )edro want to name baby after Tita 5 still not o*er TitaI Still in lo*e with her "1:#% 'osaura doesn(t want name to influence baby(s destiny ='G-J/ because baby might get youngest1daughter1care1for 1mom destiny! Also 'osaura still Bealous of Tita "13#% =mpossible for 'osaura to get pregnant again )edro doesn(t need to feel obligated to sleep with her "13#% baby might get youngest1daughter1care1for1mom destiny "13.% -ame >speran?a 5 hope hope from 7destiny8 K13.L >speran?a spend time in kitchen like Tita Fitchen safe etc K13.L ;aby knows when Tita is lea*ing to get married and cries drama, coincidence K132L )edro regret not running away with Tita K136L Steam rising 5 anger growing 5 food reflect her emotions K136L 'osaura trapping family in tradition like Mom K1$4L 7like water for chocolate8 5 Tita boiling o*er in anger lust and passion K1$1L Chencha not there when she needs her drama K1$1L Chencha marry Aesus her first sweetheart e*en if she lost purity 5 true lo*e does not need purity& K1$:L Tita try to pour cold water on herself 5 try to cool hersel*e off of emotions like anger and passion K1$<L Water gets warmer 5 foreshadow coming passion and lust K1$<L )edro spying inspire more anger and passion and lust )edro and Aohn clash in politics etc 5 emotional,irrational lo*e *s rational lo*e K1$$L 9lint in diamond show Aohn(s lo*e for her K1$#L 'osaura mistake tears of sadness in Tita(s eyes for lo*e )edro toast angrily and break glass K1$#L )reference to use shower 5 prefer to get away from Mama >lena and tradition K1$2L Tita free self from traditional 7purity8 and ha*es an affair,se0 with )edro 7learn of true lo*e8 5 passionate,irrational K1$2L 9host of Mama >lena appear 5 physical appearance of Tita(s guilt like MA9=CAL '>AL=SM K1$6L Without Mama >lena though her lust and emotions go out of control with )edro as catalyst 5 D'>>CGM K1$6L September Chocolate and Three Fing(s Cay ;read

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