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IBCC Membership Meeting NIPA Show Nov.

30th, 2013


Iowa Blue Chicken Club Membership Meeting Meeting Minutes November 30th, 2013 1 Call to order 11 President Jim Heinz was absent. Iowa Blue Chicken Club Membership Meeting called to order b !ice President "ari Mc"a #iddel at $%1&pm' (o). *&th' $&1* at +harpless ,uction in Iowa Cit ' I,.

2 -oll call 21 .he /ollowing o//icers0o//icers elect were present% "ari Mc"a #iddel' Connie Hurle ' 1ric Bilne ' 2ora Bilne ' Curt Burroughs. President Jim Heinz was absent.

3 ,ppro)al o/ minutes /rom last meeting 31 Meeting minutes /rom pre)ious were submitted to President Heinz.

! 3ld Business% !1 !oting is nearl completion /or the $&14-$&15 term' ending tomorrow e)ening. ,t this time the )oting shows Curt Burroughs /or President' "ari Mc"a -#iddel leading the !ice President )oting' Connie Hurle /or +ecretar ' and 2ora Bilne /or .reasurer. .his will be /inalized tomorrow and updated on the website.

" (ew Business% "1 Club 3//icer 6uties discussion a# President +et Meeting .imes 0 ,genda Preside o)er the meetings (ewsletter 3)ersight

b# !ice President Club Correspondence Preside o)er meetings in President7s absence

IBCC Membership Meeting +aturda ' 6ecember &8' $&1* c# +ecretar #ebmaster


"eep Club records and minutes' submitting to President 1diting09ormatting /or the club7s productions

$# .reasurer Membership : records and dues 9und Management and -ecords0.a;es

% Committees %1 6iscussion was held o/ what t pes o/ committees would be use/ul /or the $&14 term. .he /ollowing committees were suggested with the /ollowing members in each committee with opportunit /or other members to )olunteer /or each committee. a# +tandards Committee : to begin 1st o/ the ear with a goal o/ re)ising the current standard based on in/ormation gathered in $&1*. "ari Mc"a -#iddel Connie Hurle 1ric Bilne Jenni/er 2ittleton .rish 6usil

b# B 2aws Committee : to re)ise the current suggestions /or b laws /or the club and present to the membership to appro)e /or acceptance. .rish 6usil Curt Burroughs

c# +how and Promotion Committee : responsible /or planning club e)ents0tables as certain shows' shows to be determined b the o//icers. Committee will also e;plore potential /und raising and promotional opportunities /or the club and the Iowa Blue Chicken breed. 1ric Bilne

IBCC Membership Meeting NIPA Show Nov. 30th, 2013 Curt Burroughs Melod +pence


$# (ewsletter Committee : -esponsible /or gathetering content and composing a <uarterl IBCC newsletter. 1ric Bilne 2aura Bilne "ari Mc"a -#iddel Curt Burroughs Connie Hurle =/ormatting0emailing to membership>

& 1-Packet /or (ew Membership &1 &2 &3 &! &" &% Membership cards were discussed. #ill need to decide i/ we will email these cards or i/ the are necessar /or this club. #elcome packets /or new members were suggested% #elcome 2etter : this is alread emailed to new members /or the $&1* ear. Can /ormalize the letter along with a -enewal 2etter /or $&14. ,n ?Iowa Blue and @ouA Brochure 6iscussed creating a links list and breeders list Password /or the members onl section o/ the website.

' +tock 6istribution '1 -aising and distributing should be ma;imized in $&14' we need more numbers /or interested persons and to e;pand the gene pool /or the /uture. 4H ProBects : Budge education is needed' with man Judges not recognizing the breed e;ists. +hows0Promotion committee can work on this. a# Connie Hurle will see about opening an Iowa Blue sub/orm on


IBCC Membership Meeting +aturda ' 6ecember &8' $&1* -4b# : Curt is working with Barr about getting this site updated '3 Chick 6istribution a# #e need to add in/ormation on the site regarding shipping o/ chicks to help with dispersion o/ this breed to interested parties. b# +hipping a)ailabilit through% C+P+ +peedee 6eli)er in the Midwest is another option

( +hows /or $&14 (1 3ptions o/ shows were discussed to ha)e the IBCC promote and stri)e /or membership participation% a# (IP, : Mason Cit : +eptember D*rd weekend b# 1IP, : Iowa Cit : (o)ember D4th weekend c# Iowa +tate 9air : 6es Moines : ,ugust D$nd weekend $# ,)oca : Mother7s 6a #eekend : Ma e# Eales)ille' #I : June D1st weekend )# #I Int7l Poultr +how - Portage' #I : +eptember D2ast #eekend g# (ew Clm' M( : (o)ember D$nd weekend h# Hutchinson' M( : 3ctober i# Columbus0Indianapolis : (ationals (2 +hows selected /or speci/ic promotion% a# (IP,' 1IP,' and the Iowa +tate 9air 10 Mission +tatement /or the Club 10 1 It was decided that the Promotions Committee should work on ideas /or this. 11 Idea Bo; /or the website0club 11 1 #e need to select who the submissions should be sent to' who can submit a list to the o//icers or bring up ideas at a board meeting

IBCC Membership Meeting NIPA Show Nov. 30th, 2013 11 2


+ome ideas would then be selected to publish in the newsletter

11 3 Connie can set this up in the members onl section an an email idea bo; that /orwards to the selected person. 11 ! , membership onl section has been suggested to add to the website /or the upcoming ear with the new administration o/ club dues. 11 " #ill need to maintain an accurate membership list. ,s 2ora will be accepting these dues' she will be in charge o/ the membership list. Connie will /orward the current membership database to her. Connie will need regular updates to keep the website current /or membership and /or generating a mailing list /or club correspondence. 12 6iscussion o/ password protected0members onl content% 12 1 Membership 2ist : (ames will be a)ailable to other members' not necessaril to the general public. 12 2 Contact In/ormation o/ Members : hidden /rom general public' but allowing members to contact each other. 12 3 12 ! Meeting ,gendas and Minutes /rom Past Meetings (ewsletter ,rchi)es

12 " In 6epth Historical ,rchi)es with a short )ersion to be le/t on the general website /or non-paid member education. 12 % , ?Eoal MeterA was suggested' with a listing o/ /inancial goals' ,P, goals' etc. that the club is stri)ing to achie)e' that can be updated to show progress towards the goals. .his will need to be discussed /urther. 13 6onations .ab : add to website /or those wishing to donate to the Club. 13 1 , description o/ membership ad)antages will need to be generated and posted to encourage new membership and to educate paid members on what their dues are a part o/ with a description o/ the /und distributions /rom the club. =.his will also be listed in club minutes in the treasurer7s report. 1! Certi/icates o/ -ecognition 1! 1 It was suggested to award club certi/icates o/ recognition to the /ollowing persons' in the /orm o/ a pla<ue or similar awarded at one o/ the $&14 shows%

IBCC Membership Meeting +aturda ' 6ecember &8' $&1* Elenn 6rowns 1"


Constance Bolson =in honor o/ -ansome Bolson>

,dBournment 1" 1 Meeting ,dBourned 4pm.


Meeting Mintues submitted b +ecretar Hurle to the club o//icers.

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