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2710 Student Questionnaire

1. Name _________________________________________

2. Expected Graduation date _____________

3. Undergrad Major ___________________ Minor _________________________

4. Will you be able to bring a laptop to class? Yes__ No___ Sometimes


For #5 – 9, Highlight the MOST relevant answer.

5. Why did you sign up for this course?

a. Want to – these skills will help me achieve my career goals

b. I need at least basic accounting, finance, &/or analytical skills

c. I want to make my resume look better

d. My Advisor/Parent/Etc urged me to take it

e. Other _______________________________

6. If you had your pick, what kind of business would you like to work for after

a. Retail/Restaurants/Hospitality

b. Sports/Leisure/Entertainment

c. Communications (News, TV, etc)

d. Finance (Banking, Investing, Insurance, etc)

e. Professional Services (Law, Accounting, Consulting to Businesses,


f. Healthcare

g. Education or Government or Community-based not-for-profit

7. What is your long term career aspiration?

a. Corporate

b. Entrepreneur or self-employed

c. Not-for-profit
8. Rate your current analytical skills

a. Pretty good but I want to enhance them

b. I took one course in accounting, economics, or finance – or I did


c. I hate anything to do with math

d. What do you mean by “analytical”?

9. Rank order your top 3 goals for this course:

A. Basic financial skills _____

B. Improve analytical skills _____

C. Find out what “analytical skills” means ___

D. Better understanding of issues key to my chosen career _____

E. Other ______________________________________________________________

10. This course will use a Problem-Based Learning (“PBL”) approach that relies
exclusively on group learning. The professor’s role is one of coach and
facilitator rather than lecturer. Rank your top two concerns about this type
of approach:

A. Work ethic of my group members ___

B. Knowledge/experience of my group members ___

C. My work ethic when it comes to self-directed learning___

D. My fear of the course content ________

E. Other _____________________________________________

11. Describe any challenges you may have with this course you would like me
to be aware of.

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