Prayer Letter 6

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December 2013
God uses Normal people as superheroes
1hls year, Lhe chapel coordlnaLor
ls Leachlng abouL dlfferenL 8lble
characLers whom Cod uses ln
exLraordlnary ways. She once
sald, Cod uses normal people as
superheroes." Per words opened
up wonderful conversaLlons wlLh
Lhe flrsL grade sLudenLs abouL
how Cod can use each of us ln a
speclal way. LasL week, l was
helplng a Pungarlan sLudenL wlLh
a 8lble qulz abouL !oseph. When
he flnlshed, l asked hlm lf he
belleved LhaL Cod would use hlm
llke he used !oseph. 1he llLLle boy
sald, no, he probably won'L use
me llke LhaL." l exclLedly was able
share Cod's Word, uslng
!eremlah 29:11. !"# % &'"( )*+
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8"#64 9,-.'/ )" ,#"/,+# 2"3 .'6
'") )" *.#: 2"34 ,-.'/ )" ;<0+
2"3 *",+ .'6 . 13)3#+=5 1hls llLLle
boy doesn'L know !esus
personally buL l've seen an
lncreaslng curloslLy abouL Lhe
8lble. Pe especlally loves
checklng ouL books and movles
from Lhe llbrary abouL 8lble
characLers. l'm Lhankful for Lhese
sweeL momenLs LhroughouL Lhe
chaos of Lhe day. !oln me ln
praylng for Lhls llLLle boy LhaL he
would know !esus as hls personal
Lord and Savlor.
1hls semesLer has deflnlLely been
busler Lhan lasL year. SweeL
Llanna Clsen loves flrsL grade, as
do l. l'm a close frlend of Lhe
Leacher, whlch makes Lhe
classroom Llme en[oyable (and
qulLe llvely)! 1he school doesn'L
have as many Leachlng asslsLanLs
Lhls year so l've been able Lo help
ouL more ln Lhe classroom.

Lauras Lens
Hungary address:
International Christian School
of Budapest
c/o Laura Decker
Ifjsg tca 11
H-2049 Disd, Hungary


The wonderful ladies who work in the
Special Education department

Lorem Ipsum

l've had a fronL row seaL lnLo Lhe
llfe of a Leacher. Wow-lL's a loL
of work! lL's amazlng Lo be
surrounded by /" many
lncredlble Leachers who are /"
passlonaLe abouL Lhelr work.
AnoLher aspecL of my [ob has
been worklng wlLh a sLudenL
who has auLlsm. Pls famlly
recenLly moved Lo Lhe 8udapesL
area. When Lhey heard abouL
Lhe speclal educaLlon program aL
lCS8, Lhey asked lf we could
work wlLh Lhelr son. WhaL a
LreaL Lo be able Lo help Lhls llLLle
8askeLball has sLarLed and, boy,
am l ever exclLed! l Lhlnk l mlghL
be more exclLed Lhan Lhe
sLudenLs. We had 16 glrls Lry ouL
Lhls year so l'll have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo coach Lhe !v
Leam agaln as well as asslsL Lhe
varslLy. l am very Lhankful Lo
have Lhls mlnlsLry. lL'll be a greaL
season, l'm sure!
As l hlL Lhe halfway polnL of Lhe
school year, l'm reallzlng LhaL my
Llme ln Pungary ls almosL
flnlshed. lL's been surreal Lo
Lhlnk abouL Lhe end of Lhe year
Prayer and Praise Corner
ralse.for baskeLball sLarLlng.for
wonderful momenLs wlLh Lhe hlgh
school glrl l menLor.for new
frlendshlps.for Skype & laceLlme!
rayer.Lo make meanlngful
frlendshlps wlLhln Lhe communlLy.for
perseverance Lhrough Lhe dark
Pungarlan wlnLer.for fuLure plans
afLer Lhls year
Miss Stobbe, the first grade teacher, and
her students
I participated in a fairy tale murder
mystery night at the high school fall party
Friends from The Orchard visited
Lianna and her friend, Bri

already. My plans are very
LenLaLlve aL Lhls polnL buL l do
plan Lo reLurn Lo Lhe
Chlcagoland area ln !une. lease
be ln prayer for me as l flgure
ouL whaL ls nexL. Also, please be
ln prayer for 8[orn and 1rlsha
Clsen as Lhey search for anoLher
l've greaLly appreclaLed your
prayers, flnanclal supporL,
encouraglng emalls, and
lacebook commenLs Lhrough
Lhese pasL few monLhs. As we
celebraLe Lhe blrLh of our Savlor,
l am praylng LhaL you have
sweeL, resLful momenLs wlLh
your famllles and frlends. 1hank
you for belng my superheroes!
Merry ChrlsLmas and Pappy new

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