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Rubric for Lit Circle Essay CRITERIA Exemplary

9 points

$ points At least connections are ma!e bet"een texts# %ost connections are ma!e clear# $ points

Partially Proficient
points &e"er t'an connections are ma!e bet"een texts# Some connections are ma!e clear# points Essay is some"'at "ell or,ani-e!# Lo,ic is !ifficult to follo" at times an! transitions are unclear# ) points T'e text 'as errors in ,rammar0 capitali-ation0 punctuation0 an! spellin, re2uirin, e!itin, an! re.ision# 34 or more errors5

( points &e"er t'an ) connections are ma!e bet"een texts# Connections are not ma!e clear# ( points Essay is !isor,ani-e!# Lo,ic is !ifficult to follo" an! transitions are unclear# ( points T'e text 'as many errors in ,rammar0 capitali-ation0 punctuation0 an! spellin, re2uirin, ma6or e!itin, an! re.ision# 3more t'an 7 errors5 ( points

POINTS ***+9


At least connections are ma!e bet"een texts# All connections are ma!e clear# 9 points


Or,ani-atio Essay is .ery "ell n

Essay is "ell or,ani-e!# Lo,ic is or,ani-e!# Lo,ic is easy to follo" an! mostly easy to follo" transitions are clear# an! transitions are some"'at clear# $ points 1 points T'e text 'as a fe" errors in ,rammar0 capitali-ation0 punctuation0 an! spellin, re2uirin, minor e!itin, an! re.ision#


/ritin, %ec'anics

T'e text 'as no errors in ,rammar0 capitali-ation0 punctuation0 an! spellin,#

$ points

1 points

) points


Re2uireme Essay is at least ) nts

Essay is less t'an ) pa,es in len,t'# It is pa,es in len,t'# It is type! in 8)9point type! in 8)9point font "it' one9inc' font "it' one9inc' mar,ins# mar,ins#

Essay is less t'an ) Essay is less t'an ) pa,es in len,t'# Type pa,es in len,t'# It is inconsistent "it' is 'an!"ritten# re2uirements#

***+ ( TOTAL POINTS A!apte! from Uni.ersity of /isconsin: 'ttps:++""")#u"stout#e!u+content+prof!e.+rubrics+"ebpa,erubric#'tml

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