Brian Dialogue 2

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DIALOGUE EXERCISE INT. OFFICE RYAN sits at the desk on a computer, diligently typing, totally absorbed in his work.

BRIAN walks in, hovering over his shoulder. BRIAN Were the janitors still here when you got here this morning? Ryan doesnt look away from the monitor. RYAN I got here at 4:30. Brian yells rather loudly, in an English accent: BRIAN Four thirty! Four thirty! Four thirty! Four thirty! Four thirty! Four thirty! RYAN If you dont stop, Im going to write down your dialogue and send it off to school again. (beat) You know what? Im going to do it, actually. How many times did you just yell four thirty at me? BRIAN About six times, in all different accents. RYAN But they all sounded the same. Brian laughs maniacally-- then looks at the monitor to see the IMDB page for SHARKNADO. BRIAN Sharknado! What the hell is that? Im guessing a tornado with sharks? RYAN A very astute observation, Brian. Hence then name.


Brian ignores the insult and shows Ryan a picture he had just saw on his phone. Its a picture of GRUMPY CAT in a Darth Vader helmet with a caption that reads: LUKE: I DONT CARE.

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