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Daily Lesson Plan for

Date &ourse Math1.eometry Topic of Lesson: Shapes VA SOL: Math 1.12 Essential Question: The student will identify and trace, describe, and sort plane geometric figures (triangle, square, rectangle, and circle) according to number of sides, ertices, and right angles. Key Terms: !ircle, square, rectangle, triangle, sides, ertices, right angles, angles, identify Engage: (Time: 5 minutes "ollowing pre#assessment, hold up the $ shapes and tell the students that we are going to learn all about these shapes% Tell them that shapes are all around us, so we need to &now about them. 'e(re going to learn to draw them, trace them, find them, sort them, and identify them by their rules% E!plore: (Time: "# minutes )ass out plastic shapes to the class so that they can ha e something in their hand as we tal& about the shapes. Start with the circle and identify it, e*plain that it is a cur ed line that connects% Then show the other + shapes and identify them. ,o shapes one at a time so that students don(t confuse them. E!plain: (Time: $5 minutes -*plain and demonstrate what sides are, what ertices are, and what right angles are. Ma&e an anchor chart with the shapes listed, and columns for the sides, ertices, and right angles. .o through the remaining shapes and identify them, count sides, count ertices, and count right angles. !omplete anchor chart as you go. !ount each item se eral times and ha e students say it with you.. E!ten%: (Time: "# minutes Tell the students that now that we &now about these shapes, we(re going to loo& around our classroom and see how many we can find. Spend about /#10 minutes ta&ing turns 'ell(s or 'loc( Math

identifying shapes in the room, and gi ing details about them. )oint out shapes if needed to ma&e sure that all $ shapes are co ered. E)aluate: (Time: "5 minutes 2and out blan& paper. 2a e students draw all $ shapes, then write the number of sides, ertices, and right angles inside the shape. )ut &ey words on the board to help them. .uide this practice and lea e anchor chart up for them to refer bac& to. *aterials: )lastic shapes 3lan& paper

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